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WWE Smackdown Results 11/10/16

WWE Smackdown Results

Show                        :                    WWE Smackdown

Venue                       :                    San Jose, California 

Date                          :                    11 Oct 2016

WWE Smackdown Results

A video bundle runs highlighting No Mercy on Sunday including Dolph Ziggler vanquishing The Miz to end up the new WWE Intercontinental Champion and AJ Styles crushing John Cena and Dean Ambrose to hold the WWE World Championship.

We go live inside the SAP Center in San Jose.

The new WWE Intercontinental Champion, Dolph Ziggler, is out first to commence the appear. Ziggler gets a mic as he gets a major response from the gathering of people in San Jose. A "YOU DESERVE IT" serenade breaks out. Ziggler holds up the title and says we did it. He discusses giving his feelings a chance to show signs of improvement of him as of late, however didn't know whether he would have been here today for Smackdown Live. Ziggler said on the off chance that you don't trust him you can check the see catch on the guide for this very appear. He didn't know whether Sunday at No Mercy would have been the last time for him in WWE. Ziggler said he thought perhaps he committed an error putting everything hanging in the balance. "I had." said he knew this is the place he has a place. "This is my home. Furthermore, regardless, at No Mercy, The Miz, Maryse, The Spirit Squad, damnation was going to solidify over, however I was exiting your Intercontinental champion."

The Miz exits with Maryse to interfere. Miz and Maryse are all wearing dark. Miz snatches a mic, remains by Maryse and bows his head with her. Ziggler inquires as to whether they plan to say something. Miz slices him off and needs to grieve the demise of the Intercontinental title. "Is it accurate to say that you are glad? Is everyone glad?" He said Sunday finished the glory of the Intercontinental title and how he did that all alone. Miz said Ziggler's triumph is a burial service for the historical backdrop of that title. He said we have not achieved the end of the story. "This is simply act two." Miz said Ziggler as champion is a brief delay and that a last demonstration is coming where the legend gets the young lady. He said he as of now has the young lady and he will be recovering his title.

Ziggler said he has something to say today evening time. He has video play from Sunday night where Ziggler got the pinfall triumph over Miz including a dose of an exceptionally resentful Miz. Ziggler inquires as to whether he was crying and inquires as to whether he plants to cry at this moment. Miz inquires as to whether he supposes this is entertaining. He said that face he made on Sunday was feeling everything making tracks in an opposite direction from him. The group begins up a "YOU WERE CRYING" serenade. Miz cuts off Ziggler and discusses taking his, genuinely. He advises Ziggler to envision what he will do to get it back in the event that he filled in as hard as he did to keep him. "I'm not finished with you. Furthermore, nor are they."

The Spirit Squad (Mikey and Kenny) turn out and are prepared for an incapacitate coordinate.

WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler versus The Spirit Squad

Mikey begins things off with Ziggler getting him with a kick to the face. Ziggler rapidly dumps Mikey out of the ring. Kenny dodges a dropkick and clotheslines Kenny over the top rope. The Miz and Maryse sit down at ringside as we go to a break.

We get a split screen with the activity proceeding inside the ring with plugs on the right side (no sound from the match). Miz diverts Ziggler at ringside as Kenny gets in a shot and drops an elbow over Ziggler on the ring smock. Kenny with a step over the substance of Ziggler. Tag to Mikey who hurls Ziggler tot he corner. Ziggler gets him with an elbow and dropkick combo. Tag back to Kenny after Mikey pushes Ziggler to the corner. Kenny with a speedy suplex on Ziggler and hops into a wrestler's hold.

Business break finishes up as the activity proceeds. Kenny still has Ziggler in a wrestler's hold. Kenny levels Ziggler with a brisk rope and labels in Mikey. Kenny keeps Ziggler down and labels in Mikey. Kenny was favoring his ribs after that clothesline shot. Ziggler gets a sleeper on Mikey. Mikey splits it up sending Ziggler to the corner. Ziggler trips up Kenny and drops him down face first on the ring cook's garment. Ziggler with a move up on Mikey, yet Kenny got the tag to split it up. Ziggler counters both Mikey and Kenny hitting a twofold DDT. Ziggler with a sprinkle in the corner and rehashed clotheslines on Kenny. Mikey with a shot on Ziggler setting up a bouncing clothesline by Kenny for a two check. Ziggler counters out of a powerbomb endeavor and afterward gets Kenny with a superkick to get the pinfall.

Champ: Dolph Ziggler

After the match, The Miz instantly assaults Dolph Ziggler and hits a Skull Crushing Finale. JBL advises us that Miz gets a required rematch for the Intercontinental title. Miz advises Mikey and Kenny to get Ziggler when Heath Slater and Rhyno hit the ring to make the spare. Miz, Mikey and Kenny all safeguard. Slater and Rhyno help Ziggler up.

Becky Lynch protecting the WWE Smackdown Women's Championship against Alexa Bliss on November 8 when Smackdown Live is in Glasgow, Scotland is advanced.

Randy Orton and Kane go up against Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper later today evening time.

Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan have a declaration about the forthcoming Survivor Series PPV on November 20 in Toronto up next.

A video bundle show with highlights from The Miz versus Dolph Ziggler on Sunday at No Mercy with footage joined in from the new WWE 2K17 computer game.

Backstage, Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon discuss the 30th yearly Survivor Series coming up on November 20. They propose three 5-on-5 Traditional Survivor Series end matches with Smackdown Live stars versus Crude stars. This would incorporate the 5 best singles stars, the 5 best label groups and the 5 best ladies from both brands.

Carmella is out next. Prior today, Renee Young chatted with Nikki Bella about Total Bellas. Nikki discussed beating Carmella at No Mercy. Carmella assaults Nikki and said one of nowadays her profession is going to come tumbling down.

Carmella versus Naomi

Carmella assaults Naomi before the match authoritatively starts. The arbitrator pulls Carmella off of Naomi. We see an injection of Naomi attempting to recuperate as we go to a break.

We return live as Carmella has a headlock on Naomi. An injection of Alexa Bliss observing backstage is appeared. Carmella kicks Noami away in the corner. Naomi with a split legged jawbreaker on Carmella. Naomi with hopping body kicks to Carmella and completions her off with a kick to the head. Naomi sends Carmella directly into the second turnbuckle, goes up top and gets Carmella with a flying cross body for a two tally. Carmella wraps Naomi up on the second rope in the corner and after that pummels her down on her neck. Carmella is hauling Naomi out from the corner as we see a fix of Nikki Bella strolling down the incline. WWE authorities are keeping Nikki down. Naomi with a move up on Carmella to get the win.

Victor: Naomi

After the match, Nikki Bella hits the ring and pursues Carmella. Carmella safeguards. Nikki hops out and pursues Carmella back inside the ring. Nikki gets the feet of Carmella. Carmella breaks free, hops over the ring blockade and races to the back. Nikki Bella bounced back in the ring and embraces Naomi. They both celebrate with the fans.

Backstage, we get word from Alexa Bliss. She discusses being amazed about facing Naomi at No Mercy rather than Alexa Bliss for the Smackdown Women's Championship. Joy said she could beat Noami anytime. Daniel Bryan strolls up to intrude. He proposes she confront Naomi one week from now on Smackdown Live.

WWE World Champion AJ Styles will hold a triumph discourse will occur this evening.

A clasp from the season debut of "Aggregate Bellas" was appeared.

Jimmy Uso w/Jey Uso versus Chad Gable w/Jason Jordan

Peak with a takedown from the get-go Jimmy and pursues the left arm. Peak with another takedown working over the left arm of Jimmy. Jimmy gets Gable with a boot to the gut and takes after with a samoan drop. Jimmy with a headlock on Gable. Peak pulls Jimmy over the top rope in a head scissors. Back in the ring, Gable with right hands to Jimmy in the corner. Jimmy slides out and after that gets Jimmy with a springboard clothesline. Peak with an exploder suplex on Jimmy. Peak with an armbar on the left arm of Jimmy over the ropes. Jimmy battles off, Gable jumps over Jimmy, Jimmy with a move up, Jey slides his legs in pushing up the back of Jimmy and Jimmy gets the pinfall without the ref seeing.

Champ: Jimmy Uso

Backstage, we see Mojo Rawley warming up when Zack Ryder strolls up. Ryder said the Smackdown Live label group division is stacked. Rawley said this is the reason they have been putting in the work. He asked where Ryder was the previous evening. Rawley said he had a group of young ladies and blamed Ryder for staying in his lodging playing with activity figures. The Ascension strolls up. Rawley blames them for watching him change. The Ascension strolls off.

Randy Orton and Kane versus Whinny Wyatt and Luke Harper is set for later today evening time.

AJ Styles Victory Speech

WWE World Champion AJ Styles heads to the ring and snatches a mic. "The champ… is… here!" Styles says that has a decent ring to it. He discusses beating Dean Ambrose and John Cena. "I beat John Cena and Dean Ambrose in the meantime at No Mercy. I imply that is simply not incredible. That is incredible." Styles advises the fans to cheer for him and calls them failures. He said he has space for one on this temporary fad and recommends the fans cheer for Cena. Styles said you can't do that since he's out caught up with attempting to be Kelly Ripa's co-have. He then recommends they cheer for Dean Ambrose. Styles asks why the fans would cheer for that "insane person failure." He reminds everybody he beat Cena and Ambrose again and raises how a few people may not precisely like how it went down. "I am a champ and victors figure out how to win." Styles reminds everybody again how he beat Cena and Ambrose in the meantime. He said most champions would take a year off, perhaps a month or even the night. Styles said he knows Smackdown is the place that is known for fresh new chances and needs to give somebody

Senior member Ambrose exits. Styles says he wasn't alluding to Ambrose when he said he had a headliner star prepared to face this evening. Ambrose says Styles doesn't need any piece of him. Styles says everybody realizes that two men can't beat another making him tap out in a triple danger coordinate. Ambrose said nobody on this list is bouncing him in the line. Styles says that is fine since this person isn't right now on the list.

James Ellsworth exits. Styles puts his arm around Ellsworth presenting him. Ambrose touches Ellsworth and Styles advises Ambrose not to touch him. Styles discusses Ellsworth getting assaulted by The Miz a couple of weeks prior and not getting a reasonable shot. He says Ellsworth will confront him today evening time in a non-title match and advises Ambrose to beat it. Ambrose says he must be straightforward: he needs to see this and alludes to him as Ellsworth 3:16 and how in the event that you have two clench hands up, you have a battling shot. He needs to sit down at ringside and Styles instructs him to make a beeline for the back so he doesn't occupy Ellsworth.

General Manager Daniel Bryan exits to intrude. He discusses being a tremendous James Ellsworth fan. Bryan books the match for right now, however includes that Dean Ambrose won't be at ringside. He said that is on the grounds that Ambrose will be the extraordinary visitor arbitrator. Ambrose takes the shirt off the official in the match and puts it on. Bryan reminds Styles that in the event that he puts his hands on the official, he will be fined or suspended. Ambrose begins tucking in his arbitrator shirt and begins giving things out of his pocket to Styles.

Non-Title Match

Guest Referee: Dean Ambrose

WWE World Champion AJ Styles versus James Ellsworth

The ringer rings and ref Dean Ambrose keeps an eye on both Styles and Ellsworth.

We make a beeline for a business break, however get another split screen as we keep on seeing the move making place in the ring. Ambrose continues hindering lock up endeavors by Styles and Ellsworth. Bolt up and Styles pushes Ellsworth to the corner. Ambrose gets both and pulls them separated amidst the ring. Ambrose is giving Ellsworth pointers around an arm drag. Ambrose occupies Styles and Ellsworth with an arm delay Styles!

We return authoritatively with discourse as Styles gets in a shot on Ellsworth in the corner. Bolt up and Styles with elbows to Ellsworth in the corner. Styles with kicks to Ellsworth. Ambrose keeps a shut clench hand shot by Styles. Ellsworth comes back with his very own fix. Ellsworth safeguards, Styles pursues, they get back in the ring and Ambrose trips up Styles. Ellsworth with a move up for a two tally. Styles with a clothesline that levels Ellsworth. Styles with a speedy suplex on Ellsworth. Styles with a backbreaker on Ellsworth. Ellsworth pushes Styles to the corner. Styles moves Ellsworth up into the Calf Crusher. Ambrose puts on a show to accept a telephone approach his cell phone as Ellsworth begins tapping. 

Styles softens the hold and gets up the substance of Ambrose asking what he's doing. Styles hurls Ellsworth out of the ring. Ambrose tells Styles that Ellsworth is a tyke. Styles includes, "He's not a tyke. He's a developed man!" Styles goes to the outside with Ellsworth. Ambrose begins a quick tally and Styles scarcely gets Ellsworth and himself back inside the ring to break the number. Styles again hurls Ellsworth out of the ring. Ambrose hurls him back inside the ring, goes to sign a signature at ringside and afterward take a selfie when Ambrose tears up the blurb hollering at Ambrose. Styles with a Styles Clash on Ellsworth. Ambrose gets to two and stops the pinfall. Styles gets up and Ambrose associates with Dirty Deeds. Both Ellsworth and Styles are down. Ambrose drags Ellsworth on top of Styles, begins tallying the pinfall and Styles gets a shoulder up after two. Ambrose gets a drink at ringside, comes back to the ring and hits another Dirty Deeds on Styles. Ambrose puts Ellsworth on top of Styles and numbers the pinfall!

Champ: James Ellsworth

After the match, Dean Ambrose drags James Ellsworth out of the ring and holds up his arm in triumph. Ellsworth falls on the slope as we see a fix of AJ Styles simply beginning to recuperate inside the ring. Ellsworth is still caved in and tired on the slope.

Backstage, Randy Orton goes over Kane. He inquires as to whether he needs to join the party this evening against Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper. Kane says he is in.

Backstage, AJ Styles is hollering at Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon. Shane reminds Styles that he is the one that needed the match in any case. He said it is currently official: AJ Styles lost to James Ellsworth. Styles is disturbed and says he needs to take things into his own hands. Styles leaves and Bryan tells Shane he has a thought for Ellsworth one week from now.

Whinny Wyatt and Luke Harper make a beeline for the ring. Harper has a mic. "This world has put me to rest. In any case, now I am wide conscious and I have seen the light." Wyatt takes the mic. "Furthermore, that light is sparkling brighter than it ever has." He said a dark opening expends everything close it, however from this dark gap comes the animals of strength. Wyatt advises Orton to bring on his creature since he brought his. He tumbles to his knees snickering.

Randy Orton and Kane versus Bawl Wyatt and Luke Harper

We begin with Kane and Luke Harper. Harper with a couple of shots on Kane and tag to Bray Wyatt. Wyatt right hands to Kane. Kane tosses Wyatt to the corner and gets in his very own few privileges. Wyatt with a kick to Kane from the corner, yet eats a major boot from Kane. Wyatt takes off and Randy Orton kicks him then sends him back inside the ring. Kane goes for a chokeslam early. Wyatt counters out and safeguards to the outside sitting down.

We return live as Orton hits a superplex on Harper off the top rope! Tag to Kane who drops Harper with a shoulder handle, sprinkle in the corner twice and after that a side hammer for a two number. Kane with a kick to the substance of Harper and after that gets Wyatt by the throat. Kane likewise gets Harper by the throat. Wyatt hops down and Harper hits a dropkick on Kane! Kane moves to the outside and Wyatt sends him confront first into the ring. Wyatt then hurls Kane into the ring blockade at ringside. Wyatt hurls Kane back inside the ring, gets the tag and interfaces with a running senton sprinkle over Kane for a two check. Tag to Harper as Wyatt holds the arms of Kane setting up a kick to the gut by Harper. Harper with steps to Kane in the corner and labels Wyatt back in. Wyatt with knees and steps to Kane. 

Tag to Harper who gets in a slap uppercut to Kane. Kane with a bouncing DDT on Harper. Labels to Orton and Wyatt. Orton with clotheslines to Wyatt. Orton with a snap powerslam on Wyatt. Orton with a Lou Thesz Press on Wyatt with right hands. Wyatt hauls Orton out of the ring, Orton with rights, an uppercut and sends Wyatt confront leading the report table. Orton hurls a charging Harper over the declare table and clotheslines Wyatt all things considered. Orton sends Wyatt into the ring blockade and after that the steel steps. Orton hurls Wyatt back inside. Wyatt charges, Orton evades him, Wyatt is on the ring cook's garment and Orton pulls him in hitting his DDT off the ropes. Orton is starting up for a RKO. Kane keeps Harper from meddling. Harper is back in as Kane comes back to his corner. Harper with a superkick on Orton with the arbitrator diverted. Wyatt misses a senton sprinkle when Orton moves. Orton is attempting to tag in Kane when the lights go out. When they return, Harper is presently standing where Kane was and Kane is gone. Wyatt with Sister Abigail on Orton for the pinfall.

Champs: Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper

After the match, Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper celebrate on the incline to close the appear.

Match Results:

* WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler def. The Spirit Squad in an incapacitate coordinate

* Naomi def. Nikki Bella

* Jimmy Uso def. Chad Gable

* James Ellsworth def. WWE World Champion AJ Styles in a non-title coordinate

* Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper def. Randy Orton and Kane

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