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WWE 3/10/2016 Raw Result

WWE Raw Results

Show                         :                    WWE Raw
Venue                        :                    Cincinnati, Ohio 

Date                          :                     26 Sep 2016 

WWE Raw Results

The RAW video plays, and we go live into the Staples Center to see a major fireworks show. Today evening time, we'll see Charlotte shield the RAW Women's Championship against Sasha Banks. We'll additionally see Brian Kendrick go up against T.J. Perkins in a non-title match. At long last, we'll see a take a seat meeting with Seth Rollins.

Roman Reigns' music hits, and he advances toward the ring to huge boos. Eight evenings prior at Clash of Champions, Reigns crushed Rusev to win the WWE United States Championship. Reigns gets in the ring and holds up his title. Reigns hovers around in the ring and says his bloodline has been spoken to in the WWE for quite a while, yet they've never had anybody win the United States Championship up to this point. That is on account of he is THE person. He turns out around here and speaks to his family on a daily premise.

Lana's music hits for the brisk interference. She turns out to the stage and enchantingly postures before proceeding with her stroll to the ring. Lana gets in the ring and grins at Reigns as the group serenades, "Thank you, Lana." Lana says she's around here to converse with Reigns, however her better half doesn't have even an inkling. Reigns says they're in L.A. also, in the Staples Center. There are cameras anyplace. She's the main young lady to give Rusev any consideration, so he's certain Rusev knows where she's at. Lana says she's here to arrange. Her significant other is testing him to a rematch for the United States Championship. Rules says it doesn't seem like a test. It sounds like Rusev sent her out to do his grimy work while he holes up behind her skirt. Lana says Rusev is her accomplice and spouse, which means he's family. Reigns dependably discusses the pride he has in family, however he has zero admiration for family. Rules attempted to demolish her wedding festivity with Rusev. Rules giggles at her. Lana instructs him to wipe the grin off his face and calls him a "dumb kid." She says her better half will smash and mortify him before the nation and his family. Rules says she's unmistakably getting hot and requirements to unwind. She ought to go to the back and give her better half his Bulgarian balls and have him say it to his face. She cautions him to not discuss her significant other like that and instructs him to go to hellfire.

Rusev's music hits, and he storms down to the ring. Rusev and Reigns fight at ringside. Reigns knees him in the midriff and sends him into the blockade. Rusev powers him into the blockade before Reigns sends him over into the blockade. Rusev gets in the ring holding his ribs. Rules sets up for a Superman Punch, yet Rusev counters by hurling him to the corner. Rusev bears and punches away at him before missing a major boot. Rules uppercuts him, and Rusev escapes the ring. Rules goes for a Superman Punch off the means, however Rusev kicks him in the mid-section and sends him into the means. Rusev then kicks him over the blockade into the group. Rusev gets the United States Championship and holds it up. Rusev then takes it up the slope with him and holds it up. Rules then gets through the group and floors him with a Superman Punch. Rusev took an awesome knock on that. Rules remains over him and says in the event that he needs him to go to hellfire, he'll bring them both with him. Rusev will get his rematch, however it'll be inside Hell in a Cell!

A video highlights the contention between T.J. Perkins and Brian Kendrick. They'll confront each other in a non-title match, next.

T.J. Perkins versus Brian Kendrick

Brian Kendrick goes for a handshake, and T.J. Perkins reluctantly shakes it. The ringer rings, and Perkins dropkicks him down. Kendrick rapidly escapes the ring, and Perkins pretends a plancha before doing the spot. Kendrick furiously gets in the ring and hits the ropes, however Perkins gives him a back body drop. Perkins uppercuts him before having a whip switched, yet he returns with a springboard cross-body and punches away at him. Kendrick gets up and tries to send him out of the ring, yet Perkins ties himself up in the ropes. Perkins then gets Kendrick out of the ring and dropkicks him before cleaning the feline to get back in the ring. Perkins then hits a corkscrew plancha. Perkins gets him in the ring and goes to the top rope, yet he moves through when Kendrick moves. Kendrick then enormous boots him down. Kendrick takes the turnbuckle spread off and puts his fingers through the metal connector. Kendrick ventures on the hand and gives him a neckbreaker over the top rope. Perkins tumbles to the floor and holds his neck.

We return from the break to see Kendrick escape a headlock and send Perkins straight into the turnbuckle. Kendrick goes to the second rope, yet Perkins punches him and gives him a super hurricanrana. Both men are down. Kendrick gets to his feet, however Perkins gets him with a modified nuclear drop and a twist kick. Kendrick turns around a whip to the corner, however Perkins slingshots over him and brings him down with a running hurricanrana. Perkins gets him with a twofold chickenwing into a gut-buster, however Kendrick kicks out. Perkins rapidly applies a kneebar, yet Kendrick rapidly gets to the base rope to break the hold. Kendrick counters a whip before kicking him in the face. Kendrick then maneuvers him face-first into the turnbuckle before hitting Sliced Bread #2 for a close fall. Kendrick is shocked her didn't get him. Kendrick then applies the Captain's Hook, yet Perkins counters into a pin to break the hold. Kendrick keeps running into a kick, yet Perkins gives him a drop-toe-hold into the ropes. Perkins interfaces with a Wrecking Ball Dropkick. Perkins goes for a Detonation Kick, yet Kendrick tears the nose and gets out. Kendrick then applies the Captain's Hook for the accommodation triumph!

Champ by Submission: Brian Kendrick

Coming up next, we'll see a take a seat meeting with Seth Rollins.

A pre-taped meeting is appeared with Michael Cole talking with Seth Rollins. Cole gets some information about the rib harm. Rollins says the specialists cleared him and exhorted rest, however that is not his thing. Cole says the issue with Kevin Owens has raised. Rollins says Owens won the Universal Championship, however he didn't beat him. Triple H gave him the title. After what happened at Clash of Champions, doubtlessly that he merits a rematch. Cole says Owens' ascent to unmistakable quality is parallel to Rollins'. Rollins says he made a considerable measure of foes with individuals in the locker room and the WWE Universe to get to the top. How they got to achievement is the distinction. Owens is the goody two shoes that kissed up and got the gold stars. When he traded out Money in the Bank at WrestleMania, nobody gave that title to him. That was years of diligent work paying off. Everybody has a Kevin Owens throughout their life. Lamentably, he has THE Kevin Owens.

Cole says that his association with Triple H is very much chronicled. How can it feel about being supplanted? Rollins says you can't supplant him. Owens is great, however he's only a pinion in the machine. Rollins has been a pinion in the machine and comprehends what that feels like. His eyes are totally open right at this point. He sees things totally in an unexpected way, and he'll destroy that machine piece by piece. Cole notice at Clash of Champions, Owens held with impedance by Chris Jericho. How is the rematch going to play out? Rollins says he had Owens beat at Clash of Champions, yet he's not inept. He sees how the amusement is played. Stephanie McMahon brought the arbitrator out at the ideal time, and Owens exploited. Rollins says he'd have done likewise. In what manner will it play out if there's another rematch? Rollins says he'll cross out "The Kevin Owens Show," and he'll demonstrate that he's still the man.

Kevin Owens will react to Seth Rollins' meeting later this evening.

The WWE has gone pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. They're raising cash for the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

Byron Saxton is in the ring with Braun Strowman's adversary. Saxton inquires as to why he agreed to this match. Pursue Silver says he's here from Idaho to come to L.A. where dreams materialize. The previous evening, he had a fantasy that he'd beat Strowman up.

Pursue Silver versus Braun Strowman

The chime ring and Strowman just ravenously gazes at him. Silver kicks and punches him before Strowman pushes him into the ropes and torrential slides him down. Strowman inquires as to whether this is the best L.A. brings to the table. Silver assaults him from behind, yet it doesn't hurt him. Strowman kicks him down and tosses him into the corner before avalanching him. Strowman hits the ropes and torrential slides him once more. Strowman shouts at him before sitting tight for Silver to get up. Silver gradually gets to his feet, and Strowman runs him over with a shoulder square. Strowman scoops him up, strolls around the ring with him on his shoulder, and powerslams him down for the win.

Champ by Pinfall: Braun Strowman

Byron Saxton gets in the ring and meetings Strowman. Saxton asks what's next after his proceeded with predominance. Strowman says he's the endowment of decimation and his ability is being squandered on these powerless morons. On the off chance that Mick Foley doesn't get him some genuine rivalry one week from now, there won't be a one week from now. Strowman pushes Saxton and strolls off.

Sasha Banks is warming up backstage. Bayley strolls up and says she can't trust Sasha is principle eventing RAW against Charlotte. That is Trish and Lita domain. Sasha says the little child in her is going ballistic, however this significantly more than being in the headliner. Today is about reclaiming the title. Pundits say she doesn't have a chance, however she wouldn't be here in L.A. in the event that she listened to them. Bayley says she wishes it was her out there, yet it isn't. She couldn't think about a more meriting individual than her. Sasha expresses gratitude toward her. She knows Charlotte will be on her diversion, yet she'll oust her. Charlotte was naturally introduced to the business, yet she's destined to be a champion.

Coming up nextwe’ll hear from Kevin Owens about Seth Rollins’ interview.

It's authentic: Roman Reigns will protect the WWE United States Championship against Rusev inside Hell in a Cell.

Kevin Owens' music hits, and he advances out to a pleasant gathering in a suit. Chris Jericho is behind him holding "The List of Jericho." Jericho puts a group of people part on "The List" as he descends the walkway. A "Y2J" serenade softens out as they stand up the ring, so Jericho begins composing on "The List." Owens says he just watched Seth Rollins' meeting with Michael Cole and notice that Cole was unpleasant. Owens says if Rollins was keen, he'd sit on the sidelines and let his ribs mend, yet Rollins isn't savvy. He's an imbecilic nitwit since he's chose to go ahead despite any potential risks. Rollins has asked for a rematch for his WWE Universal Title. What has Rollins done to merit that rematch? Rollins can discuss how everything went down at Clash of Champions, however the obvious truth is that Rollins lost. Rollins can accuse whoever he needs for that misfortune, however in the event that he needs to accuse somebody, he's just got the chance to look right here in the ring. Owens is the one that beat him. Today evening time, he's the one remaining in the ring holding the WWE Universal Championship.

Now that he's addressed that inquiry, he'll answer another. Why is the colossal Chris Jericho remaining close by in the ring? Jericho says this is on the grounds that they are the best of companions. Owens says that is valid, yet that is not why he requesting that he turn out around here. Owens says Rollins has reprimanded the arbitrator for not being there at Clash of Champions. An "Inept Idiot" serenade breaks out. Owens says they believe they're being cool, yet they're truly being doltish morons. On the off chance that Rollins needs a match, they ought to have an arbitrator that can deal with everything. Jericho ought to be the official in the match. Jericho says it's not a horrendous thought, and he has his own ref pullover.

 Owens says it's a $750 shirt, and Jericho says it's extremely costly. Jericho says he's been doing some reasoning and thinks Owens is in effect childish. A week ago, after they beat Enzo and Cass amidst the ring, it made him understand that Team Chris and Kevin are the best in WWE. Jericho says they ought to challenge The New Day. A "YES" serenade breaks out, and Jericho advises the group to quiets down. Owens says Team Kevin and Chris as RAW Tag Team Champions sounds awesome, yet Cesaro and Sheamus have an open door arranged. Jericho giggles and says they're not closest companions. They're not by any means companions. Perhaps they challenge New Day to a non-title match and beat them. At that point they'll face them for the titles and win. They'll impact the world forever by being the WWE Tag Team and Universal Champions in the meantime. Owens says he has a considerable measure on his plate. Jericho says dislike he's requesting an open door at his title. The group wheezes as Jericho takes a gander at the title. A "Y2J" serenade breaks out. Owens contemplates it and consents to follow New Day!

The New Day turns out to a major gathering and hurl some Booty O's into the group. Kofi Kingston says he realizes that both of them weren't discussing fellowship in light of the fact that around here, they're the ones with the best companionship in WWE. Jericho says if Kingston is scrutinizing their kinship, he's made it to the rundown! Enormous E says they've heard their test, however a test of that weight warrants a champion cluster. Jericho isn't permitted in. Jericho says since he's not permitted in the cluster, he simply made the rundown! Owens says Xavier Woods snickered, so Jericho adds him to the rundown regardless of Woods' challenges. The New Day begins to group. Owens says they recognize what they need. On the off chance that they don't offer it to them, they can leave so the really most engaging group in WWE can do their thing. New Day won the Tag Team Titles and held them for 400 days and wryly says, "Great job." Together, they've traded off the soundness of youngsters by giving them faulty grain. Seven months back, they all hopped the shark. Woods says they don't swim. Besides, when was the last time Owens bounced over anything. The group pops colossal for that as New Day flips out. Owens orders Jericho to put him on the rundown a second time!

Woods says they were going to leave and watch The Magnificent 7 or Luke Cage, yet since they need to toss hands with them, they have their match. They're unmistakably not dressed to battle, so they'll get some time. They simply need to recall that one thing: they'll never beat The New Day to end up their WWE World Tag Team Champions. Huge E says, "On the grounds that… New Day shakes!" "Another Day Rocks" serenade breaks out while Woods plays the trombone.

Prior today, Sheamus crashed into the Staples Center with Cesaro in the traveler seat. They contended when they escaped the auto. Cesaro tossed his pack out of the auto.

Today evening time's headliner will see Charlotte guard her RAW Women's Championship against Sasha Banks.

Ryan Phillippe is at ringside and gives the DX groin slash.

It's authentic: The New Day will confront Jeri-KO today on RAW.

Sami Zayn versus Titus O'Neil

A pre-taped meeting is appeared with Titus O'Neil. O'Neil says the Titus Brand is assuming control everything. Everything is Titus and Titus is everything. #MakeItAWin

The chime rings, and O'Neil powers him to the corner. Zayn ducks a right hand and applies a side headlock. Zayn springboards over him and slashes him before O'Neil punches him. O'Neil puts him on the smock, however Zayn returns with a shoulder to the midriff. Zayn slingshots into the ring and goes for a cross-body, however O'Neil gets him and hits some rib-breakers before tossing him down. O'Neil hacks the mid-section and lower arms the back. O'Neil violently whips him into the corner and derides him. O'Neil applies a huge squeeze, however Zayn punches out. O'Neil rapidly gets him behind him and interfaces with an adjusted backbreaker. O'Neil talks some rubbish and slaps him. O'Neil hits the ropes, and Zayn gives him a hardened clothesline. Zayn gets him with an exploder suplex into the corner. Zayn catches up with the Helluva Kick for the win.

Champ by Pinfall: Sami Zayn

Sheamus and Cesaro are quarreling over being late to the appear. Cesaro says Sheamus was driving. Sheamus says Cesaro guided them into surge hour activity. Mick Foley strolls up to them and says he was altogether lowered by Stephanie McMahon a week ago and now has a dubious Braun Strowman danger hanging over him. He had them ride together to persuade them to be in agreement. A week ago, they won, yet they weren't in agreement. Foley orders them to get in agreement.

Coming up next, Anderson and Gallows will be in real life.

Anderson and Gallows versus The Golden Truth

A pre-taped promo is appeared with Anderson and Gallows. Karl Anderson says The New Day has destroyed the label group division. Luke Gallows says they'll push the comedian auto off the precipice.

Karl Anderson will begin the match against R-Truth. R-Truth does a move, ducks a clothesline, and associates with a hip hurl. Goldust is labeled in, and they hit a twofold group leg clear. Goldust drops a lower arm and wrenches the arm. Anderson knees Goldust in the midriff and brings down his head, however Goldust drops down and uppercuts him. Goldust ducks a clothesline and clotheslines him before hitting an arm drag. Anderson powers him to the corner, however Goldust punches out. Anderson brings him down and labels in Luke Gallows. Hangman's tree violently punches away at Goldust and kicks him down for a close fall. Hangman's tree elbows him in the mid-section a couple times before applying a button lock. Goldust battles up, however Gallows knees him in the waist and punches out. Goldust then hits a snap powerslam.

Anderson and R-Truth are labeled in. R-Truth hits a couple of clotheslines and a hopping heel kick. R-Truth does a split and kicks him before hitting a Scissor Kick. Hangman's tree separates the pin and thumps Goldust off the cover. Anderson powers R-Truth to the corner and labels in Gallows. Scaffold kicks R-Truth, and they hit the Magic Killer for the win.

Champs by Pinfall: Anderson and Gallows

Goldust comes into keep an eye on R-Truth, yet he's assaulted by Anderson and Gallows. Scaffold enormous boots him before they hit him with the Magic Killer. Anderson and Gallows then irately stroll off.

Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho are strolling backstage when they chance upon Ashton Kutcher and Danny Masterson. They contend about which pair are the better companions before taking "The List of Jericho" and understanding some humiliating things off it, especially losing to Fandango at WrestleMania. Owens strolls off and says "That 70s Show" would've been exceptional with them. Kutcher says they'll be at ringside for their match. Jericho cautions them not to get included in their business else they'll get… IT!

Enzo and Big Cass are in the ring with some bosom growth survivors. There's a table in the ring with a pink spread on it concealing something. A "How you doin'" serenade breaks out. Enzo experiences his ordinary shtick. Enormous Cass says they're here to talk in regards to an undeniable circumstance, which is something precious to them. This is the fifth year that WWE and Susan G. Komen have collaborated in the battle against bosom tumor. Enzo says WWE and Susan "Affirmed G" Komen had a challenge in March. Those ladies that were assigned are in the in the ring. We got a few "winnas" in the ring. Gina Foreman, Kelly Sherman, and Angelica Frye are survivors. These are the ladies in the ring with them. You can see these ladies throughout the entire month as they impart their stories to every one of them. Enzo says it's a spoiler ready that these ladies have officially won their battle against bosom malignancy. These ladies are champions. The way they respect champions in WWE is by giving them titles. Enzo pulls the cover off, however the titles are tangled up in them. They give them the titles and put them over huge. The group gives them an awesome gathering. Enormous Cass says single word doesn't depict the ladies in this ring and he'll illuminate it for them: S-A-W-F-T.

Today evening time's headliner will see Charlotte shield the RAW Women's Championship against Sasha Banks. Coming up next, The New Day will confront Jeri-KO.

Ashton Kutcher and Danny Masterson are on analysis for the following match.

Jeri-KO versus The New Day

Chris Jericho will begin the match against Xavier Woods. Kofi Kingston is at ringside for this one. They circle the ring, and Jericho kicks and punches him. Jericho cleaves the mid-section, and Woods coincidentally breaks Jericho in the nose. Jericho is concerned his nose may be broken. Kevin Owens is labeled in, and he scoop pummels Woods before hopping over him a couple times. Owens goes for a senton sprinkle, however Woods moves. Owens places Woods in the corner and punches away at him before kicking him down. Owens talks waste, yet Woods reacts with some punches. Owens gets him in the corner, and Jericho feels alright to tag in. Jericho gives him a firm kick and slaps him. Woods maintains a strategic distance from a few clotheslines, however Jericho kicks and cleaves him. Woods boots Jericho in the face and hits the Honor Roll for a close fall. Jericho rapidly dashes over Owens. Jericho is seeping from the nose. Owens labels back in, and Big E is labeled in. Owens assaults Big E and punches away at him before hitting the ropes. Enormous E torrential slides him and does a dance. Huge E punches away at Owens before sending him to the corner. Huge E hits a running shoulder before sending him to the inverse corner. Owens stays away from a shoulder, so Big E hits the ring post shoulder-first. Jericho is labeled in, and he stifles him before provoking the group. Jericho slaps Big E a couple times, so Big E furnishes a proportional payback in kind. Jericho returns with a dropkick. Jericho talks waste to Woods while Owens unfair attacks Big E. Jericho clubs away at Big E before heading off to the top rope. Jericho falls off, yet Big E punches him out of mid-air. Jericho rapidly brings him down before Owens is labeled back in. Owens hits a cannonball in the corner and insults the group before getting a two number. Owens hovers around him and hits a senton sprinkle for a close fall.

We return from the break to see Owens and Big E bring each other out with a twofold clothesline. Woods is labeled in, and he knees Owens in the face before clotheslining him down. Woods kicks him and puts him on the center rope before hitting a dropkick. Woods dropkicks Jericho off the cook's garment before Owens gives him a gut-buster for a two check. Owens kicks him in the back a couple times and talks waste to Kofi Kingston. Owens kicks Woods in the back and applies a button lock. Woods in the end battles up and tries to tag Big E in, yet Owens stops him with a short-arm clothesline. Jericho is labeled back in, and he punches him down. Jericho clotheslines him in the corner and puts him on the top rope. Jericho yells at Ashton Kutcher. Jericho goes for a superplex, yet Woods counters out with a super front suplex. Woods then hits a cross-body hinder for a close fall. Owens is labeled in, and Owens DDTs Woods for a two number.

Seth Rollins' music hits, and he exits to the stage. Owens is enraged. Woods then makes him out with a stride up enzuigiri. Jericho and Big E are labeled in. Enormous E hits a couple of midsection to-stomach overhead suplexes. Jericho kicks him in the face and goes to the top rope, yet Big E gets him with a Belly-To-Booty Suplex. Enormous E goes for a major sprinkle, yet Owens superkicks him. Owens charges, yet Big E gets him out of the ring. Woods then brings him out with a summersault plancha. Jericho rolls Big E up for a two number. Enormous E elbows him down and hits a major sprinkle. Woods is labeled in, and Owens snaps Big E off the top rope. Woods elbows Owens as he gets into the ring. Jericho applies the Walls of Jericho, however he discharges it when Seth Rollins keeps running down to the smock. The New Day then gets Jericho with the Midnight Hour for the win.

Champs by Pinfall: The New Day

Owens withdraws up the incline, leaving Jericho in the ring with New Day and Rollins. Rollins then hits Jericho with a Pedigree. Owens looks enraged.

Footage is appeared from before in the night when Roman Reigns tested Rusev to a Hell in a Cell match. That match is made authority.

Tom Phillips is backstage with Charlotte and Dana Brooke. Charlotte says being the most hereditarily unrivaled lady in the locker room is not a catchphrase. It's a reality. Her title demonstrates it. Sasha is vexed on the grounds that she realizes that she's the main reason she's in the headliner. Over and over she's demonstrated that when the title is hanging in the balance, she's getting it done. She was conceived for these minutes. Sasha has butterflies since she knows she'll be uncovered for being the huge overachiever she is. She'll thump her off the platform online networking has put her on. Sasha discusses history, yet after she taps today evening time, she'll be history. Charlotte gives out a major "Charm."

Coming up next, Rich Swann will confront Tony Nese in Cruiserweight activity. A highlight video is appeared for Rich Swann.

Individuals from the Los Angeles Rams are appeared at ringside. Josh Reddick of the Los Angeles Dodgers is likewise ringside.

Seth Rollins is strolling backstage when Stephanie McMahon stops him. She asks what he was doing out there. Rollins put himself at danger and isn't medicinally cleared. Rollins says she can't let him know what to do any longer. In the event that Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho believe they're going to have a fable closure, nobody was tuning in. Stephanie says Rollins is isolated. Without precedent for his WWE profession, he's in solitude. No Shield or Authority. Rollins may have stood a chance some time recently, yet not presently. Rollins is replaceable simply like other people. Rollins says she can't let him know what to do. Triple H settled on the second most exceedingly awful choice of his life by turning on him. The most exceedingly bad choice was wedding her. Rollins says he needs his rematch or he's bringing everybody down with him. Rollins strolls off, and Stephanie grins.

Rich Swann versus Tony Nese

The official needs them to shake hands, so they do. Swann does some move moves before hindering a kick and applying a side headlock. Swann goes for a takedown, yet Nese holds him up and misleads him. Nese shoulder pieces him down and insults him. Nese hits the ropes, and Swann dropkicks him down. Nese shoulders Swann in the waist before running into an elbow. Nese reverse somersaults over him and kips under a clothesline before bringing him down with a few strikes for a two number. The group begins truly humming for Nese. Swann escapes a suplex and hits the ropes for a head-scissor takeover. Nese puts himself through the ropes to keep Swann back. Nese kicks him in the back of the head before kicking Swann in the corner. Nese counters a dusk flip by kicking him in the neck. Nese strikes him a couple times for another two tally. Nese then applies a body scissor. Swann battles out, yet Nese sends him mid-section first into the corner. Nese keeps away from a torrential slide and goes to the top rope, yet Swann brings him down with a jumping hurricanrana. Swann hits a couple of running clotheslines and kicks him in the midriff. Swann hits a twofold step to the back of the neck for a two number. Nese counters a handspring back elbow by pummeling him into the ropes. Nese gets him with a pumphandle sit-out pummel for the win.

Champ by Pinfall: Tony Nese

Mil Mascaras was respected for National Hispanic Heritage Month.

Coming up next, Sheamus and Cesaro will be in label group activity.

The makeover of Emma to Emmalina will head soon.

Raul White and Mark Carradine versus Sheamus and Cesaro

Cesaro takes one of them (it's not determined's who) and suplexes him. Sheamus labels himself in, and he knees away at the individual before giving him a discharge suplex. Sheamus insults Cesaro and places him in the corner before boring him. Cesaro blind labels in and has a go head to head with Sheamus. Cesaro counters a dusk flip by giving him a twofold step. Cesaro and Sheamus contend. Sheamus labels in and clotheslines him before hitting an Irish Curse Backbreaker. Sheamus goes for a Cloverleaf, however Cesaro hops off his back to give the other middleman a DDT. They contend before Sheamus interfaces with a Brogue Kick and grabs the win.

Champs by Pinfall: Sheamus and Cesaro

Coming up next, Charlotte guard the RAW Women's Championship against Sasha Banks in this evening's headliner.

Charlotte versus Sasha Banks Video

Charlotte is strolling backstage when she catchs Bayley. Charlotte taunts her. Bayley says she shouldn't be excessively arrogant. Charlotte says he title is talking too boisterously. She needs to go headliner. Dana stays behind and derides her before putting her hands on Bayley. Bayley pushes her hand off, so Dana shoves her into the wall. Bayley then sends her into a wall. Dana lands hard on her knees and clutches one in pain.

WWE Women's Championship Match

Sasha Banks versus Charlotte

They bolt up, and Charlotte pushes her down. Charlotte goes for the Figure Eight, however Sasha shows her out of the ring. Sasha goes for a suicide jump, however Charlotte punches her back. Sasha makes tracks in an opposite direction from her and associates with a suicide plunge. Sasha appeared to go out at an abnormal edge, however Charlotte rectified her.

We return from the break to see Sasha caught in a surfboard stretch. Amid the business, Charlotte thumped Sasha off the top rope and sent her straight into the blockade. Back to real to life, Sasha battles up and gets out. Charlotte pulls her around the hair and grabs a one tally. Charlotte lower arms her in the corner and twists her over the top rope while pulling the hair. Charlotte grabs a two mean this exertion. Charlotte twists her over her knee and searches for an accommodation. Sasha counters out by kneeing her in the head. Sasha punches her back before Charlotte pushes her. Charlotte associates with a backbreaker and places her in the corner. Sasha evades a running shoulder in the corner.

 Charlotte returns with a hack to the mid-section, however Sasha squares one and slashes back at her. Sasha ducks a clothesline and hits two of her own before associating with a dropkick. Sasha hinders a major boot and kicks her in the face. Sasha then hits a twofold knee takedown for a two tally. Sasha ducks a clothesline and removes her from the ring with a running hurricanrana. Sasha baseball slides her and gets on the cook's garment. They mess up a move, so Charlotte thuds her on the cover. Charlotte gets in the ring and grabs a two check. Sasha counters a Figure Eight into a Bank Statement endeavor. Charlotte battles up and places her in the corner. Sasha gets her in the corner and hits a couple of a running knees. Charlotte drops her on the overskirt, however Sasha drives her into the corner. Sasha goes to the top rope, yet Charlotte thumps her into the ropes. Charlotte boots her into the corner and enormous boots her down for a close fall. Charlotte can't trust she kicked out.

Charlotte gets her to her feet and hacks the mid-section. Charlotte puts her on the top rope and goes for a superplex, yet Sasha pieces it. Sasha thumps her off the top rope and brings her down with a twofold flying knee for a close fall. Sasha goes for the Bank Statement, however Charlotte pulls her over the top rope. Charlotte ascensions to the top rope and does a corkscrew moonsault square to the floor that brushes Sasha! Charlotte gets her in the ring and associates with Natural Selection for a close fall. Charlotte is irate and close tears. Charlotte talks junk and slaps her a couple times. Charlotte shouts for her to stay down. Charlotte keeps on slapping her and sends her into the ropes. Sasha counters with a head-scissor into the Bank Statement. Charlotte moves it to a pin, yet Sasha moves through and keeps the Bank Statement connected. Charlotte must choose the option to tap out.

Victor and new RAW Women's Champion: Sasha Banks

Charlotte shouts that the title is still hers and is crying. Sasha Banks looks elated to be the champion once more. Sasha holds up the title as the show goes off the air.


* Brian Kendrick def. T.J. Perkins through Submission (non-title)

* Braun Strowman def. Pursue Silver

* Sami Zayn def. Titus O'Neil

* Anderson and Gallows def. The Golden Truth

* The New Day def. Jeri-KO

* Tony Nese def. Rich Swann

* Sheamus and Cesaro def. Raul White and Mark Carradine

* Sasha Banks def. Charlotte to win the RAW Women's Championship


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