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WWE Raw 26 sep 2016 Results

 WWE Raw Results

Show                        :                    WWE Raw
Venue                       :                    Cincinnati, Ohio
Date                         :                     26 Sep 2016

WWE Raw Results

We go straight into the field to see the cheering group. Roman Reigns' music hits, and the WWE United States Champion advances toward the ring. We're kicking this evening's hotshot with a United States Championship match. Rusev is as of now in the ring.

Still photographs are appeared of Roman Reigns versus Rusev from the previous evening's Clash of Champions. Rules crushed Rusev to win the WWE United States Championship.

WWE United States Championship Match

Rusev w/Lana versus Roman Reigns

The ringer rings, and they circle the ring before Rusev brings him down with a front facelock. Rusev snaps up on it and snares the leg to get a one number. Rusev keeps on attempting to bind him, however Reigns keeps battling up. Rusev keeps the front facelock connected before Reigns turns out with a hammerlock. Rusev battles up, and Reigns applies a side headlock. Rusev whips him off, however Reigns shoulder squares him down twice before bringing him down with a headlock. Rules is getting cheered significantly all the more this evening. Rusev pulls the hair and applies a head-scissor. Rules kips up out of it, yet Rusev rapidly brings him withdraw before applying a waistlock. Rules battles up and counters with a headlock takeover. Rusev battles up and counters out with a back suplex. Rusev shoulders him in the back before stepping the back. Rusev associates with a suplex for a two number. Rusev shoulders him in the back a couple times before Reigns returns with some right hands. Rusev rapidly controls him to the corner, yet Reigns evades a torrential slide. Reigns clubs away at him in the corner nine times before associating with a right hand. Rules moves him up and tries for the lifting powerbomb, however Reigns' back gives out. Rusev then brings him down with a fall-away pummel. Rules takes off of the ring to recuperate.

We return from the break to see Rusev insulting the group while Reigns is down on the mat. Rules gradually gets to his feet, and Rusev punches him directly down. Rusev sends him into the ropes and applies a huge squeeze. Rusev holds it on for some time before Reigns breaks his grasp and punches him. Rules punches him back before hitting the ropes, however Rusev rapidly returns with a dropkick. Rusev pulls him up and executes a gutwrench suplex for a two number. Rusev hits a second gutwrench suplex for the same result. Rusev mounts him and punches away at him. Rusev gets up and kicks him in the ribs. Rusev torrential slides him against the ropes and gets another two number. Rusev instantly does a reversal to the shoulder embrace. Rules battles up, yet he has a whip to the corner switched. Rules rapidly pops out of the corner and clotheslines him down.

Rules gets up and begins punching him before having a whip switched. Rules rapidly brings him down with two clotheslines before hitting a jumping clothesline. Reigns sizes him up and torrential slides him in the corner before huge booting him down. Rules sets up for the Superman Punch, however Rusev counters with a giant squeeze. Rusev brings him close to the ropes, and they both go over the top rope! Rules' legs smacked on the back of Rusev's head in transit down!

We return from the break to see Rusev moves Reigns into the ring to get a close fall. Amid the business, Rusev drove Reigns' once more into the ring post. Back to real to life, Rusev props him up on the top rope and punches him. Rusev goes for a superplex, however Reigns punches out of it and head-butts him down to the mat. Rules then takes off the second rope with a jumping clothesline. Both men are down. Rusev pulls himself up in the corner. Rules charges him, however Rusev counters with a boot to the face. Rusev charges out of the corner, however Reigns gets him with a Samoan Drop for a close fall. Rules goes for a powerbomb, however his back gives out. Rusev gets out and goes for a roundhouse, yet Reigns ducks it. They exchange punches before Rusev floors him with a turning heel kick for a close fall. Rusev gives him some falling head-butts for another two tally. Rusev then goes to the top rope, yet Reigns appears and punches him off the top rope to the floor. Rules sends him flying with a baseball slide before placing him in the ring. Rusev kicks him in the head as he returns into the ring and grabs a close fall. Rusev is skeptical.

Rusev goes for a running kick, yet Reigns stays away from it. Rules goes for a Superman Punch, yet Rusev gets him for a waistlock. Rules punches out of it and hits the ropes, however Rusev superkicks him down for a close fall! Rusev signals for the Accolade. Rusev steps the spine and goes for a moment step, however Reigns turns over and pieces it. Rules pushes him away and floors him with a Superman Punch for a close fall. Rules can't trust it! Reigns sets up in the corner, and the group is on their feet. Lana gets on the cook's garment for the diversion, yet Reigns discovers the running kick. Rules pushes him out of the ring, goes outside, and associates with a Drive By Dropkick. Rules skips Rusev off the means before punching him over the blockade. The official excludes them, as they battle through the group.

Twofold Count-Out

Roman Reigns is still the WWE United States Champion

Rules and Rusev skip each other off a few segments in the group before advancing back to ringside. Rusev sends Reigns into the blockade various times before Reigns battles back. Rules then sends Rusev hard into the blockade. Rules jumps off the steel ventures for a Superman Punch, however Rusev hits him in the ribs with a steel seat! Rusev splits the seat off Reigns' harmed back before placing him in the ring. Rusev gets in and sizes up his prey. Rusev smacks the seat off the mat a couple times before charging, however Reigns lances him down to a major pop from the group. Rules gets the seat, and a "YES" serenade breaks out. Rules appears as though he's going to strike him with the seat, however he rather sets it up, which causes the group of onlookers to moan, and takes a seat before lifting up the WWE United States Championship. Rules' music plays, however he then gets up and breaks it off Rusev has returned to the pleasure of the group! Rusev escapes the ring as Reigns stances for the group.

The business for WWE 2K17 show, including an appearance by the as of late discharged Alberto Del Rio.

The New Day will guard their RAW Tag Team Championships against Gallows and Anderson in a Clash of Champions rematch. Coming up next, we'll get notification from Mick Foley.

Mick Foley talks about the dubious end to the Best of 7 Series

The RAW General Manager, Mick Foley, is in the ring. We see still photographs of the totally merciless match amongst Cesaro and Sheamus that finished when the official decided neither one of the mans could proceed. Foley says at Clash of Champions the previous evening, Sheamus and Cesaro finished their Best of 7 Series in an exciting match that finished because of restorative stoppage. Their Best of 7 Series finished in a draw. Foley says he'd like to welcome both contenders over here.

Sheamus is presented in the first place, and he turns out with his left knee and right elbow all secured. Sheamus limps down to the ring. Cesaro is out by a major gathering. Cesaro alters his neck, which must hurt after the messed up suicide plunge. Foley begins to talk, yet Sheamus cuts him off. Sheamus asks how this is even a talk. At the point when Mick Foley made the Best of 7 Series, he said that the man that the most physically prevailing would get a title opportunity. Cesaro says that is the reason he's here. Sheamus says Foley let them know both that. Sheamus advises the group to be peaceful. Sheamus says they beat the hellfire out of each other the previous evening and doesn't need a "wishy washy" reaction. Foley said the man that was the most physically overwhelming would get a title opportunity. On the off chance that that is not him, he doesn't recognize what arrangement Foley was viewing. Cesaro says he was remaining in the ring the previous evening prepared to battle while Sheamus was hurrying without end in the stroll of disgrace. Sheamus says he was dragged out by four individuals and needed to battle. Cesaro says he could have through them. They backpedal and forward over who is the most predominant before Foley yells, "Enough!" Sheamus says he is superior to anything Cesaro and is finished with him.

Foley says Sheamus is correct… as is Cesaro. They both demonstrated they could be physically predominant and drew out the best in each other. Foley can't in great inner voice say one was a champ and one was a failure. Subsequent to taking some real time to contemplating, he's going to allow them two title open doors. These are not separate open doors. They'll be having the same title opportunity. They'll be fighting together for the WWE Tag Team Championships! Cesaro says he just experienced a Best of 7 Series and won't impart a ring to him. Sheamus likewise contends the choice. Foley says they don't need to like it, however that is his choice. In the event that they choose to do it, they'll confront the champs of the accompanying match.

The New Day advances toward the ring, as Cesaro tosses his amplifier down in disdain. Cesaro escapes the ring and clears out. The RAW Tag Team Championships will be hanging in the balance, next.

Crude Tag Team Championships Match

The New Day (c's) versus Scaffold and Anderson

We join the match in advancement. Karl Anderson sends Kofi Kingston into the ropes, however Kingston dropkicks him down. Kingston and Big E speak to The New Day. Kingston baseball slides Luke Gallows down before he assaults Big E. Anderson goes over the top rope, however Kingston punches him. Kingston gets in the ring, ducks a clothesline, and kicks him down. The New Day begins the unicorn charge before Gallows pulls Big E off the smock and boots him down. Anderson then thumps Kingston over the top rope. Hangman's tree then turns Kingston back to front with a clothesline on the floor! Anderson goes outside and sizes Kingston up before laying him out with a running boot. Anderson places him in the ring for a two check. Hangman's tree is labeled in, and he clubs away at Kingston before giving him an uppercut. Scaffold charges, yet Kingston boots him in the face. Hangman's tree prevents him from making a tag and sends him into the ropes, yet Kingston springboards off the ropes. Hangman's tree counters him by giving him a chokeslam for a close fall.

We return from the break to see Kingston attempt to tag Big E, yet Anderson stops him. Anderson brings him down with a running sit-out powerbomb for a two check. Hangman's tree is labeled in, and he tosses Kingston to the corner before punching him and associating with a major kick. Hangman's tree falls off the second rope and eats a boot. Anderson rapidly labels in, however Kingston stays away from a head-butt.

Enormous E is labeled in, and he hits Anderson with a couple of tummy to-stomach overhead suplexes before hitting a paunch to-gut side suplex. Huge E rotates before clotheslining Gallows out of the ring. Kingston then clotheslines Gallows on the floor. Anderson rapidly rolls Big E up for a two tally. Huge E sends Anderson into the corner and charges, however Anderson avoids him and Big E hits the ring post bear first. Anderson brings him down with a running boot for a close fall. Anderson sizes him up and charges, however Big E sends him to the cook's garment. Enormous E then brings him out with a suicide plunge lance. Huge E gets Anderson in the ring and labels in Kingston. Xavier Woods plays "Taps" as they hit the Midnight Hour, however Gallows splits it up. Hangman's tree goes for a two-gave chokeslam, yet Kingston shows him out of the ring. Kingston gets the group going, yet Anderson escapes the ring. Enormous E is labeled in, and Kingston grabs a head of steam, yet Gallows hauls him out of the ring and sends him into the means. Anderson then kicks Big E in the back of the head before falling off the second rope with a flying neckbreaker. Hangman's tree is labeled in, and they hit Big E with the Magic Killer, yet Kingston separates the pin! Scaffold tosses Kingston out of the ring and kicks Woods in the head at ringside. Anderson is labeled back in, and he sizes up Big E. Huge E labels in Kingston, who is totally busted completely open. Kingston springboards off the top rope, yet Anderson gets him. Kingston returns with a DDT before tossing Gallows out of the ring. Kingston then hits Anderson with Trouble in Paradise for the win. The New Day's Tag Team Title rule will surpass 400 days.

Victors and still RAW Tag Team Champions: The New Day

Still photographs are appeared from the previous evening's WWE Universal Championship headliner. Kevin Owens gave Seth Rollins a gut-buster off the second rope, harming his ribs. Chris Jericho then kept running down and helped Owens get the win after the ref was thumped out. Stephanie McMahon sent a second arbitrator down once force swung to support Owens.

A video from WWE.com is demonstrated that was recorded after Clash of Champions finished. Stephanie McMahon kissed her significant other, Triple H, got in a limousine with him, and drove off.

Moderate movement footage is appeared of Kevin Owens' super gut-buster on Seth Rollins. Rollins was looked at and it was uncovered he has harm to his ribs. Rollins is not medicinally cleared to contend today evening time.

Coming up today evening time, Chris Jericho will have WWE Universal Champion, Kevin Owens, on The Highlight Reel.

We go backstage to see Cesaro and Sheamus contending. Mick Foley strolls up and says he's not disturbing them. He watched their match with two other WWE Hall of Famers with mouths agape. Foley says they're two of the best hotshots he's ever seen. He can't put them out there for an eighth match since he hazards losing one of them for good. Once in a while, you set up together two individuals that don't care for each other in a label group and enchantment happens. In the event that they're willing to do it, he'll put them out in a match this evening. Foley needs to demonstrate the WWE Universe what he's known from the beginning: they're two of the best. Foley was exceptionally energetic in his conveyance.

Anna Fields versus Bayley

Anna Fields assaults Bayley at the sound of the ringer before stifling her on the ropes. Anna keeps on gagging her on the center rope before punching her to the corner. Bayley kicks her back, so Anna lower arms away at her and stifles her with her boot. Anna gets a one check. Anna applies a jaw lock, yet Bayley battles up and sends her into the corner. Bayley skips her off the turnbuckle a couple times before sending her into it hard. Bayley tosses her down and elbows her in the back before hitting a running clothesline. Bayley powers her to the corner and torrential slides her. Bayley brings her down with the Bayley To Belly for the win.

Champ by Pinfall: Bayley

Tom Philips gets in the ring to praise Bayley on her triumph. Philips gets some information about missing the mark the previous evening at Clash of Champions. Bayley says the previous evening, Charlotte and Sasha Banks demonstrated that they're the two top abilities at this moment. In any case, that won't be the last time they'll see her. She's simply beginning on her voyage and won't stop until she's embracing that Women's Championship.

Stephanie McMahon is messaging in her office when Mick Foley strolls up to her. Foley says he sort of resembles a dolt since he had faith in her. After the previous evening, he ventured away to keep an eye on Cesaro and the bottom falls out in the headliner. The arbitrator is down for quite a long time, Chris Jericho was continually meddling, and after that she helpfully chooses to discover an official to number the win for Kevin Owens without a moment to spare. At that point she sees Triple H and asks how it went, and she said it was great. Stephanie cuts him off and says her better half came to lift her up in the wake of a prolonged night of work. Triple H didn't see the show since he was noticeable all around. Stephanie says the one thing that wasn't awesome was what happened in the headliner. Foley was humiliated, and she says he ought to be. Job's identity's it to secure the honesty of the headliner? Stephanie says it's Foley's employment. She didn't contract him for his therapeutic aptitude. They have the best specialists on the planet. She contracted him for his brains and business intuition. Foley shouldn't give his self image a chance to act as a burden and blame her for not doing her occupation. She approaches what he needs to say for himself. Foley looks shaken and says he was out of line. Stephanie says on the off chance that he needs to be a represetative, she can get that going. On the off chance that he needs to be General Manager, she needs him to act like it. On the off chance that Foley becomes tied up with that paranoid fear, Seth Rollins certainly will. Rollins isn't restoratively cleared, however he'll follow Owens. Foley must secure him whether he enjoys him or not. Stephanie cautions him to not overlook who he works for. Foley apologizes and tragically blunders off.

Coming up next, we'll see the Cruiserweights in real life. Rich Swann and Cedric Alexander go up against Lince Dorado and Drew Gulak.

A pre-taped promo is appeared with Rich Swann and Cedric Alexander that was about as non specific as it comes. A highlight video is appeared for Drew Gulak and Lince Dorado individually.

Rich Swann and Cedric Alexander versus Drew Gulak and Lince Dorado

The arbitrator has them gone to the focal point of the ring and shake hands. Rich Swann will begin against Lince Dorado. Dorado ducks a lock-up and brings him down. They hit the ropes before Dorado tries for a running hurricanrana, however Swann lands on his feet. Swann tries for a running hurricanrana, yet Dorado lands on his feet. Dorado arm drags him down, and Swann answers back with an arm drag. They strive for a dropkick in the meantime. They shake hands and won't discharge. Dorado ties him up in an accommodation and hammers him down, yet Cedric Alexander splits it up. Rich Gulak keeps running in, however Alexander sends him out of the ring. Dorado shows Alexander out of the ring. Swann assaults Dorado, however he's soon given a back body drop over the top rope. Dorado goes to the top rope and takes out each of the three men (yes, including his label group accomplice) with a moonsault to the floor.

We return from the break to see Gulak applying a jaw lock on Swann. Swann battles up, yet Gulak powers him to the corner and labels in Dorado. Dorado gives him a snapmare for a two number. Dorado uppercuts him and slashes the mid-section. Dorado sends him to the corner hard and kicks him. Dorado sends him to the inverse corner and goes for a running dropkick, however Swann moves off the beaten path. Dorado snatches the lower leg before he makes the tag.

Alexander and Gulak are labeled in. Alexander elbows him down twice before giving him a handspring jumping enzuigiri. Alexander kicks him in the head before setting off to the cook's garment. Alexander gets him with a springboard clothesline, however Dorado splits it up. Dorado punches Swann down. Alexander then gives Dorado a NASTY Lumbar Check that essentially spiked him on the head. Gulak gives Alexander a Saito Suplex. Swann is labeled in, and he kicks Gulak in the waist. Gulak counters a jump into a move up for a two tally. Swann superkicks him and moves him up for the win.

Victors by Pinfall: Rich Swann and Cedric Alexander

Nick Cutler & Willis Williams versus  Cesaro  &  Sheamus

Cesaro will begin the match against Nick Cutler. Cesaro gives Cutler a postponed vertical suplex and insults Sheamus about his energy. Cesaro goes for a tag, yet Sheamus gets off the cover and snickers at him. Cesaro scoop hammers Cutler and slaps Sheamus on the back to label him in. They contend before Sheamus sends Cutler to the cook's garment. Sheamus then gives him the 10 Beats of the Bodhrán. Sheamus powers him into the ring. Cutler labels in Willis Williams. Sheamus boots him in the waist before clotheslining him down. Cesaro labels himself in and uppercuts Williams. A "How about we go agents" serenade breaks out. Williams snaps Cesaro's harmed arm off the top rope. Cutler is labeled in, and he falls off the second rope with a club to the shoulder. They tag in and out while focusing on Cesaro's arm. Cesaro at last uppercuts Cutler down and sends Williams out of the ring. Cesaro goes for a Neutralizer on Cutler, however Sheamus comes in the ring and gives Williams a Brogue Kick. Cesaro releases Cutler, so Sheamus drops him with a Brogue Kick for good measure. Cesaro just glances around and essentially sticks Cutler for the win.

Champs by Pinfall: Cesaro and Sheamus

T.J. Perkins is backstage with Tom Philips. Perkins says this is a blessing from heaven. It's a fantasy he's had since 1998. Sometime in the past he didn't think he'd make it. Presently he's going to contend on Monday Night RAW as the WWE Cruiserweight Champion. As much as he's envisioned about his minute, he never thought he'd see… that. Brian Kendrick comes into the casing. Kendrick inquires as to whether it feels great having his blessing from heaven by denying him of what was his. That title was revived for him. Perkins owes him the title and his profession. Perkins says he owes him for that head-butt after the match. Kendrick instructs him to have a ball today on the grounds that whenever they meet in the ring, that'll be the point at which he awakens from this fantasy. Kendrick strolls off, as Perkins looks chafed.

Charlotte is seen strolling backstage with Dana Brooke. She's going to praise her triumph, next.

Charlotte praises her triumph at Clash of Champions

Crude Women's Champion, Charlotte, advances toward the ring close by Dana Brooke. Charlotte says Clash of Champions was at the end of the day her night. She by and by effectively safeguarded the RAW Women's Championship and demonstrated why she is the Queen of the WWE Women's Division. She challenged the chances and beat two of the best female competitors today. That is the distinction amongst her and Bailey and Sasha. She doesn't simply talk the discussion – she strolls the walk. They've heard this before on the grounds that a seemingly endless amount of time, another contender rises. The WWE Universe supposes that'll be the lady to oust her, however after a long time, match after match, she frustrates the group and everybody at home. Everybody will soon realize what she knows. She's not the huggable Bailey or the Internet Darling Sasha Banks. She's a cash creator and the substance of this division.

Sasha Banks' music hits, and she comes down to the ring. Sasha advises her to moderate her part and take a look at herself. The previous evening may have been her night, yet that is still her title. Charlotte inquires as to whether it's her title, why is it still around her abdomen? Sasha advises her not to interfere with her. Besides, Charlotte stuck Bailey and not her. Regardless she owed her one-on-one rematch, and she needs it at this moment. Charlotte moans as a "YES" serenade breaks out. Charlotte advises the workers to be tranquil, which gets a major response. Charlotte calls her "Sasha Wanks" and says she's a living legend in her own brain. In the same class as Sasha supposes she will be, she's simply that greatly improved. Charlotte says Sasha has earned it and will give the general population what they need. Charlotte says she'll give her a title match, and she expels her robe. Charlotte then chortles and says, "One week from now," which gets boisterous boos. Charlotte instructs them to be tranquil. In the event that she didn't, Sasha would cry to Mick Foley until she got her direction. Charlotte says as much as she's humiliated Sasha and thumped her, she keeps getting move down. In Los Angeles, she'll stay down. Sasha says she guarantees that she will demonstrate the world that she is the substance of the Women's Division when she reclaims the Women's Championship.

Sasha slaps Charlotte down before applying the Bank Statement on Dana. Charlotte splits it up, yet Sasha soon shows her out of the ring. Sasha then sends Dana out of the ring.

Kevin Owens will be on The Highlight Reel later this evening.

Seth Rollins is indicated backstage. Rollins is not restoratively cleared to contend.

Seth Rollins is strolling with a reason backstage when Mick Foley stops him and asks how he's inclination. Rollins says he'll be fine soon enough. There is nothing that will prevent him from going out on The Highlight Reel. Kevin Owens is owed something. Foley says now is not the time and place and he's not restoratively cleared. Foley has been there some time recently. Rollins couldn't care less about Foley's tenets. Rollins saw Stephanie get into that limo with Triple H the previous evening. He's not going to listen to Owens boast about what transpired. Rollins cuts Foley off as he goes to talk and says all he hears are Stephanie's words leaving his mouth. Rollins strolls off, as Foley looks on in displeasure.

One week from now on RAW, T.J. Perkins will guard the WWE Cruiserweight Championship against Brian Kendrick live at the Staples Center.

T.J. Perkins versus Tony Nese

They shake hands before the chime rings. They circle the ring and bolt up. Nese powers him to the corner and tosses him over the ring. Nese brings him down with a waistlock before tweaking the arm. Perkins turns out and goes for a head-scissor, yet Nese does a cartwheel and grounds on his feet. Perkins ducks a clothesline, however Nese runs him over with a shoulder square. Nese powers him up for a suplex, however Perkins lands on his feet. Perkins rapidly brings him down for a Knee Bar, yet Nese rapidly gets to the base rope. Nese escapes the ring. Perkins gets on the smock, and Nese pulls him off. Perkins puts Nese on the cover, yet Nese does a cartwheel and superkicks him. Nese brings him out with a Fosbury Flop and terrains on his feet! Nese places him in the ring for a two number.

We return from the split to see Perkins battle up from a button lock before applying an octopus stretch. Nese counters with a reversed gutwrench suplex for a two check. Nese punches away at him and slashes the mid-section. The group seems occupied by something happening off camera. Nese sends Perkins hard into the corner, yet Perkins returns with a running hurricanrana. Perkins hits a modified nuclear drop and catches up with a twist kick. Nese switches a whip to the corner, yet Perkins returns with a neckbreaker. A "CM Punk" serenade breaks out. Perkins associates with a twofold chickenwing into a twofold knee gut-buster for a close fall. Perkins interfaces with a suplex took after by a back suplex. Perkins goes to the top rope, however Nese cuts him off. Perkins battles him off and boots him back. Perkins goes for a tornado DDT, however Nese stops the force, hangs him on the top rope, and knees him in the head for a two check. Nese goes for a pump-handle pummel, yet Perkins gets out and dropkicks him into the ropes. Perkins interfaces with a Wrecking Ball dropkick. Perkins catches up with the Detonation Kick and applies the Knee Bar for the win.

Victor by Submission: T.J. Perkins

Coming up next, Kevin Owens will be on The Highlight Reel with his closest companion, Chris Jericho.

It's authentic: Charlotte will safeguard the RAW Women's Championship against Sasha Banks one week from now on RAW.

The Highlight Reel with extraordinary visitor Kevin Owen . Ashton Kutcher and Danny Masterson are appeared on Twitter looking at coming to RAW one week from now for Chris Jericho after he specified them a week ago. Chris Jericho gets in the ring holding "The List of Jericho." Jericho says, "Calm," again and again, crescendoing as he does. Jericho says this is the most foreseen Highlight Reel in WWE history. To begin with, he needs to address Danny Masterson and Ashton Kutcher. How could they imply they're better companions then him and Kevin Owens. That is outlandish! In the event that they do choose to appear to Los Angeles, he'll put them on "The List of Jericho." When he does, they're not going to like… it.

Jericho goes to make the presentation, yet then hollers at the cameraman for shooting him from the wrong edge. Jericho puts him on "The List of Jericho." Seth Rollins is likewise on the rundown since he's harmed once more. The uplifting news is that the man who put him on the harmed rundown is his visitor this evening. He's his closest companion and longest reigning WWE Universal Champion in the business, Kevin Owens!

WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens advances toward the ring. Owens and Jericho grasp in the ring before Owens postures with the title. Owens says the set is truly amazing. Jericho says a wiseman once said, "Individuals have been persuaded that average quality is perfection," and that astute man is him. The previous evening, Owens indicated what a champion should be. Owens is the embodiment of a champion, and he's glad to call him his closest companion. Owens says he'd be out in a suit and tie, yet this is Cincinnati, Ohio. He's not wearing a suit for the city that produced a living, breathing, strolling auto wreck like Dean Ambrose. Jericho says Ambrose still owes him $17,000. Owens says he won't see it since Ambrose is a bum. Owens says he demonstrated that he ought to have been the #1 draft pick for RAW. Owens demonstrated that he not just has a place in the headliner — he IS the headliner. Owens additionally demonstrated that he, not Seth Rollins, is the man. Not just did he beat Rollins and hold his WWE Universal Championship, yet simply like Jericho said, he hurt Rollins. Try not to feel terrible for Rollins on the grounds that what happened the previous evening was karma. For 18 months, Rollins called himself the man, and he was. Simply take a gander at the rundown of individuals he harmed: John Cena, Sting, and Finn Bálor. Rollins may have been the most unsafe man in WWE. The previous evening, he took out the most hazardous man in WWE, so that makes him the most perilous man in WWE.

Seth Rollins' music hits, and he storms down to the ring. Security instantly runs out and gets before him to keep him from coming into the ring. Mick Foley strolls up and tries to prevail upon Rollins. Owens advises Foley not listen to the general population. Owens lets him know this is his time and Rollins needs to go. Rollins in the long run heads to the back. Jericho says the group didn't care for that since they need to see Rollins beat them up.

Enzo and Big Cass' music hits, and they turn out to a major gathering. Enzo and Big Cass have custom receivers. Enzo does his typical shtick while the group serenades along. Jericho says he has this. A "How you doin'" serenade breaks out. Jericho says they're doing fine and dandy. Is there any valid reason why they wouldn't be? They're closest companions, large and in charge, and the WWE Universal Champion. Everything was going fine until they intruded on them. That implies they're on the rundown! Owens rectifies Jericho's spelling. Enzo says he resembles Santa Claus. Jericho says, "Perhaps I am Santa Claus. Perhaps I'll descend there and sit on your lap!" Jericho knows he made a mistake. Enormous Cass asks what he said, and Jericho denies saying anything. Enormous Cass rehashes what he said, yet Jericho says he said he was going to punch him in the face. They do a reversal and forward until Big Cass inquires as to whether Jericho truly said that. A "YES" serenade breaks out.

Owens says it doesn't make a difference since he'll punch them in the mouth. Jericho says they would, yet they don't have a match with these two. Enormous Cass says they saw Mick Foley backstage, and they have a match against them right here in Cincinnati, Ohio! The group gives that a major pop.

T.J. Perkins will shield the WWE Cruiserweight Championship against Brian Kedrick one week from now on RAW. We'll additionally see Charlotte protect the RAW Women's Championship against Sasha Banks.

Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens versus Enzo and Big Cass

Chris Jericho will begin the match against Enzo Amore. They circle the ring, and Jericho kicks and punches him. Jericho is wrestling in dark cowhide pants. Enzo whips him off, yet Jericho shoulder pieces him down. Jericho hits the ropes, and Enzo dropkicks him down. Enzo hits an arm drag and a changed jawbreaker for a one check. Jericho rapidly runs over to Owens and embraces him before labeling him in. Owens insults Big Cass, who is labeled in. Owens punches away at him as he's labeled in. Cass punches him before labeling Enzo in.

 Cass sends Enzo into Owens before tossing Jericho over the top rope. Cass then military presses Enzo out of the ring onto Jericho and Owens. Enormous Cass is labeled in, and he places Owens in the ring. Owens rapidly knees him in the waist and clubs the back. Jericho is labeled in, and he hacks Cass' mid-section. Cass returns with a walkway pummel. Owens keeps running in, and he gets a walkway hammer. Cass charges, however Jericho pulls the top rope down to get him out of the ring. Owens is labeled in, and he assaults Cass at ringside before sending him into the ring post.

We return from the break to see Owens applying a jaw lock to Cass. Cass battles up and gets out with a back suplex. Enzo and Jericho are labeled in. Enzo hits Jericho with some flying lower arms and punches away at him in the corner. Enzo does the running man and brings him down. Enzo goes to the top rope and does a touch before hitting a cross-body hinder for a two check. Enzo knees Owens in the face before elbowing Jericho back. Owens pushes Enzo off the second rope, and Jericho moves him up for a two tally. Jericho puts Enzo on the smock. Owens holds Enzo's feet while Jericho wipes him out with a springboard dropkick. Owens sends Enzo into the blockade. Owens gets on the smock and taunts the running man move. Owens places Enzo in the ring and steps his hand. Owens hacks the mid-section and talks some junk. Owens gags him with his shin in the corner. Owens occupies the official, and Jericho exploits by gagging Enzo. Owens cleaves Enzo's mid-section and labels in Jericho. Jericho kicks him, derides the "Enzo" serenade, and hits a postponed vertical suplex. Owens shouts that Jericho is the lead artist of Fozzy. Jericho keeps on assaulting Enzo before putting him on the top rope. Jericho goes for a superplex, however Enzo punches him down.

Enzo jumps, however Jericho dropkicks him out of mid-air. Owens labels in, and he gives Enzo a scoop pummel before straightening him with a senton sprinkle for a two check. Owens contends with the official before kneeing Enzo in the face. Jericho is labeled back in, and he kicks Enzo before slapping him in the face. Enzo battles back and hits the ropes, however Jericho gives him a back elbow for a two check. Jericho holds him, however Enzo gets out. Jericho rapidly brings him down with a clothesline. Jericho goes for a Lionsault, however Enzo gets his knees up.

Huge Cass and Owens are labeled in. Cass hits a couple of shoulder pieces before thumping Jericho off the cover. Cass hits Owens with a fall-away pummel before putting Jericho on the smock. Cass sprinkles owens in the corner before giving Jericho a major boot out of mid-air. Cass scoop hammers Owens down before dropping the Empire Elbow. Cass gives Jericho a winding powerslam. Owens keeps away from a sprinkle in the corner, and he kicks Cass down. Owens sets up for a cannonball, however Cass appears and huge boots him down. Enzo is labeled in, and they go for Bada Boom Shakalaka, yet Jericho slaps Cass. Cass sends Jericho to the cook's garment and enormous boots him to the floor. Enzo hits a plunging DDT on Owens, however he kicks out. Owens soon turns Enzo back to front with a clothesline. Owens then lays him out with a Powerbomb for the win.

Champs by Pinfall: Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens

Quick Results

* Rusev versus Roman Reigns went to a Double Count-Out (WWE US Championship Match)

* The New Day def. Scaffold and Anderson to hold the RAW Tag Team Championships

* Bayley def. Anna Fields

* Rich Swann and Cedric Alexander def. Drew Gulak and Lince Dorado

* Cesaro and Sheamus def. Scratch Cutler and Willis Williams

* T.J. Perkins def. Tony Nese (non-title)

* Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens def. Enzo and Big Cass


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