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1.   Alexa bliss, Nia jex, Alicia Fox and Emma VS Baylay, Shasha banks, Dana brooke and               Mickie James
      Winner:   Alexa bliss, Nia jex, Alicia Fox and Emma

2.   Luke Gallows VS Enzo Amore
      Winner: Luke Gallows

3.   Rich Swann, Akira Tozawa and Jack Gallgher VS Tony Nese, The Brian Kendrick and               Noam Dar
      Winner: Rich Swann, Akira Tozawa and Jack Gallgher

4.   Heath Slatter VS Apollo Crews
      Winner: Apollo Crews

5.   Austin Arise VS TJP
      Winner: Austin Aries

6.   The Miz VS Finn Balor VS Seth Rollins
      Winner: The Miz

WWE Raw 5/1/17 Results


1.   Alexa bliss, Nia jex, Alicia Fox and Emma VS Baylay, Shasha banks, Dana brooke and               Mickie James
      Winner:   Alexa bliss, Nia jex, Alicia Fox and Emma

2.   Luke Gallows VS Enzo Amore
      Winner: Luke Gallows

3.   Rich Swann, Akira Tozawa and Jack Gallgher VS Tony Nese, The Brian Kendrick and               Noam Dar
      Winner: Rich Swann, Akira Tozawa and Jack Gallgher

4.   Heath Slatter VS Apollo Crews
      Winner: Apollo Crews

5.   Austin Arise VS TJP
      Winner: Austin Aries

6.   The Miz VS Finn Balor VS Seth Rollins
      Winner: The Miz

WWE Raw Results

 Venue : Minnepolis

 Reported By: Kunwar Triple S

The RAW video plays, and we're carried into the field with a few firecrackers. Today evening time, we'll see the arrival of Brock Lesnar. We'll additionally observe Seth Rollins go up against Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho in a triple danger coordinate.

Chris Jericho's music hits, and he advances toward the ring with a lost look all over. Michael Cole says we should have a match with Enzo Amore and Karl Anderson commencing the show and ponders what is going on. Jericho says he has some ghastly news to share. The planned triple risk coordinate with him, his closest companion Kevin Owens, and Seth Rollins has been wiped out until further notice. The reason is disastrous. Something frightful has happened. This could change the course of WWE. It could destroy individuals' lives. Someone has stolen "The List of Jericho." The group boisterously boos that and begins an uproarious "NO" serenade. Jericho says he won't leave this ring, have another match, or have anything to do with this organization until he has it back in his grasp. He'll remain here all damn night in the event that he needs to. Jericho is sitting tight for somebody to "man up" and give back the rundown

Kevin Owens' music hits, and the WWE Universal Champion advances toward the ring. A "Where's the rundown" serenade breaks out. Jericho can't trust he's inquiring as to whether Owens stole the rundown. Owens says he doesn't know who has the rundown and couldn't care less, however he knows Jericho cares. Owens says he minds in regards to Jericho. They'll discover the rundown together, however just once they've dealt with Seth Rollins today. Owens says he needs Jericho to quit considering the rundown and get in agreement with him. Jericho says there is no triple risk coordinate until he gets back the rundown. That rundown is his private property. It's his enthusiastic private property. Jericho says he's composed his most profound, darkest mysteries on that rundown.

Stephanie McMahon's music hits, and she advances down to the ring. McMahon says she doesn't have the rundown, however she'll do everything in her official influence to ensure "The List of Jericho" is returned today evening time. Nobody in the field will leave until the rundown is in his grasp. Until then, Jericho needs to listen to his closest companion, Kevin. Jericho has a triple danger coordinate against Seth Rollins in the headliner of Monday Night RAW. They have to get in agreement. McMahon instructs him to quit being silly. Jericho yells that he needs his rundown back. Jericho says he's sick of individuals descending here letting him know what they think he needs to listen.

Seth Rollins' music hits, and he turns out to the phase with his hand in the face of his good faith. Jericho yells that he sees the rundown in the face of his good faith. Rollins is uncovered to hold "The List of Jericho." Rollins holds it up to a decent applause. McMahon requests that Rollins brings the rundown down here right at this point. Rollins says he's happy McMahon is out there in light of the fact that there's a great deal on there like Enzo, himself, "Shimmer Crotch," and Bon Jovi, however at the base of the rundown is a name with a clarification: "For putting my closest companion inside Hell in a Cell, Stephanie McMahon, doltish moron." McMahon looks amazed. Owens says he's not escaping with this one. Rollins knows he won't survive the triple danger today evening time, so he's turned to youth tricks like taking the rundown, as indicated by Owens. Rollins says if Owens thinks the rundown is inept, he ought to see the keep going name on this rundown: "My previous closest companion, Kevin Owens." Jericho says Rollins has taken it too far. A noteworthy, steadfast man and closest companion could never be on the rundown. The rundown is made for muttonheads, savages, rapscallions, and imbecilic dolts like Rollins, Mick Foley, and everybody in the field here today evening time. McMahon says she wouldn't be on the rundown either. Jericho concurs and reluctantly calls her "Mrs. McMahon."

Jericho requests the rundown be returned at this moment. Rollins says he's going to give him the rundown back on the grounds that he prefers the rundown and is feeling decent this evening. Before he does that, he has a craving for making a few adjustments to it. Rollins says he'll commit his rundown to the person gave the WWE Universal Champion, Kevin Owens. It will be a rundown of body parts that will never be a similar when Rollins enters Hell in a Cell with him this Sunday. Owens has never been inside Hell in a Cell, however he's been inside, flourished, and won inside it. The primary thing on his new rundown will be Owens' back in light of the fact that he'll beat him life from appendage before ensuring he can't stroll around here calling himself the man any longer in light of the fact that the whole world realizes that stand out individual is fit to wear the title, and that is Seth Rollins. Number two on the rundown will be Owens' mouth. He'll kick his teeth so far down his throat, he'll experience serious difficulties up to kiss Stephanie and Triple H's posteriors. Thing three million will be Owens' personality. This Sunday, he'll tear Owens separated. When he Pedigrees him through the tangle, he'll make an impression on Stephanie and Triple H that he'll remain absolutely determined to take the Universal Title and smolder the foundation to the ground. Rollins then difficulties Jericho to come and get the rundown before strolling off with it. Jericho rapidly escapes the ring and follows Rollins for it.

Today, Mick Foley will intervene the agreement marking for the primary ever RAW Women's Championship Hell in a Cell coordinate later this evening. Coming up next, we'll see Enzo Amore go up against Karl Anderson.

Seth Rollins is strolling backstage when Stephanie McMahon comes up to him. She requests the rundown. Rollins inquires as to why she needs the rundown and miracles if she's concerned her name is on the rundown. McMahon imagines not to mind if she's on the rundown. She must run Monday Night RAW. They guaranteed the WWE Universe a triple danger coordinate today evening time. Jericho won't do anything until he gets the rundown. Rollins advises her to stop wasting time. Rollins realizes that she's not doing anything for any other individual but rather herself. She needs the triple risk to transform into an impede coordinate so he doesn't make it to Hell in a Cell since her and her dumb spouse are so apprehensive of what might happen in the event that he turned into the Universal Champion. It doesn't make a difference what their arrangements are on account of it will happen. Rollins says he doesn't have the rundown any longer and left it in the locker room. Rollins then strolls off.

Enzo and Big Cass advance toward the ring to a pleasant applause. They will go up against Gallows and Anderson this Sunday at WWE Hell in a Cell. Enzo experiences his typical shtick, however his mouthpiece slices off part of the way through. Scaffold and Anderson turn out saying this singalong is authoritatively crossed out. They turn out to noisy boos. Luke Gallows says they're all in regards to profiting. They had a decent sibling that made a decent payday to switch a few wires and quiets them down. Karl Anderson says the label group division was put on notice, however these two never got the message through their thick, oily skulls. The pointless fooling around are over. Their mouthpieces being killed is what their ears were longing to hear.

Enzo puts on a show to hold the amplifier, and the group experiences his whole shtick as he acts it out. It's very great. A noisy "How you doin'" starts up. Huge Cass then does his "S-A-W-F-T" schedule.

Enzo Amore w/Big Cass versus Karl Anderson w/Luke Gallows

The chime rings, and Anderson rapidly kicks Enzo before sending him into the ropes for a back elbow. Anderson gets him in the corner and punches away at him. Enzo turns him around and pokes away at him before going down and doing "the running man." Enzo then winds up like a pitcher and punches him down. Enzo goes to the top rope, and Gallows occupies him, permitting Anderson to give Enzo a spinebuster.

We return from the break to see Enzo hit Anderson, however Anderson returns right with a stage up enzuigiri. Anderson then kicks him hard in the head. Anderson sits tight for Enzo to get up, and he brings him down with a flying boot for a close fall. Anderson applies a button bolt, however Enzo battles up and drives him into the turnbuckle. Anderson counters a boot, yet Enzo brings him down. Enzo hits a few pokes before bringing him down with a running cross-body and punching him. Enzo punches him down a couple times before sending him to the corner. Anderson puts himself through the ropes, so the official stops Enzo. Anderson takes Enzo out before going for a suplex, however Enzo arrives on his feet. Anderson moves him up with a modest bunch of tights, however Big Cass diverts the arbitrator. Hangman's tree gets on the cook's garment to divert the arbitrator, so Big Cass huge boots Anderson. Enzo then gets the win.

Victor by Pinfall: Enzo Amore

We'll get notification from Roman Reigns and Rusev at various purposes of the night. We'll first get notification from Rusev, next.

A statue of Rod Carew is appeared outside in Minneapolis.

Rusev is appeared in a pre-taped promo. Rusev says he once in a while experiences difficulty dozing around evening time, however the previous evening he rested like an infant. When he woke up, he realized that Roman Reigns' stranglehold on the United States Championship is reaching an end this Sunday. Rules has done vile things to him and his better half. Presently inside Hell in a Cell, he'll do disgusting things back to Roman Reigns. Rules made this individual, disregarded his family, and stole his United States Championship. Presently Reigns will pay the cost. Damnation in a Cell is a horrendous structure fit for evolving professions. The Cell is just as unsafe as your adversary, and Reigns will be bolted inside it with him. Rusev says he's not perplexed of Hell in a Cell since he's not apprehensive of Reigns. Rusev guarantees for his family, nation, and the title that Reigns will stroll into Hell in a Cell as champion, however he will be completed pulverized!

The New Day makes their passage while Big E tosses out boxes of Booty O's. "Another Day Rocks" serenade breaks out. Xavier Woods says this Sunday at Hell in a Cell, they'll be protecting their Tag Team Titles against conceivably one of the best competitors on the planet in Cesaro… with his accomplice, Sheamus. Enormous E says, "Disgrace… us." Yes, disgrace on every one of us. Kofi Kingston says disgrace on every one of us for permitting Sheamus to stroll down this slope and venture into the ring after a long time when you know who needs to see Sheamus? Who? Who? Who? No one! They get in the ring. Woods says not to disgrace us. Disgrace Sheamus. This is his blame. They all point at the passageway and more than once say, "Disgrace!" Woods says they'll disgrace him today evening time and this Sunday at Hell in a Cell when they leave the field still the WWE World Tag Team Champions on the grounds that New Day Rocks!

They'll confront Sheamus and Cesaro, next.

Footage from the RAW Pre Show is appeared. Cesaro and Sheamus both discussed how they could be Tag Team Champions… with an alternate accomplice.

The New Day versus Cesaro and Sheamus

Cesaro will begin with Kofi Kingston. They slap hands before locking up. Cesaro torques the arm, however Kingston flips through and brings him down. Cesaro rapidly uppercuts him down and focuses at Sheamus. Kingston sends him into the ropes and goes for a jump, yet Cesaro counters into a tilt-a-spin backbreaker. Sheamus is labeled in, and they send Kingston into the ropes for a twofold group back elbow. Sheamus uppercuts Kingston before punching him in the corner. Sheamus sends him to the inverse corner, however Kingston keeps away from a torrential slide. Kingston associates with a cross-body obstruct for a two tally. Huge E labels in, and he hits Sheamus with a running shoulder. Kingston then bounced off Big E's back for a torrential slide. Huge E then clotheslines Sheamus down. The Unicorn Stampede starts up while Woods continues forever about The New Day. Sheamus escapes the rush and indignantly strolls around ringside. Cesaro tries to converse with him, however Sheamus instructs him to "quiets down."

We return from the separate to see Cesaro take Kingston and tag in Sheamus. They alternate labeling in and out to strike Kingston. Sheamus brings Kingston down with a short-arm clothesline for a two number. Amid the business, Sheamus brought Kingston down with a clothesline from the cook's garment. Sheamus applies a button bolt while a "Disgrace" serenade breaks out. Kingston battles up and hits the ropes. Kingston counters a knee to the midriff into a move up for a two number. Sheamus does the 10 Beats of the Bodhrán. The group of onlookers checks along by saying "Disgrace" on every strike. Sheamus gets a two check. Kingston returns with an inside support, yet Sheamus kicks out at two. Sheamus knees Kingston in the face. Cesaro labels in, and he grabs a two check. Kingston flips through a back suplex. Cesaro goes for a running shoulder, however Kingston moves. Cesaro hits the ring post bear first.

Sheamus labels in, as Big E does. Huge E hits a couple of paunch to-tummy overhead suplexes before hitting a stomach to-gut side suplex. Enormous E goes for a major sprinkle, yet Sheamus appears and does an Irish Curse Backbreaker for a two tally. Sheamus shoulders him in the waist and interfaces with a knee lift. Huge E returns with a one-equipped pummel for a close fall. Sheamus gets on the cover and snaps him off the top rope. Sheamus then powerslams him down. Cesaro and Kingston are labeled in. Kingston brings him down with a springboard clothesline. Kingston goes for a guillotine, yet Cesaro counters into a vertical suplex for a two tally. Cesaro goes for a Cesaro Swing, however Kingston counters with a move up for a two tally. Cesaro starts up the Uppercut Train before Kingston counters with a SOS for a close fall. Kingston kicks him in the face and labels in Big E. Huge E thumps Sheamus off the cook's garment before going for a Big Ending, however Cesaro gets out. Cesaro goes for a Cesaro Swing, however he stops and counters a cross-body hinder from Kingston into a fall-away pummel. Sheamus labels in, as Big E hits Cesaro with a tummy to-stomach suplex. Enormous E stays away from a Brogue Kick and clotheslines him out of the ring. Enormous E slings Kingston over the top rope, yet Cesaro uppercuts him out of mid-air! Sheamus then hits Big E with a Brogue Kick for the win!

Champs by Pinfall: Cesaro and Sheamus

Cesaro and Sheamus contend at ringside over who was the greatest supporter to the win.

The reporters discuss getting the WWE Network for nothing in case you're another supporter.

A truly awesome video bundle is appeared of Goldberg's epic come back from a week ago with clasps from WWE 2K17 mixed in it.

Chris Jericho is looking through the locker room when he finds the Shining Stars. They offer him a rundown of costs for an excursion. Jericho says he detests the Dominican Republic. Jericho goes to Titus O'Neil, however he doesn't have it either. At last, Jinder Mahal needs to demonstrate to him some breathing activities, however Jericho calls him an inept numbskull and needs the rundown, not relaxing.

Dana Brooke is in the ring as of now. Bayley makes her passageway. Dana says her triumph a week ago over Bayley was called an annoyed, which she can't accept. Dana says she got a rematch endorsed. This is an extraordinary rematch. It's an arm wrestling match. Bayley's shoulder is uncovered to be harmed. She is wearing kinesio tape.

An arm wrestling table is gotten, and an arbitrator turns out. A "This is imbecilic" serenade breaks out. They bolt hands, and Dana tears Bayley's arm down. Bayley snatches her shoulder in agony. Bayley needs to have a reasonable challenge and needs to utilize her left arm. An "Exhausting" serenade starts up. Bayley resembles she's triumphant with her left arm, yet Dana shameful attacks her and assaults the shoulder. Dana hits the ropes, yet Bayley returns and hits a Bayley-To-Belly. The group, which was just totally affronting these two, pop for the wrap up. Dana withdraws from the ring.

Later today evening time, we'll have the agreement marking for Charlotte and Sasha Banks' Hell in a Cell coordinate. We'll additionally (conceivably) see a triple danger with Seth Rollins going up against Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens.

Chris Jericho is as yet searching for the rundown when he finds Stephanie McMahon once more. Jericho says she better help him discover the rundown. McMahon asks what will happen. Will she go on the rundown once more? Jericho says she's not on the rundown and they haven't had a cross word in sixteen years in the organization. McMahon says Rollins is attempting to divert Jericho from the triple danger headliner. McMahon says she has a triple headliner this Sunday and needs to assemble groups for Survivor Series. She advises Jericho to get engaged in light of the fact that he's contending in the triple risk whether he discovers it or not. Jericho says he's holding fast and won't contend until he finds the rundown. He asks, "Ya burrow?" She says she's pressuring her to reveal more than was prudent. A WWE Superstar is declining to do what the supervisor says, so she'll make a case of him. On the off chance that he doesn't contend today, he's suspended. She strolls off.

Curtis Axel is in the ring. Axel says he truly did Bo-lieve in Bo, yet a week ago, he exited him laying. Axel needed to backtrack to what he has confidence in. Axel says his foundations run somewhere down in Minnesota. The group pops boisterous for him. Axel says each time he ventures in the ring, he conveys the legacy of his granddad, Larry "The Ax" Hennig. He additionally conveys the legacy of his dad, "Mr. Idealize" Curt Hennig. At the point when Dallas assaulted him a week ago, he assaulted all that he remains for. Axel says he won't give that a chance to happen, particularly in the place where he grew up of Minneapolis.

Curtis Axel versus Bo Dallas

The chime rings, and Dallas slaps him in the face. Axel punches him in the face and punches away at him on the tangle. Axel kicks away at him in the corner before sending him to the inverse corner. Dallas rapidly boots him in the face and clotheslines him in the back of the head. Dallas goes for a moving cutter, however Axel counters into a Perfect-Plex for a close fall. Dallas rapidly takes off of the ring and brings him down. Dallas pulls the overskirt skirt over him and clubs away at him. Dallas gets in the ring and brings him down for a close fall. Dallas applies a button bolt, yet Axel battles up. Axel punches out and sends him to the corner for a clothesline. Axel hits another clothesline and hits a running back elbow. Axel brings him down with a snapmare and gets the group started up. Axel hits a moving neck snap before kneeing him in the face for a close fall. Axel knees him in the face a couple times before Dallas moves him up for the win.

Victor by Pinfall: Bo Dallas

Bo Dallas rapidly escapes the ring and holds up his sign.

Coming up next, we'll get notification from Roman Reigns.

A video bundle show for Rich Swann. He'll confront "The Wizard of Odd," Brian Kendrick later today.

Chris Jericho is as yet strolling around backstage when a phase hand says he saw somebody with the rundown. Jericho frantically asks where it is before kissing the man on the head. Jericho circumvents the corner and see Braun Strowman holding the rundown. Jericho strolls up to him and requests the rundown. Strowman instructs him to say, "Please." Jericho asks again and says "please." Strowman says he doesn't see Sami Zayn's name on the rundown before persuasively offering back to him and strolling off. Jericho timidly says it's on page four. When Strowman is out of earshot, Jericho puts Strowman on the rundown for touching his own property.

Roman Reigns is appeared in a pre-taped promo. The group boos him. Rules says he advised Rusev he was bringing him to hellfire with him, and he would not joke about this. Rusev is attempting to let him know what it resembles to be inside Hell in a Cell. Rusev has never been inside it and doesn't recognize what it resembles to contend in it and win, yet he does. Rusev said Reigns made this individual. Rules hasn't made it individual yet, yet he will. In the Cell, it's not about weddings and family collections. It's about the United States Championship, and he thinks about that literally. Rules says, "See you in hellfire."

The Golden Truth makes their passage. Stamp Henry will be ringside for a label group coordinate, next.

The Golden Truth w/Mark Henry versus The Shining Stars w/Titus O'Neil

Goldust will begin the match against Epico. They bolt up, and Goldust bear squares him down. Goldust hits the ropes, kicks him, and uppercuts him before associating with an altered nuclear drop and a running boot. Goldust torques the arm before having a whip turned around on him. Primo occupies him, and Epico dropkicks him down. Primo labels in and sprinkles him against the ropes. Epico hits a slingshot senton for a two tally. Epico punches away at him before Primo labels in and steps Goldust. Primo gags him against the ropes and punches him down. Goldust tries to punch back, yet Primo stops him and labels in Epico. They hit Goldust with a sandwich twofold dropkick for a close fall. Epico applies a button bolt. Goldust battles up and controls out before giving Epico a powerslam.

R-Truth and Primo are labeled in. R-Truth hits a clothesline and a back heel kick. R-Truth torrential slides him in the corner and hits the Lie Detector for a close fall. R-Truth does a touch and a split. Goldust thumps Epico out of the ring. O'Neil pulls the ropes down as R-Truth goes into them. Stamp Henry pushes O'Neil, and he hits the ropes, making Primo get crotched on the top rope. Henry then sends O'Neil into the ring post. The Golden Truth then hits Primo with a pancake/invert STO for the win.

Victors by Pinfall: The Golden Truth

Agreement marking with Sasha Banks and Charlotte.

Mick Foley is now in the ring for the agreement marking. A "Foley" serenade breaks out. Foley says the immense thing in regards to being a WWE Superstar is you never know when a minute will get to be deified. Any match could be "the match" that launches a WWE Superstar into a legend. This Sunday, six evenings from now, at RAW's restrictive PPV occasion, it's no conventional occasion: it's Hell in a Cell. There will be a triple headliner, including the primary ever Women's Hell in a Cell. We'll have an uncommon contract marking. In the first place, he presents the challenger, Charlotte Flair. Out next is the RAW Women's Champion, Sasha Banks.

Both ladies hurl aside their seats. Foley says since they both landed in the WWE Performance Center, they've gotten through the unreasonable impediment and smashed what was anticipated from ladies' wrestling. Genuine enormity knows no sexual orientation. A few traditionalists think a Hell in a Cell match is excessively uncouth for ladies, making it impossible to contend in. This is another period in WWE where ladies can achieve anything. Foley says once they sign the agreement, there is no turning back. This match and everything that joins it will happen, right here in Minneapolis.

Sasha Banks says she's never been more prepared in her life. Charlotte asks where she can sign so the title can return home to where it has a place on the shoulder of The Queen. Charlotte requests the agreement. Foley doesn't do it. Charlotte by and by requests it. Foley says he hears her, yet now it's the ideal opportunity for them to hear him. Foley doesn't think they comprehend what they're getting themselves required in when they venture inside Hell in a Cell. Banks says she's an understudy of the amusement and has concentrated each Hell in a Cell coordinate on the WWE Network. Foley says she has no clue what's in store for her. It's not simply steel. It's a living, breathing element with no spirit, heart, or inner voice. It will frequent them during the evening. Exactly when you believe you're over it, it will sneak up on you. It'll make you cry like a youngster. When you're inside it, you confront not one adversary, but rather two.

Charlotte advises Foley and Banks to hear her out. She has vanquished everything she's ever confronted. She was the principal lady to put her hands on that title. Because some entitled inferior ability has it, it will return to her. The group noisily boos her. Charlotte says she's the main reason that title implies anything. She will go to hellfire and back and chance everything to win it back. When she beats Sasha on Sunday, she will investigate her eyes and comprehend the significance of "regard" since she will regard The Queen. Charm!

Banks says Charlotte is no ruler in light of the fact that there is no ruler in WWE. There is a manager. She will go down as the best Women's Champion ever. Damnation in a Cell may change her life and abandon her broken. Banks says none of that matters. The only thing that is in any way important is the WWE Women's Championship. Charlotte says she's been harmed ordinarily this year. Charlotte says Banks is powerless. Banks says she's strolling into the Cell as the RAW Women's Champion. She's gone down, however she's return over and above anyone's expectations. She's not reluctant to venture within Hell in a Cell. Charlotte says she isn't either.

Foley shouts that they both ought to be. He's the fate of them. Foley experiences issues getting around after the Cell. It damages to move. The Cell left him a shell of his previous self. There is no practice he can do to compensate for the way that he has no hip attachment. It's bone on bone. There's no bend of his spine. He's agony on account of the choices he made inside the Cell. Foley is very nearly tears and says he's known her since she was a young lady. Foley says there's not one thing on the planet they can have confidence in with the exception of his faith in her. With respect to Banks, his youngsters took an Eddie Guerrero signature and offered it to her since it implies a ton to her. Banks is a piece of Eddie's legacy now. It implies a ton to him. Foley was a bored, pessimistic fan and helped him to remember what he adores about WWE. Before he has them sign this, he needs them both to look at him without flinching and let him realize that they know the dangers that run as an inseparable unit with impacting the world forever at Hell in a Cell.

Charlotte takes the pen, grins, and sign the agreement. Charlotte says, "See you in Boston." Banks takes a gander at Foley before taking the pen and marking the agreement. Banks says, "And I'll see you in hellfire." Banks holds up the title and gazes at her rival.

Brock Lesnar will be on RAW later today evening time to react to Goldberg. Coming up next, we'll see Brian Kendrick go up against Rich Swann.

T.J. Perkins will be on discourse for the following match.

Brian Kendrick versus Rich Swann

The chime rings, and they bolt up. Kendrick quickly knees him down and applies a side headlock. Swann whips him off, however Kendrick bear pieces him down. They both hit the ropes and jump each other. Swann flips over him and dropkicks him down. Swann hits a couple of arm drags before sending him into the ropes. Swann counters a hip hurl into a takedown and a dropkick. Swann goes to the overskirt and brings him out with a corkscrew plancha!

We return from the break to see Swann caught in a neck bad habit. Amid the business, Kendrick snapped Swann off the center rope. Swann battles up and punches out. Kendrick turns around a whip and elbows him. Swann ducks a clothesline and hits his very own couple. Swann kicks him in the waist and hits a twofold step to bring him down for a two tally. Swann keeps running into a boot, however he returns right by jumping up and giving him a hurricanrana off the top rope for a two number. Swann tries to get himself started up, however Kendrick flips through a back suplex and elbows him. Kendrick goes for Sliced Bread #2, yet Swann gets out. Swann hits a twofold under-snare powerbomb with a pocketknife stick for a two check. Swann goes for a standing moonsault, yet Kendrick gets his knees up for a two number. An irregular shot of the ringside range mats is appeared. Kendrick goes for a switch chinlock takedown, however Swann gets out. Kendrick brings him down before running into a right hand. Swann gets on his shoulders, yet Kendrick brings him down. Kendrick goes for the Captain's Hook, yet Swann counters into a move up for the win.

Victor by Pinfall: Rich Swann

T.J. Perkins is seen emotionlessly gazing at Brian Kendrick.

Later this evening, Seth Rollins will go up against Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho in a triple risk coordinate.

Tom Philips is backstage with the WWE Universal Champion, Kevin Owens. Philips asks how everything that is gone ahead with the rundown today will play out. Owens says they're in agreement and will break Rollins today. Rollins will stumble into Hell in a Cell and make a lamentable endeavor at taking his WWE Universal Title. Rollins supposes he has leeway since he's been inside Hell in a Cell, yet he's been sitting tight a quarter century this minute. As far back as he saw the main Hell in a Cell coordinate, he needed to be a piece of it. As unsafe as the structure may be, it's energizing to be a piece of it. That is the reason Charlotte and Sasha for all intents and purposes asked to be in the Cell. After this Sunday, there won't be any children thinking the match is cool or any trying whizzes needing to be in it since they'll see what happens to Rollins. Owens will put Rollins through the sort of damnation individuals discuss a quarter century now. He'll put a lasting scar on Rollins until the end of time. It doesn't make a difference what anybody considers him. The main thing that matters is the WWE Universal Title. On Sunday, he's going to hellfire with Rollins, yet he'll be the one and only returning.

Braun Strowman versus Sami Zayn

Strowman gazes at Zayn before getting an amplifier. Strowman gets out Mick Foley and says he needs rivalry. Strowman doesn't see any genuine rivalry. Zayn dropkicks him in the back, yet Strowman doesn't go down. Strowman indignantly pivots, so Zayn slaps him. Zayn escapes the ring and flees. Zayn gets in the ring and dropkicks him off the overskirt twice. Zayn goes for a plancha, however Strowman gets him and tosses him into the blockade. Strowman then essentially strolls off. Zayn gets in the ring and requests that he returns. Strowman turns and strolls off. This match never formally began.

T.J. Perkins is backstage in the locker room when Brian Kendrick strolls up to him. Kendrick says he doesn't need any inconvenience and needs his offer assistance. Perkins inquires as to why he didn't ask his new companions. Kendrick tragically says he needs the title on Sunday so he can keep on feeding his family. Perkins says he doesn't know whether he can help him. Perkins instructs him to go out and attempt to win. Kendrick requests that Perkins let him win. Perkins snatches his title and sack and strolls off. Kendrick is broken down.

Paul Heyman thumps on Brock Lesnar's locker room and strolls in. Brock Lesnar will be out, next. It's 10:40 PM EST and there is still a triple danger match to go.

Brock Lesnar's music hits, and he advances toward the ring with Paul Heyman. Lesnar is in the place where he grew up of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Footage is appeared of Goldberg's remarks a week ago where he acknowledged Lesnar's test. Goldberg said that Brock Lesnar is next, as well as he's last. Lesnar is seen smiling at the footage.

Paul Heyman says, "Women and men of honor, my name is Paul Heyman, and my customer, Brock Lesnar, has approved me to turn out over here today evening time to address this whole circumstance including this, um, this person, this superdad, this wannabe superhero, this person who supposes he was Brock Lesnar before there was ever Brock Lesnar, this person Goldberg." Goldberg's name is booed. A "Suplex City" serenade starts up. Heyman intrudes on the group and says we appear to have a smartass Goldberg fan today evening time. Heyman says to him and any other person that has the slant that the serenades are truly beginning to piss Brock Lesnar off. Heyman says when dream fighting meets the truth of my customer, Goldberg will resemble Humpty Dumpty on the grounds that every one of the serenades on the planet won't have the capacity to assemble Goldberg back again when he is beaten, defrauded, and crushed by Brock Lesnar. With respect to the general population that serenade "Suplex City," they're similar ones that serenade "Goldberg." A "Suplex City" serenade starts up. Heyman exhorts those droning Goldberg (it's not listened) to forgo doing as such before his customer takes matters into his own particular cracking hands with them. A light "Goldberg" serenade starts up. A "Skol" serenade then breaks out blended with "Suplex City." A louder "Goldberg" serenade breaks out.

Heyman says Brock Lesnar returns home and a large portion of the group serenades for Goldberg. This is all Goldberg's blame. A louder "Goldberg sucks" serenade starts up. Lesnar's music hits, and they stroll off.

Chris Jericho is seen strolling backstage when Kevin Owens strolls up to him. Owens inquires as to whether he's prepared to be in agreement with him to make Seth Rollins lament the day he met them. Jericho says he heard Owens say that the WWE Universal Championship is the main thing that matters, however their companionship additionally matters. Jericho needs to ensure he knows he's not on the rundown. Jericho says regardless of what happens today evening time, despite everything they'll be closest companions. Jericho takes a gander at the rundown and strolls off, as Owens looks concerned.

Seth Rollins makes his passage. The triple risk match is next.

One week from now, we'll have a Halloween version of RAW. Goldberg will likewise be on the show.

Seth Rollins versus Chris Jericho versus Kevin Owens

The chime rings at 11:00 PM EST. Owens takes off of the ring and leaves Jericho in the ring with Rollins. Jericho watches concerned and gets out to talk methodology. Owens and Jericho get on inverse sides of the ring, and Rollins leaves the ring. Rollins instructs them to battle. Jericho and Owens encompass Rollins, so he gets in the ring. Rollins ducks a clothesline from Jericho and kicks Owens off the cook's garment. Rollins kicks Jericho, hits a snapmare, and kicks him in the mid-section for a one tally. Rollins slashes him in the corner before Jericho turns around a whip. Rollins boots him in the face, goes to the second rope, and hits a blockbuster. Owens keeps running in, so Rollins dispatches of him. Jericho puts Rollins on the cover, so Rollins kicks him. Owens pulls him off the smock and sends him into the blockade. Rollins turns around a whip into the blockade and afterward tosses him into it. Rollins then dropkicks him on the floor. Rollins punches him down until Jericho assaults him from behind and drops him into the group. Jericho minds Owens, and Rollins brings them both out with a cross-body square. Rollins places Owens into the ring and tosses Jericho into the group. Owens rapidly clotheslines Rollins in the corner. Owens rehashes the move and looks down at his Hell in a Cell rival. Owens hits the corner clothesline one final time before going for a cannonball, yet Rollins moves. Rollins hits a springboard knee to the set out toward a close fall. Rollins goes to the top rope, however Owens goes to the inverse corner. Rollins gets off the top rope and hits a running lower arm. Rollins goes for a Pedigree, yet Owens gets out. Jericho gets in the ring, so Rollins tries to Pedigree him. Jericho counters into a Walls of Jericho endeavor, yet Rollins winds out. Jericho rapidly brings him down with a back elbow. Jericho tries for the Lionsault, however Rollins gets his knees up. Rollins goes for a Pedigree, however Owens stops it. Owens and Jericho twofold group him before Owens goes to the second rope for a senton sprinkle! Owens and Jericho posture in the ring.

Owens takes off of the ring and talks waste before sending Rollins into a clothesline from Jericho. Jericho places Rollins in the ring. Owens kicks him in the face. Jericho holds Rollins up, and Owens punches him down. Owens signs to Jericho that they ought to end it. They begin twofold joining Rollins once more. Owens sends Rollins into the ropes, however he hangs on. Rollins pulls the top rope down to get him out of the ring. Jericho moves Rollins up, however Rollins moves through and kicks him. Rollins hits Owens with a suicide plunge and goes to the top rope. Rollins goes for a frog sprinkle, yet Jericho moves. Jericho hits a Codebreaker for a close fall. Jericho can't trust it and contends with the official. Jericho whips Owens into Rollins for a cannonball. Owens slaps him in the face a couple times and talks some waste. They put Rollins on the top rope for a twofold group superplex, however Rollins gets off and pummels them down for a twofold stick.

Champ by Pinfall: Seth Rollins

Owens and Jericho rapidly assault him at ringside and kick away at him. Owens violently punches away at Rollins. They send Rollins recklessly into the steel steps. Security and officials once-over to get Owens and Jericho to quit assaulting Rollins. Owens holds up the title and yells that he is the man. Rollins makes tracks in an opposite direction from security and brings Owens down on the incline. Rollins brings him down again and punches away at him until security backs him up. Owens then brings him down through security and sends him heedlessly into the ring post. Owens yells that he is the man before giving him an Apron Powerbomb! Owens remains over him and talks junk. The observers discuss how it is highly unlikely Rollins will be 100% this Sunday at Hell in a Cell. Owens goes to the incline to get his title, gets back in the ring, and postures on the turnbuckle. The group wakes up sufficiently only to boo him.

 Match Results

* Enzo Amore def. Karl Anderson

* Cesaro and Sheamus def. The New Day (non-title)

* Bo Dallas def. Curtis Axel

* The Golden Truth def. The Shining Stars

* Rich Swann def. Brian Kendrick

* Seth Rollins def. Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens (non-title)

WWE Raw Results 24 Oct 2016

WWE Raw Results

 Venue : Minnepolis

 Reported By: Kunwar Triple S

The RAW video plays, and we're carried into the field with a few firecrackers. Today evening time, we'll see the arrival of Brock Lesnar. We'll additionally observe Seth Rollins go up against Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho in a triple danger coordinate.

Chris Jericho's music hits, and he advances toward the ring with a lost look all over. Michael Cole says we should have a match with Enzo Amore and Karl Anderson commencing the show and ponders what is going on. Jericho says he has some ghastly news to share. The planned triple risk coordinate with him, his closest companion Kevin Owens, and Seth Rollins has been wiped out until further notice. The reason is disastrous. Something frightful has happened. This could change the course of WWE. It could destroy individuals' lives. Someone has stolen "The List of Jericho." The group boisterously boos that and begins an uproarious "NO" serenade. Jericho says he won't leave this ring, have another match, or have anything to do with this organization until he has it back in his grasp. He'll remain here all damn night in the event that he needs to. Jericho is sitting tight for somebody to "man up" and give back the rundown

Kevin Owens' music hits, and the WWE Universal Champion advances toward the ring. A "Where's the rundown" serenade breaks out. Jericho can't trust he's inquiring as to whether Owens stole the rundown. Owens says he doesn't know who has the rundown and couldn't care less, however he knows Jericho cares. Owens says he minds in regards to Jericho. They'll discover the rundown together, however just once they've dealt with Seth Rollins today. Owens says he needs Jericho to quit considering the rundown and get in agreement with him. Jericho says there is no triple risk coordinate until he gets back the rundown. That rundown is his private property. It's his enthusiastic private property. Jericho says he's composed his most profound, darkest mysteries on that rundown.

Stephanie McMahon's music hits, and she advances down to the ring. McMahon says she doesn't have the rundown, however she'll do everything in her official influence to ensure "The List of Jericho" is returned today evening time. Nobody in the field will leave until the rundown is in his grasp. Until then, Jericho needs to listen to his closest companion, Kevin. Jericho has a triple danger coordinate against Seth Rollins in the headliner of Monday Night RAW. They have to get in agreement. McMahon instructs him to quit being silly. Jericho yells that he needs his rundown back. Jericho says he's sick of individuals descending here letting him know what they think he needs to listen.

Seth Rollins' music hits, and he turns out to the phase with his hand in the face of his good faith. Jericho yells that he sees the rundown in the face of his good faith. Rollins is uncovered to hold "The List of Jericho." Rollins holds it up to a decent applause. McMahon requests that Rollins brings the rundown down here right at this point. Rollins says he's happy McMahon is out there in light of the fact that there's a great deal on there like Enzo, himself, "Shimmer Crotch," and Bon Jovi, however at the base of the rundown is a name with a clarification: "For putting my closest companion inside Hell in a Cell, Stephanie McMahon, doltish moron." McMahon looks amazed. Owens says he's not escaping with this one. Rollins knows he won't survive the triple danger today evening time, so he's turned to youth tricks like taking the rundown, as indicated by Owens. Rollins says if Owens thinks the rundown is inept, he ought to see the keep going name on this rundown: "My previous closest companion, Kevin Owens." Jericho says Rollins has taken it too far. A noteworthy, steadfast man and closest companion could never be on the rundown. The rundown is made for muttonheads, savages, rapscallions, and imbecilic dolts like Rollins, Mick Foley, and everybody in the field here today evening time. McMahon says she wouldn't be on the rundown either. Jericho concurs and reluctantly calls her "Mrs. McMahon."

Jericho requests the rundown be returned at this moment. Rollins says he's going to give him the rundown back on the grounds that he prefers the rundown and is feeling decent this evening. Before he does that, he has a craving for making a few adjustments to it. Rollins says he'll commit his rundown to the person gave the WWE Universal Champion, Kevin Owens. It will be a rundown of body parts that will never be a similar when Rollins enters Hell in a Cell with him this Sunday. Owens has never been inside Hell in a Cell, however he's been inside, flourished, and won inside it. The primary thing on his new rundown will be Owens' back in light of the fact that he'll beat him life from appendage before ensuring he can't stroll around here calling himself the man any longer in light of the fact that the whole world realizes that stand out individual is fit to wear the title, and that is Seth Rollins. Number two on the rundown will be Owens' mouth. He'll kick his teeth so far down his throat, he'll experience serious difficulties up to kiss Stephanie and Triple H's posteriors. Thing three million will be Owens' personality. This Sunday, he'll tear Owens separated. When he Pedigrees him through the tangle, he'll make an impression on Stephanie and Triple H that he'll remain absolutely determined to take the Universal Title and smolder the foundation to the ground. Rollins then difficulties Jericho to come and get the rundown before strolling off with it. Jericho rapidly escapes the ring and follows Rollins for it.

Today, Mick Foley will intervene the agreement marking for the primary ever RAW Women's Championship Hell in a Cell coordinate later this evening. Coming up next, we'll see Enzo Amore go up against Karl Anderson.

Seth Rollins is strolling backstage when Stephanie McMahon comes up to him. She requests the rundown. Rollins inquires as to why she needs the rundown and miracles if she's concerned her name is on the rundown. McMahon imagines not to mind if she's on the rundown. She must run Monday Night RAW. They guaranteed the WWE Universe a triple danger coordinate today evening time. Jericho won't do anything until he gets the rundown. Rollins advises her to stop wasting time. Rollins realizes that she's not doing anything for any other individual but rather herself. She needs the triple risk to transform into an impede coordinate so he doesn't make it to Hell in a Cell since her and her dumb spouse are so apprehensive of what might happen in the event that he turned into the Universal Champion. It doesn't make a difference what their arrangements are on account of it will happen. Rollins says he doesn't have the rundown any longer and left it in the locker room. Rollins then strolls off.

Enzo and Big Cass advance toward the ring to a pleasant applause. They will go up against Gallows and Anderson this Sunday at WWE Hell in a Cell. Enzo experiences his typical shtick, however his mouthpiece slices off part of the way through. Scaffold and Anderson turn out saying this singalong is authoritatively crossed out. They turn out to noisy boos. Luke Gallows says they're all in regards to profiting. They had a decent sibling that made a decent payday to switch a few wires and quiets them down. Karl Anderson says the label group division was put on notice, however these two never got the message through their thick, oily skulls. The pointless fooling around are over. Their mouthpieces being killed is what their ears were longing to hear.

Enzo puts on a show to hold the amplifier, and the group experiences his whole shtick as he acts it out. It's very great. A noisy "How you doin'" starts up. Huge Cass then does his "S-A-W-F-T" schedule.

Enzo Amore w/Big Cass versus Karl Anderson w/Luke Gallows

The chime rings, and Anderson rapidly kicks Enzo before sending him into the ropes for a back elbow. Anderson gets him in the corner and punches away at him. Enzo turns him around and pokes away at him before going down and doing "the running man." Enzo then winds up like a pitcher and punches him down. Enzo goes to the top rope, and Gallows occupies him, permitting Anderson to give Enzo a spinebuster.

We return from the break to see Enzo hit Anderson, however Anderson returns right with a stage up enzuigiri. Anderson then kicks him hard in the head. Anderson sits tight for Enzo to get up, and he brings him down with a flying boot for a close fall. Anderson applies a button bolt, however Enzo battles up and drives him into the turnbuckle. Anderson counters a boot, yet Enzo brings him down. Enzo hits a few pokes before bringing him down with a running cross-body and punching him. Enzo punches him down a couple times before sending him to the corner. Anderson puts himself through the ropes, so the official stops Enzo. Anderson takes Enzo out before going for a suplex, however Enzo arrives on his feet. Anderson moves him up with a modest bunch of tights, however Big Cass diverts the arbitrator. Hangman's tree gets on the cook's garment to divert the arbitrator, so Big Cass huge boots Anderson. Enzo then gets the win.

Victor by Pinfall: Enzo Amore

We'll get notification from Roman Reigns and Rusev at various purposes of the night. We'll first get notification from Rusev, next.

A statue of Rod Carew is appeared outside in Minneapolis.

Rusev is appeared in a pre-taped promo. Rusev says he once in a while experiences difficulty dozing around evening time, however the previous evening he rested like an infant. When he woke up, he realized that Roman Reigns' stranglehold on the United States Championship is reaching an end this Sunday. Rules has done vile things to him and his better half. Presently inside Hell in a Cell, he'll do disgusting things back to Roman Reigns. Rules made this individual, disregarded his family, and stole his United States Championship. Presently Reigns will pay the cost. Damnation in a Cell is a horrendous structure fit for evolving professions. The Cell is just as unsafe as your adversary, and Reigns will be bolted inside it with him. Rusev says he's not perplexed of Hell in a Cell since he's not apprehensive of Reigns. Rusev guarantees for his family, nation, and the title that Reigns will stroll into Hell in a Cell as champion, however he will be completed pulverized!

The New Day makes their passage while Big E tosses out boxes of Booty O's. "Another Day Rocks" serenade breaks out. Xavier Woods says this Sunday at Hell in a Cell, they'll be protecting their Tag Team Titles against conceivably one of the best competitors on the planet in Cesaro… with his accomplice, Sheamus. Enormous E says, "Disgrace… us." Yes, disgrace on every one of us. Kofi Kingston says disgrace on every one of us for permitting Sheamus to stroll down this slope and venture into the ring after a long time when you know who needs to see Sheamus? Who? Who? Who? No one! They get in the ring. Woods says not to disgrace us. Disgrace Sheamus. This is his blame. They all point at the passageway and more than once say, "Disgrace!" Woods says they'll disgrace him today evening time and this Sunday at Hell in a Cell when they leave the field still the WWE World Tag Team Champions on the grounds that New Day Rocks!

They'll confront Sheamus and Cesaro, next.

Footage from the RAW Pre Show is appeared. Cesaro and Sheamus both discussed how they could be Tag Team Champions… with an alternate accomplice.

The New Day versus Cesaro and Sheamus

Cesaro will begin with Kofi Kingston. They slap hands before locking up. Cesaro torques the arm, however Kingston flips through and brings him down. Cesaro rapidly uppercuts him down and focuses at Sheamus. Kingston sends him into the ropes and goes for a jump, yet Cesaro counters into a tilt-a-spin backbreaker. Sheamus is labeled in, and they send Kingston into the ropes for a twofold group back elbow. Sheamus uppercuts Kingston before punching him in the corner. Sheamus sends him to the inverse corner, however Kingston keeps away from a torrential slide. Kingston associates with a cross-body obstruct for a two tally. Huge E labels in, and he hits Sheamus with a running shoulder. Kingston then bounced off Big E's back for a torrential slide. Huge E then clotheslines Sheamus down. The Unicorn Stampede starts up while Woods continues forever about The New Day. Sheamus escapes the rush and indignantly strolls around ringside. Cesaro tries to converse with him, however Sheamus instructs him to "quiets down."

We return from the separate to see Cesaro take Kingston and tag in Sheamus. They alternate labeling in and out to strike Kingston. Sheamus brings Kingston down with a short-arm clothesline for a two number. Amid the business, Sheamus brought Kingston down with a clothesline from the cook's garment. Sheamus applies a button bolt while a "Disgrace" serenade breaks out. Kingston battles up and hits the ropes. Kingston counters a knee to the midriff into a move up for a two number. Sheamus does the 10 Beats of the Bodhrán. The group of onlookers checks along by saying "Disgrace" on every strike. Sheamus gets a two check. Kingston returns with an inside support, yet Sheamus kicks out at two. Sheamus knees Kingston in the face. Cesaro labels in, and he grabs a two check. Kingston flips through a back suplex. Cesaro goes for a running shoulder, however Kingston moves. Cesaro hits the ring post bear first.

Sheamus labels in, as Big E does. Huge E hits a couple of paunch to-tummy overhead suplexes before hitting a stomach to-gut side suplex. Enormous E goes for a major sprinkle, yet Sheamus appears and does an Irish Curse Backbreaker for a two tally. Sheamus shoulders him in the waist and interfaces with a knee lift. Huge E returns with a one-equipped pummel for a close fall. Sheamus gets on the cover and snaps him off the top rope. Sheamus then powerslams him down. Cesaro and Kingston are labeled in. Kingston brings him down with a springboard clothesline. Kingston goes for a guillotine, yet Cesaro counters into a vertical suplex for a two tally. Cesaro goes for a Cesaro Swing, however Kingston counters with a move up for a two tally. Cesaro starts up the Uppercut Train before Kingston counters with a SOS for a close fall. Kingston kicks him in the face and labels in Big E. Huge E thumps Sheamus off the cook's garment before going for a Big Ending, however Cesaro gets out. Cesaro goes for a Cesaro Swing, however he stops and counters a cross-body hinder from Kingston into a fall-away pummel. Sheamus labels in, as Big E hits Cesaro with a tummy to-stomach suplex. Enormous E stays away from a Brogue Kick and clotheslines him out of the ring. Enormous E slings Kingston over the top rope, yet Cesaro uppercuts him out of mid-air! Sheamus then hits Big E with a Brogue Kick for the win!

Champs by Pinfall: Cesaro and Sheamus

Cesaro and Sheamus contend at ringside over who was the greatest supporter to the win.

The reporters discuss getting the WWE Network for nothing in case you're another supporter.

A truly awesome video bundle is appeared of Goldberg's epic come back from a week ago with clasps from WWE 2K17 mixed in it.

Chris Jericho is looking through the locker room when he finds the Shining Stars. They offer him a rundown of costs for an excursion. Jericho says he detests the Dominican Republic. Jericho goes to Titus O'Neil, however he doesn't have it either. At last, Jinder Mahal needs to demonstrate to him some breathing activities, however Jericho calls him an inept numbskull and needs the rundown, not relaxing.

Dana Brooke is in the ring as of now. Bayley makes her passageway. Dana says her triumph a week ago over Bayley was called an annoyed, which she can't accept. Dana says she got a rematch endorsed. This is an extraordinary rematch. It's an arm wrestling match. Bayley's shoulder is uncovered to be harmed. She is wearing kinesio tape.

An arm wrestling table is gotten, and an arbitrator turns out. A "This is imbecilic" serenade breaks out. They bolt hands, and Dana tears Bayley's arm down. Bayley snatches her shoulder in agony. Bayley needs to have a reasonable challenge and needs to utilize her left arm. An "Exhausting" serenade starts up. Bayley resembles she's triumphant with her left arm, yet Dana shameful attacks her and assaults the shoulder. Dana hits the ropes, yet Bayley returns and hits a Bayley-To-Belly. The group, which was just totally affronting these two, pop for the wrap up. Dana withdraws from the ring.

Later today evening time, we'll have the agreement marking for Charlotte and Sasha Banks' Hell in a Cell coordinate. We'll additionally (conceivably) see a triple danger with Seth Rollins going up against Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens.

Chris Jericho is as yet searching for the rundown when he finds Stephanie McMahon once more. Jericho says she better help him discover the rundown. McMahon asks what will happen. Will she go on the rundown once more? Jericho says she's not on the rundown and they haven't had a cross word in sixteen years in the organization. McMahon says Rollins is attempting to divert Jericho from the triple danger headliner. McMahon says she has a triple headliner this Sunday and needs to assemble groups for Survivor Series. She advises Jericho to get engaged in light of the fact that he's contending in the triple risk whether he discovers it or not. Jericho says he's holding fast and won't contend until he finds the rundown. He asks, "Ya burrow?" She says she's pressuring her to reveal more than was prudent. A WWE Superstar is declining to do what the supervisor says, so she'll make a case of him. On the off chance that he doesn't contend today, he's suspended. She strolls off.

Curtis Axel is in the ring. Axel says he truly did Bo-lieve in Bo, yet a week ago, he exited him laying. Axel needed to backtrack to what he has confidence in. Axel says his foundations run somewhere down in Minnesota. The group pops boisterous for him. Axel says each time he ventures in the ring, he conveys the legacy of his granddad, Larry "The Ax" Hennig. He additionally conveys the legacy of his dad, "Mr. Idealize" Curt Hennig. At the point when Dallas assaulted him a week ago, he assaulted all that he remains for. Axel says he won't give that a chance to happen, particularly in the place where he grew up of Minneapolis.

Curtis Axel versus Bo Dallas

The chime rings, and Dallas slaps him in the face. Axel punches him in the face and punches away at him on the tangle. Axel kicks away at him in the corner before sending him to the inverse corner. Dallas rapidly boots him in the face and clotheslines him in the back of the head. Dallas goes for a moving cutter, however Axel counters into a Perfect-Plex for a close fall. Dallas rapidly takes off of the ring and brings him down. Dallas pulls the overskirt skirt over him and clubs away at him. Dallas gets in the ring and brings him down for a close fall. Dallas applies a button bolt, yet Axel battles up. Axel punches out and sends him to the corner for a clothesline. Axel hits another clothesline and hits a running back elbow. Axel brings him down with a snapmare and gets the group started up. Axel hits a moving neck snap before kneeing him in the face for a close fall. Axel knees him in the face a couple times before Dallas moves him up for the win.

Victor by Pinfall: Bo Dallas

Bo Dallas rapidly escapes the ring and holds up his sign.

Coming up next, we'll get notification from Roman Reigns.

A video bundle show for Rich Swann. He'll confront "The Wizard of Odd," Brian Kendrick later today.

Chris Jericho is as yet strolling around backstage when a phase hand says he saw somebody with the rundown. Jericho frantically asks where it is before kissing the man on the head. Jericho circumvents the corner and see Braun Strowman holding the rundown. Jericho strolls up to him and requests the rundown. Strowman instructs him to say, "Please." Jericho asks again and says "please." Strowman says he doesn't see Sami Zayn's name on the rundown before persuasively offering back to him and strolling off. Jericho timidly says it's on page four. When Strowman is out of earshot, Jericho puts Strowman on the rundown for touching his own property.

Roman Reigns is appeared in a pre-taped promo. The group boos him. Rules says he advised Rusev he was bringing him to hellfire with him, and he would not joke about this. Rusev is attempting to let him know what it resembles to be inside Hell in a Cell. Rusev has never been inside it and doesn't recognize what it resembles to contend in it and win, yet he does. Rusev said Reigns made this individual. Rules hasn't made it individual yet, yet he will. In the Cell, it's not about weddings and family collections. It's about the United States Championship, and he thinks about that literally. Rules says, "See you in hellfire."

The Golden Truth makes their passage. Stamp Henry will be ringside for a label group coordinate, next.

The Golden Truth w/Mark Henry versus The Shining Stars w/Titus O'Neil

Goldust will begin the match against Epico. They bolt up, and Goldust bear squares him down. Goldust hits the ropes, kicks him, and uppercuts him before associating with an altered nuclear drop and a running boot. Goldust torques the arm before having a whip turned around on him. Primo occupies him, and Epico dropkicks him down. Primo labels in and sprinkles him against the ropes. Epico hits a slingshot senton for a two tally. Epico punches away at him before Primo labels in and steps Goldust. Primo gags him against the ropes and punches him down. Goldust tries to punch back, yet Primo stops him and labels in Epico. They hit Goldust with a sandwich twofold dropkick for a close fall. Epico applies a button bolt. Goldust battles up and controls out before giving Epico a powerslam.

R-Truth and Primo are labeled in. R-Truth hits a clothesline and a back heel kick. R-Truth torrential slides him in the corner and hits the Lie Detector for a close fall. R-Truth does a touch and a split. Goldust thumps Epico out of the ring. O'Neil pulls the ropes down as R-Truth goes into them. Stamp Henry pushes O'Neil, and he hits the ropes, making Primo get crotched on the top rope. Henry then sends O'Neil into the ring post. The Golden Truth then hits Primo with a pancake/invert STO for the win.

Victors by Pinfall: The Golden Truth

Agreement marking with Sasha Banks and Charlotte.

Mick Foley is now in the ring for the agreement marking. A "Foley" serenade breaks out. Foley says the immense thing in regards to being a WWE Superstar is you never know when a minute will get to be deified. Any match could be "the match" that launches a WWE Superstar into a legend. This Sunday, six evenings from now, at RAW's restrictive PPV occasion, it's no conventional occasion: it's Hell in a Cell. There will be a triple headliner, including the primary ever Women's Hell in a Cell. We'll have an uncommon contract marking. In the first place, he presents the challenger, Charlotte Flair. Out next is the RAW Women's Champion, Sasha Banks.

Both ladies hurl aside their seats. Foley says since they both landed in the WWE Performance Center, they've gotten through the unreasonable impediment and smashed what was anticipated from ladies' wrestling. Genuine enormity knows no sexual orientation. A few traditionalists think a Hell in a Cell match is excessively uncouth for ladies, making it impossible to contend in. This is another period in WWE where ladies can achieve anything. Foley says once they sign the agreement, there is no turning back. This match and everything that joins it will happen, right here in Minneapolis.

Sasha Banks says she's never been more prepared in her life. Charlotte asks where she can sign so the title can return home to where it has a place on the shoulder of The Queen. Charlotte requests the agreement. Foley doesn't do it. Charlotte by and by requests it. Foley says he hears her, yet now it's the ideal opportunity for them to hear him. Foley doesn't think they comprehend what they're getting themselves required in when they venture inside Hell in a Cell. Banks says she's an understudy of the amusement and has concentrated each Hell in a Cell coordinate on the WWE Network. Foley says she has no clue what's in store for her. It's not simply steel. It's a living, breathing element with no spirit, heart, or inner voice. It will frequent them during the evening. Exactly when you believe you're over it, it will sneak up on you. It'll make you cry like a youngster. When you're inside it, you confront not one adversary, but rather two.

Charlotte advises Foley and Banks to hear her out. She has vanquished everything she's ever confronted. She was the principal lady to put her hands on that title. Because some entitled inferior ability has it, it will return to her. The group noisily boos her. Charlotte says she's the main reason that title implies anything. She will go to hellfire and back and chance everything to win it back. When she beats Sasha on Sunday, she will investigate her eyes and comprehend the significance of "regard" since she will regard The Queen. Charm!

Banks says Charlotte is no ruler in light of the fact that there is no ruler in WWE. There is a manager. She will go down as the best Women's Champion ever. Damnation in a Cell may change her life and abandon her broken. Banks says none of that matters. The only thing that is in any way important is the WWE Women's Championship. Charlotte says she's been harmed ordinarily this year. Charlotte says Banks is powerless. Banks says she's strolling into the Cell as the RAW Women's Champion. She's gone down, however she's return over and above anyone's expectations. She's not reluctant to venture within Hell in a Cell. Charlotte says she isn't either.

Foley shouts that they both ought to be. He's the fate of them. Foley experiences issues getting around after the Cell. It damages to move. The Cell left him a shell of his previous self. There is no practice he can do to compensate for the way that he has no hip attachment. It's bone on bone. There's no bend of his spine. He's agony on account of the choices he made inside the Cell. Foley is very nearly tears and says he's known her since she was a young lady. Foley says there's not one thing on the planet they can have confidence in with the exception of his faith in her. With respect to Banks, his youngsters took an Eddie Guerrero signature and offered it to her since it implies a ton to her. Banks is a piece of Eddie's legacy now. It implies a ton to him. Foley was a bored, pessimistic fan and helped him to remember what he adores about WWE. Before he has them sign this, he needs them both to look at him without flinching and let him realize that they know the dangers that run as an inseparable unit with impacting the world forever at Hell in a Cell.

Charlotte takes the pen, grins, and sign the agreement. Charlotte says, "See you in Boston." Banks takes a gander at Foley before taking the pen and marking the agreement. Banks says, "And I'll see you in hellfire." Banks holds up the title and gazes at her rival.

Brock Lesnar will be on RAW later today evening time to react to Goldberg. Coming up next, we'll see Brian Kendrick go up against Rich Swann.

T.J. Perkins will be on discourse for the following match.

Brian Kendrick versus Rich Swann

The chime rings, and they bolt up. Kendrick quickly knees him down and applies a side headlock. Swann whips him off, however Kendrick bear pieces him down. They both hit the ropes and jump each other. Swann flips over him and dropkicks him down. Swann hits a couple of arm drags before sending him into the ropes. Swann counters a hip hurl into a takedown and a dropkick. Swann goes to the overskirt and brings him out with a corkscrew plancha!

We return from the break to see Swann caught in a neck bad habit. Amid the business, Kendrick snapped Swann off the center rope. Swann battles up and punches out. Kendrick turns around a whip and elbows him. Swann ducks a clothesline and hits his very own couple. Swann kicks him in the waist and hits a twofold step to bring him down for a two tally. Swann keeps running into a boot, however he returns right by jumping up and giving him a hurricanrana off the top rope for a two number. Swann tries to get himself started up, however Kendrick flips through a back suplex and elbows him. Kendrick goes for Sliced Bread #2, yet Swann gets out. Swann hits a twofold under-snare powerbomb with a pocketknife stick for a two check. Swann goes for a standing moonsault, yet Kendrick gets his knees up for a two number. An irregular shot of the ringside range mats is appeared. Kendrick goes for a switch chinlock takedown, however Swann gets out. Kendrick brings him down before running into a right hand. Swann gets on his shoulders, yet Kendrick brings him down. Kendrick goes for the Captain's Hook, yet Swann counters into a move up for the win.

Victor by Pinfall: Rich Swann

T.J. Perkins is seen emotionlessly gazing at Brian Kendrick.

Later this evening, Seth Rollins will go up against Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho in a triple risk coordinate.

Tom Philips is backstage with the WWE Universal Champion, Kevin Owens. Philips asks how everything that is gone ahead with the rundown today will play out. Owens says they're in agreement and will break Rollins today. Rollins will stumble into Hell in a Cell and make a lamentable endeavor at taking his WWE Universal Title. Rollins supposes he has leeway since he's been inside Hell in a Cell, yet he's been sitting tight a quarter century this minute. As far back as he saw the main Hell in a Cell coordinate, he needed to be a piece of it. As unsafe as the structure may be, it's energizing to be a piece of it. That is the reason Charlotte and Sasha for all intents and purposes asked to be in the Cell. After this Sunday, there won't be any children thinking the match is cool or any trying whizzes needing to be in it since they'll see what happens to Rollins. Owens will put Rollins through the sort of damnation individuals discuss a quarter century now. He'll put a lasting scar on Rollins until the end of time. It doesn't make a difference what anybody considers him. The main thing that matters is the WWE Universal Title. On Sunday, he's going to hellfire with Rollins, yet he'll be the one and only returning.

Braun Strowman versus Sami Zayn

Strowman gazes at Zayn before getting an amplifier. Strowman gets out Mick Foley and says he needs rivalry. Strowman doesn't see any genuine rivalry. Zayn dropkicks him in the back, yet Strowman doesn't go down. Strowman indignantly pivots, so Zayn slaps him. Zayn escapes the ring and flees. Zayn gets in the ring and dropkicks him off the overskirt twice. Zayn goes for a plancha, however Strowman gets him and tosses him into the blockade. Strowman then essentially strolls off. Zayn gets in the ring and requests that he returns. Strowman turns and strolls off. This match never formally began.

T.J. Perkins is backstage in the locker room when Brian Kendrick strolls up to him. Kendrick says he doesn't need any inconvenience and needs his offer assistance. Perkins inquires as to why he didn't ask his new companions. Kendrick tragically says he needs the title on Sunday so he can keep on feeding his family. Perkins says he doesn't know whether he can help him. Perkins instructs him to go out and attempt to win. Kendrick requests that Perkins let him win. Perkins snatches his title and sack and strolls off. Kendrick is broken down.

Paul Heyman thumps on Brock Lesnar's locker room and strolls in. Brock Lesnar will be out, next. It's 10:40 PM EST and there is still a triple danger match to go.

Brock Lesnar's music hits, and he advances toward the ring with Paul Heyman. Lesnar is in the place where he grew up of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Footage is appeared of Goldberg's remarks a week ago where he acknowledged Lesnar's test. Goldberg said that Brock Lesnar is next, as well as he's last. Lesnar is seen smiling at the footage.

Paul Heyman says, "Women and men of honor, my name is Paul Heyman, and my customer, Brock Lesnar, has approved me to turn out over here today evening time to address this whole circumstance including this, um, this person, this superdad, this wannabe superhero, this person who supposes he was Brock Lesnar before there was ever Brock Lesnar, this person Goldberg." Goldberg's name is booed. A "Suplex City" serenade starts up. Heyman intrudes on the group and says we appear to have a smartass Goldberg fan today evening time. Heyman says to him and any other person that has the slant that the serenades are truly beginning to piss Brock Lesnar off. Heyman says when dream fighting meets the truth of my customer, Goldberg will resemble Humpty Dumpty on the grounds that every one of the serenades on the planet won't have the capacity to assemble Goldberg back again when he is beaten, defrauded, and crushed by Brock Lesnar. With respect to the general population that serenade "Suplex City," they're similar ones that serenade "Goldberg." A "Suplex City" serenade starts up. Heyman exhorts those droning Goldberg (it's not listened) to forgo doing as such before his customer takes matters into his own particular cracking hands with them. A light "Goldberg" serenade starts up. A "Skol" serenade then breaks out blended with "Suplex City." A louder "Goldberg" serenade breaks out.

Heyman says Brock Lesnar returns home and a large portion of the group serenades for Goldberg. This is all Goldberg's blame. A louder "Goldberg sucks" serenade starts up. Lesnar's music hits, and they stroll off.

Chris Jericho is seen strolling backstage when Kevin Owens strolls up to him. Owens inquires as to whether he's prepared to be in agreement with him to make Seth Rollins lament the day he met them. Jericho says he heard Owens say that the WWE Universal Championship is the main thing that matters, however their companionship additionally matters. Jericho needs to ensure he knows he's not on the rundown. Jericho says regardless of what happens today evening time, despite everything they'll be closest companions. Jericho takes a gander at the rundown and strolls off, as Owens looks concerned.

Seth Rollins makes his passage. The triple risk match is next.

One week from now, we'll have a Halloween version of RAW. Goldberg will likewise be on the show.

Seth Rollins versus Chris Jericho versus Kevin Owens

The chime rings at 11:00 PM EST. Owens takes off of the ring and leaves Jericho in the ring with Rollins. Jericho watches concerned and gets out to talk methodology. Owens and Jericho get on inverse sides of the ring, and Rollins leaves the ring. Rollins instructs them to battle. Jericho and Owens encompass Rollins, so he gets in the ring. Rollins ducks a clothesline from Jericho and kicks Owens off the cook's garment. Rollins kicks Jericho, hits a snapmare, and kicks him in the mid-section for a one tally. Rollins slashes him in the corner before Jericho turns around a whip. Rollins boots him in the face, goes to the second rope, and hits a blockbuster. Owens keeps running in, so Rollins dispatches of him. Jericho puts Rollins on the cover, so Rollins kicks him. Owens pulls him off the smock and sends him into the blockade. Rollins turns around a whip into the blockade and afterward tosses him into it. Rollins then dropkicks him on the floor. Rollins punches him down until Jericho assaults him from behind and drops him into the group. Jericho minds Owens, and Rollins brings them both out with a cross-body square. Rollins places Owens into the ring and tosses Jericho into the group. Owens rapidly clotheslines Rollins in the corner. Owens rehashes the move and looks down at his Hell in a Cell rival. Owens hits the corner clothesline one final time before going for a cannonball, yet Rollins moves. Rollins hits a springboard knee to the set out toward a close fall. Rollins goes to the top rope, however Owens goes to the inverse corner. Rollins gets off the top rope and hits a running lower arm. Rollins goes for a Pedigree, yet Owens gets out. Jericho gets in the ring, so Rollins tries to Pedigree him. Jericho counters into a Walls of Jericho endeavor, yet Rollins winds out. Jericho rapidly brings him down with a back elbow. Jericho tries for the Lionsault, however Rollins gets his knees up. Rollins goes for a Pedigree, however Owens stops it. Owens and Jericho twofold group him before Owens goes to the second rope for a senton sprinkle! Owens and Jericho posture in the ring.

Owens takes off of the ring and talks waste before sending Rollins into a clothesline from Jericho. Jericho places Rollins in the ring. Owens kicks him in the face. Jericho holds Rollins up, and Owens punches him down. Owens signs to Jericho that they ought to end it. They begin twofold joining Rollins once more. Owens sends Rollins into the ropes, however he hangs on. Rollins pulls the top rope down to get him out of the ring. Jericho moves Rollins up, however Rollins moves through and kicks him. Rollins hits Owens with a suicide plunge and goes to the top rope. Rollins goes for a frog sprinkle, yet Jericho moves. Jericho hits a Codebreaker for a close fall. Jericho can't trust it and contends with the official. Jericho whips Owens into Rollins for a cannonball. Owens slaps him in the face a couple times and talks some waste. They put Rollins on the top rope for a twofold group superplex, however Rollins gets off and pummels them down for a twofold stick.

Champ by Pinfall: Seth Rollins

Owens and Jericho rapidly assault him at ringside and kick away at him. Owens violently punches away at Rollins. They send Rollins recklessly into the steel steps. Security and officials once-over to get Owens and Jericho to quit assaulting Rollins. Owens holds up the title and yells that he is the man. Rollins makes tracks in an opposite direction from security and brings Owens down on the incline. Rollins brings him down again and punches away at him until security backs him up. Owens then brings him down through security and sends him heedlessly into the ring post. Owens yells that he is the man before giving him an Apron Powerbomb! Owens remains over him and talks junk. The observers discuss how it is highly unlikely Rollins will be 100% this Sunday at Hell in a Cell. Owens goes to the incline to get his title, gets back in the ring, and postures on the turnbuckle. The group wakes up sufficiently only to boo him.

 Match Results

* Enzo Amore def. Karl Anderson

* Cesaro and Sheamus def. The New Day (non-title)

* Bo Dallas def. Curtis Axel

* The Golden Truth def. The Shining Stars

* Rich Swann def. Brian Kendrick

* Seth Rollins def. Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens (non-title)

WWE Smackdown Results

Reported By-Kunwar Triple S

Show                         :                    WWE Smackdown

Venue                        :                    Denver

 Date                          :                    18 Oct 2016 

WWE Smackdown Results

A video bundle opens the show highlighting James Ellsworth getting a pinfall triumph over WWE World Champion AJ Styles a week ago with assistance from Dean Ambrose.

Backstage, we see James Ellsworth warming up when he gazes upward and sees Dean Ambrose holding another Ellsworth shirt. Ambrose says this evening is James' night and that he asked for help to understand that shirt on WWE Shop today.

Randy Orton is out first to commence the show this evening live in Denver. Mauro Ranallo, JBL and David Otunga talk about at ringside Orton's late issues with Bray Wyatt. Orton has a mic and says he needs to acknowledge a job well done. "The fiendishness within Bray Wyatt runs further than I ever suspected conceivable." He looks at Wyatt to a sand trap in that the harder you battle, the more you are maneuvered down into the obscurity and he senses that he is going insane. Orton said this is an issue for Bray Wyatt and credits him for setting him free. He tells Wyatt he is desiring him. The lights go out and we see Bray Wyatt in a pine box backstage encompassed by individuals wearing dark covers. Wyatt opens his eyes and starts chuckling. "Randall… take a few to get back some composure. You don't need to come after me. Since I'm coming after you." He informs Orton he is concerning to take him on an adventure where he will pant for his final gasp of air again and again. "I'm having some good times Randy. Right? Incidentally… he's here." Luke Harper exits out stage and heads to the ring.

Randy Orton versus Luke Harper

Bolt up and Orton rapidly pushes Harper away. Orton with kicks and uppercuts to Harper. Harper with a push and a dropkick that sends Orton out of the ring. Orton counters a suicide plunge endeavor from Harper cutting it off with a major elbow. Back inside, Harper battles off Orton in the corner and Orton cuts off Harper on the second rope with right hands. Orton with a superplex on Harper off the corner. The lights go out. Whinny Wyatt's music plays. Wyatt is being gotten to the stage his coffin with the veiled individuals.

Back live, Wyatt is presently out of the pine box and gazing intently at Orton who is at ringside as the ref starts a check. Orton slides in at 9 and Harper drops an elbow immediately. Harper with a Michinoku Driver on Orton for a two number. Harper with a gator move on Orton and afterward keeps him grounded with a headlock. Wyatt is shouting at Harper to convey Orton to the coffin that remaining parts open. Orton tries to hurl Harper in the coffin. Harper counters and after that eats a couple of clotheslines from Orton including a snap powerslam. Orton is going for his DDT through the ropes on Harper when Wyatt hits the ring assaulting him. The arbitrator requires the ringer.

Champ by means of DQ: Randy Orton

After the match, Luke Harper levels Randy Orton with a major boot. Bawl Wyatt with right hands and steps to Orton. Harper gets in his very own couple steps. Wyatt strolls back over to the coffin that was shut. When he opens it, Kane is inside and sits up. Kane with a shot to Wyatt and Harper on the ring cook's garment. Kane goes up top, Orton with a DDT off the ropes on Wyatt and Kane off the top rope with a flying clothesline on Harper. Kane is requiring a clothesline and Orton is preparing for a RKO when the lights go out. At the point when the lights return, both Wyatt and Harper are no more. Kane does his posture to have the corner pyro go off.

Backstage, WWE World Champion AJ Styles is gotten some information about his considerations on defending his title today evening time. Styles discusses gaining the privilege to be known as the face that runs the place, yet here he is with a "no skilled, waste, fat thin piece of poop, James Ellsworth." He predicts Dean Ambrose will attempt to get included today evening time and how this could resemble WCW once more when David Arquette won the WCW Championship. Styles discusses it being embarassing simply being in the ring with Ellsworth. He guarantees to take out Ambrose on the off chance that he meddles in this title coordinate today evening time.

WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler and WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions Heath Slater and Rhyno versus The Miz versus The Spirit Squad will occur this evening.

Naomi versus Alexa Bliss

Bolt up and Bliss pushes Naomi away. Euphoria with a push. Naomi comes back with one of her own. They trade pushes and Bliss gets behind the official to split it up. Naomi with a Lou Thesz Press and right hands to Bliss. Euphoria with an immense knee and hurls Naomi confront leading the tangle. Naomi with rehashed kicks to the assortment of Bliss and takes after with a standing dropkick. Naomi gets Bliss with a kick to the head from the ring overskirt. Naomi springboards off the top rope and brings out Bliss with a cross body for a two check. Naomi with a snappy leg drop over Bliss and goes to a headlock to keep it grounded. Noami with a drop toe hold sending Bliss confront first into the base turnbuckle. Joy takes off.

Amid the break, we see Bliss finding a major right hand to Naomi all things considered. Back live, Bliss has a front face bolt connected on Naomi and moves through a Naomi counter endeavor. Naomi battles out with a backbreaker on Bliss. Naomi with a flipping jump, rope and sitdown jawbreaker combo on Bliss. Naomi with a split legged moonsault from the corner over Bliss for a two number. Happiness groins Naomi when she goes up top. Ecstasy hurls Naomi down and hits her Twisted Bliss off the top turnbuckle to get the pinfall.

Victor: Alexa Bliss

After the match, Renee Young is with Alexa Bliss discussing Bliss testing Becky Lynch for the WWE Smackdown Women's Championship. Ecstasy said in three weeks the fable is over. "The devilish witch is dead." She said another champion will be delegated.

Footage from a week ago is appeared of Dolph Ziggler crushing The Spirit Squad in a debilitate match and afterward The Miz assaulting Ziggler after the match. We additionally observe Heath Slater and Rhyno hitting the ring to make the put something aside for Ziggler.

Abrupt Hawkins will make his Smackdown Live in-ring debut up next.

We are back live as Apollo Crews is in the ring good to go.

Abrupt Hawkins is out by make his in-ring debut.

Hawkins gets the mic and advises Crews to set himself up to "acknowledge the obvious issues." He said all Crews needs to dread is dread itself… and Curt Hawkins. Hawkins said after today evening time, Crews will need to change his name to Apollo Lose. Teams with a right hand to Hawkins. Hawkins takes off of the ring. He said Crews destroyed his enormous presentation. Hawkins drops the mic and says he is clearing out. He heads up the slope and goes to the back.

Carmella is made a beeline for the ring.

Carmella presents reality about Nikki Bella

Carmella heads to the ring. We see footage of a week ago of Nikki Bella following Carmella and Carmella escaping. Back live, Carmella has a mic and discusses Nikki Bella destroying her minute at SummerSlam in Brooklyn. She doesn't get Nikki's prominence. Carmella said it is your day of reckoning since she is here to spill reality.

Nikki Bella's music hits and she exits to intrude. Nikki snatches a mic and says Carmella can say what she needs to say to her face. Carmella discusses Nikki having the capacity to escape with anything around here since her sweetheart is John Cena. She declines to stroll on eggshells around here and says Nikki isn't brave since she runs home with Cena.

Nikki compliments Carmella on being an envious hater. Carmella blames Nikki for attempting to shroud something. Nikki is confounded and says they aren't attempting to shroud it. She concentrates on her part as a wrestler on this show. Nikki calls Carmella a web spook. Carmella said she is simply uncovering Nikki for the poor, whiny, "gold digger" that she is. She has a clasp for Nikki. It's footage from Total Bellas and Nikki falling off extremely destitute. Back live, Carmella is grinning. Nikki says Carmella knows how to alter and discusses clearing her own street. "I wear the damn jeans in my relationship," said Nikki. She discusses "they" not trusting in her and how she prepared considerably harder. Nikki discusses being tallied out when she hurt her neck and she wears "dauntless" on her shirt gladly. She includes not fearing some Boss or Queen and particularly not some young lady from Long Island. Carmella said she comes clean and truth is that Nikki utilized her hopes to get her foot in the entryway. "You utilized your sister to get your foot in the ring. What's more, you utilized your beau, John Cena, to wind up a superstar." Carmella drops the mic and takes off of the ring going to the back.

Backstage, Renee Young converses with James Ellsworth about confronting AJ Styles today evening time for the WWE World Championship. Ellsworth said he is extremely anxious, yet a week ago he ended up in a match a week ago with AJ Styles and by one means or another he survived. He said today he gets the chance to tell his grandchildren that he vied for the WWE World Championship on Smackdown Live. Youthful wishes him good fortunes later today evening time.

WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler and WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions Heath Slater and Rhyno versus The Miz versus The Spirit Squad is up next.

Six Man Tag Team Match

WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler and WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions Heath Slater and Rhyno versus The Miz versus The Spirit Squad

Prior to the match, Heath Slater said they turned out a week ago to encourage Dolph Ziggler to set a decent case for his children. Rhyno said he simply doesn't care for male team promoters.

We begin wtih Rhyno and Mikey. Bolt up and Rhyno with a headlock on Mikey. Mikey with a headlock on Rhyno. Rhyno with a snappy shoulder handle on Mikey and a shoulder charge in the corner. Mikey with an elbow and kick to Rhyno. Tag to Kenny who falls off the second rope, Rhyno gets him and hits a stomach to-gut suplex. Tag to Heath Slater. Rhyno and Slater with a twofold elbow on Kenny. Slater with an arm drag to Kenny. Tag to Dolph Ziggler who tosses a major right hand to Kenny in the corner. Kenny gets Ziggler with a jumping back elbow. Miz is shouting for a tag. Miz gets the tag and eats a fast dropkick from Ziggler. Ziggler with a corner sprinkle, goes for a neckbreaker, Miz tosses Ziggler to the corner and kicks away. Miz occupies the arbitrator permitting Mikey and Kenny to get in a couple of shots. Ziggler practically gets a superkick on Miz as Miz rapidly takes off of the ring.

We are back live as Maryse treks up Ziggler against the ropes permitting Miz to exploit. The group is requiring a Slater hot tag. Miz removes a hot label endeavor dropping Ziggler around his hair. Tag to Kenny who falls off the second rope with a shot on Ziggler. Kenny with a snappy step over Ziggler. Mikey with the tag and takes a counter suplex from Ziggler. Tag to Miz who removes a hot tag to Slater. Miz sends Rhyno off the ring cook's garment. Ziggler gets Miz with a brisk superkick. Tag to Kenny. Hot tag to Slater. Slater with a major boot to Kenny and thumps Mikey off the corner. Slater with another running boot to Kenny and afterward another for Mikey. Slater with a bouncing neckbreaker for a two rely on Kenny when Mikey splits it up. Gut on Mikey. Kenny sends Rhyno out of the ring. Slater moves up Kenny for a two check. Miz with a shot on Slater through the ropes. Kenny moves up Slater for the pinfall.

Champs: The Miz and The Spirit Squad

Backstage, Daniel Bryan is chatting with Shane McMahon about RAW tolerating the open test for Survivor Series and how they have to make groups. Natalya strolls up to intrude. She needs to be a piece of the 5-on-5 ladies' match at Survivor Series. Bryan inquires as to why her. She wants to lead the way and give the ladies a feeling of pride to beat RAW. Bryan inquires as to whether she just cited Whitney Houston and will contemplate that.

Jack Swagger is in the ring when we return live.

Individuals from the Denver Broncos are indicated sitting at ringside.

Jack Swagger versus Nobleman Corbin

Swagger with a shoulder handle right off the bat Corbin. Swagger clotheslines Corbin over the top rope to the outside. Swagger bounced out and sends Corbin back inside. Swagger with a right hand to Corbin from the ring cook's garment. Corbin with a handle that sends Swagger taking off the ring smock into the ring blockade. Corbin with some capable lower arms to Swagger. Back inside, Corbin gets Swagger with a knee and afterward hits End of Days for the win.

Champ: Baron Corbin

Backstage, Dean Ambrose strolls in Daniel Bryan's office and is wearing an official shirt. He is prepared to be fair-minded and call it directly down the center. Bryan said Ambrose can't be the ref this evening. He said Ambrose can ring host, timekeeper or whatever. Ambrose said he will do that. Bryan asks Ambrose which one as Ambrose takes off.

Senior member Ambrose is made a beeline for the ringside territory for the headliner.

WWE World Championship Match
 AJ Styles (c) versus James Ellsworth

Senior member Ambrose will be our ring commentator today evening time. AJ Styles was not cheerful about this match amid his passageway. James Ellsworth has music and illustrations now. Ambrose presents the challenger Ellsworth (boisterous "ELLSWORTH" serenades) and the champion AJ Styles.

Ambrose comes up short on the ring and is currently the official timekeeper today evening time. He continues ringing the ringer. Styles is not glad as he begins shouting at Ambrose.

Ellsworth goes on the assault on Styles. Styles gets a stomach extend connected on Ellsworth. Ambrose instructs them to take a break since they need to take a business break. Ambrose hollers at Styles they need to "pay the bills, sibling."

We are back live as Styles goes for a back jaw bolt and Ellsworth slips right out. Styles with a right hand to Ellsworth. Ambrose promotes the new James Ellsworth shirt on the video screen diverting Styles. Styles hurls Ellsworth over the ring and shouts, "No one needs your shirt!" Styles with enormous lower arms to the jaw of Ellsworth in the corner. Styles with a dropkick on Ellsworth. Ellsworth pushes Styles to the corner. Styles gives Ellsworth a snap suplex directly into similar corner. Styles leaves the ring and hollers at Ambrose saying this is all his blame. Styles with a slash to Ellsworth and after that puts him up on the top turnbuckle. Styles is going for a superplex when Ambrose is telling somebody in the field that their auto headlights are on. He additionally peruses off Verizon as a support. Ellsworth goes for a cross body, Styles moves and Ellsworth hits the ring with a crash. Styles with a major kick to the mid-section of Ellsworth. Styles sends Ellsworth to the corner and afterward to the outside. Ambrose gets up and sends Ellsworth back inside the ring. Styles hurls him pull out. Ambrose hurls Ellsworth back in. They do a reversal and forward sending Ellsworth all through the ring. Styles gets up on the top turnbuckle and Ellsworth trips him up. Ellsworth with a superkick on Styles! Ellsworth snares the leg and Styles kicks out after two. Otunga called that No Chin Music. Styles cuts off Ellsworth with a spinebuster. Styles with some solid elbows to Ellsworth. Styles with kicks to Ellsworth as Ambrose gets on the mic inquiring as to whether that is all the better he can do. He said he knows Styles resembles a soccer mother, however didn't know he kicked like one as well. Styles gets more forceful with huge right hands on Ellsworth. Styles with right hands to Ellsworth in the corner. The ref achieves a 5 tally and requires the chime.

Victor by means of DQ: James Ellsworth

Victor and still WWE World Champion: AJ Styles

After the match, Dean Ambrose reports AJ Styles as the failure of the match. He gets in the ring, AJ Styles charges and Ambrose hits him with Dirty Deeds. Ambrose gets James Ellsworth and holds up his arm commending his second win against Styles. Otunga discusses Ambrose getting to Styles today evening time at ringside.

 Match Results:

* Randy Orton def. Luke Harper by means of DQ

* Alexa Bliss def. Naomi

* The Miz and The Spirit Squad def. Dolph Ziggler, Heath Slater and Rhyno

* Baron Corbin def. Jack Swagger

* James Ellsworth def. WWE World Champion AJ Styles by means of DQ, Styles holds

WWE Smackdown Result 18 Oct 2016

WWE Smackdown Results

Reported By-Kunwar Triple S

Show                         :                    WWE Smackdown

Venue                        :                    Denver

 Date                          :                    18 Oct 2016 

WWE Smackdown Results

A video bundle opens the show highlighting James Ellsworth getting a pinfall triumph over WWE World Champion AJ Styles a week ago with assistance from Dean Ambrose.

Backstage, we see James Ellsworth warming up when he gazes upward and sees Dean Ambrose holding another Ellsworth shirt. Ambrose says this evening is James' night and that he asked for help to understand that shirt on WWE Shop today.

Randy Orton is out first to commence the show this evening live in Denver. Mauro Ranallo, JBL and David Otunga talk about at ringside Orton's late issues with Bray Wyatt. Orton has a mic and says he needs to acknowledge a job well done. "The fiendishness within Bray Wyatt runs further than I ever suspected conceivable." He looks at Wyatt to a sand trap in that the harder you battle, the more you are maneuvered down into the obscurity and he senses that he is going insane. Orton said this is an issue for Bray Wyatt and credits him for setting him free. He tells Wyatt he is desiring him. The lights go out and we see Bray Wyatt in a pine box backstage encompassed by individuals wearing dark covers. Wyatt opens his eyes and starts chuckling. "Randall… take a few to get back some composure. You don't need to come after me. Since I'm coming after you." He informs Orton he is concerning to take him on an adventure where he will pant for his final gasp of air again and again. "I'm having some good times Randy. Right? Incidentally… he's here." Luke Harper exits out stage and heads to the ring.

Randy Orton versus Luke Harper

Bolt up and Orton rapidly pushes Harper away. Orton with kicks and uppercuts to Harper. Harper with a push and a dropkick that sends Orton out of the ring. Orton counters a suicide plunge endeavor from Harper cutting it off with a major elbow. Back inside, Harper battles off Orton in the corner and Orton cuts off Harper on the second rope with right hands. Orton with a superplex on Harper off the corner. The lights go out. Whinny Wyatt's music plays. Wyatt is being gotten to the stage his coffin with the veiled individuals.

Back live, Wyatt is presently out of the pine box and gazing intently at Orton who is at ringside as the ref starts a check. Orton slides in at 9 and Harper drops an elbow immediately. Harper with a Michinoku Driver on Orton for a two number. Harper with a gator move on Orton and afterward keeps him grounded with a headlock. Wyatt is shouting at Harper to convey Orton to the coffin that remaining parts open. Orton tries to hurl Harper in the coffin. Harper counters and after that eats a couple of clotheslines from Orton including a snap powerslam. Orton is going for his DDT through the ropes on Harper when Wyatt hits the ring assaulting him. The arbitrator requires the ringer.

Champ by means of DQ: Randy Orton

After the match, Luke Harper levels Randy Orton with a major boot. Bawl Wyatt with right hands and steps to Orton. Harper gets in his very own couple steps. Wyatt strolls back over to the coffin that was shut. When he opens it, Kane is inside and sits up. Kane with a shot to Wyatt and Harper on the ring cook's garment. Kane goes up top, Orton with a DDT off the ropes on Wyatt and Kane off the top rope with a flying clothesline on Harper. Kane is requiring a clothesline and Orton is preparing for a RKO when the lights go out. At the point when the lights return, both Wyatt and Harper are no more. Kane does his posture to have the corner pyro go off.

Backstage, WWE World Champion AJ Styles is gotten some information about his considerations on defending his title today evening time. Styles discusses gaining the privilege to be known as the face that runs the place, yet here he is with a "no skilled, waste, fat thin piece of poop, James Ellsworth." He predicts Dean Ambrose will attempt to get included today evening time and how this could resemble WCW once more when David Arquette won the WCW Championship. Styles discusses it being embarassing simply being in the ring with Ellsworth. He guarantees to take out Ambrose on the off chance that he meddles in this title coordinate today evening time.

WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler and WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions Heath Slater and Rhyno versus The Miz versus The Spirit Squad will occur this evening.

Naomi versus Alexa Bliss

Bolt up and Bliss pushes Naomi away. Euphoria with a push. Naomi comes back with one of her own. They trade pushes and Bliss gets behind the official to split it up. Naomi with a Lou Thesz Press and right hands to Bliss. Euphoria with an immense knee and hurls Naomi confront leading the tangle. Naomi with rehashed kicks to the assortment of Bliss and takes after with a standing dropkick. Naomi gets Bliss with a kick to the head from the ring overskirt. Naomi springboards off the top rope and brings out Bliss with a cross body for a two check. Naomi with a snappy leg drop over Bliss and goes to a headlock to keep it grounded. Noami with a drop toe hold sending Bliss confront first into the base turnbuckle. Joy takes off.

Amid the break, we see Bliss finding a major right hand to Naomi all things considered. Back live, Bliss has a front face bolt connected on Naomi and moves through a Naomi counter endeavor. Naomi battles out with a backbreaker on Bliss. Naomi with a flipping jump, rope and sitdown jawbreaker combo on Bliss. Naomi with a split legged moonsault from the corner over Bliss for a two number. Happiness groins Naomi when she goes up top. Ecstasy hurls Naomi down and hits her Twisted Bliss off the top turnbuckle to get the pinfall.

Victor: Alexa Bliss

After the match, Renee Young is with Alexa Bliss discussing Bliss testing Becky Lynch for the WWE Smackdown Women's Championship. Ecstasy said in three weeks the fable is over. "The devilish witch is dead." She said another champion will be delegated.

Footage from a week ago is appeared of Dolph Ziggler crushing The Spirit Squad in a debilitate match and afterward The Miz assaulting Ziggler after the match. We additionally observe Heath Slater and Rhyno hitting the ring to make the put something aside for Ziggler.

Abrupt Hawkins will make his Smackdown Live in-ring debut up next.

We are back live as Apollo Crews is in the ring good to go.

Abrupt Hawkins is out by make his in-ring debut.

Hawkins gets the mic and advises Crews to set himself up to "acknowledge the obvious issues." He said all Crews needs to dread is dread itself… and Curt Hawkins. Hawkins said after today evening time, Crews will need to change his name to Apollo Lose. Teams with a right hand to Hawkins. Hawkins takes off of the ring. He said Crews destroyed his enormous presentation. Hawkins drops the mic and says he is clearing out. He heads up the slope and goes to the back.

Carmella is made a beeline for the ring.

Carmella presents reality about Nikki Bella

Carmella heads to the ring. We see footage of a week ago of Nikki Bella following Carmella and Carmella escaping. Back live, Carmella has a mic and discusses Nikki Bella destroying her minute at SummerSlam in Brooklyn. She doesn't get Nikki's prominence. Carmella said it is your day of reckoning since she is here to spill reality.

Nikki Bella's music hits and she exits to intrude. Nikki snatches a mic and says Carmella can say what she needs to say to her face. Carmella discusses Nikki having the capacity to escape with anything around here since her sweetheart is John Cena. She declines to stroll on eggshells around here and says Nikki isn't brave since she runs home with Cena.

Nikki compliments Carmella on being an envious hater. Carmella blames Nikki for attempting to shroud something. Nikki is confounded and says they aren't attempting to shroud it. She concentrates on her part as a wrestler on this show. Nikki calls Carmella a web spook. Carmella said she is simply uncovering Nikki for the poor, whiny, "gold digger" that she is. She has a clasp for Nikki. It's footage from Total Bellas and Nikki falling off extremely destitute. Back live, Carmella is grinning. Nikki says Carmella knows how to alter and discusses clearing her own street. "I wear the damn jeans in my relationship," said Nikki. She discusses "they" not trusting in her and how she prepared considerably harder. Nikki discusses being tallied out when she hurt her neck and she wears "dauntless" on her shirt gladly. She includes not fearing some Boss or Queen and particularly not some young lady from Long Island. Carmella said she comes clean and truth is that Nikki utilized her hopes to get her foot in the entryway. "You utilized your sister to get your foot in the ring. What's more, you utilized your beau, John Cena, to wind up a superstar." Carmella drops the mic and takes off of the ring going to the back.

Backstage, Renee Young converses with James Ellsworth about confronting AJ Styles today evening time for the WWE World Championship. Ellsworth said he is extremely anxious, yet a week ago he ended up in a match a week ago with AJ Styles and by one means or another he survived. He said today he gets the chance to tell his grandchildren that he vied for the WWE World Championship on Smackdown Live. Youthful wishes him good fortunes later today evening time.

WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler and WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions Heath Slater and Rhyno versus The Miz versus The Spirit Squad is up next.

Six Man Tag Team Match

WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler and WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions Heath Slater and Rhyno versus The Miz versus The Spirit Squad

Prior to the match, Heath Slater said they turned out a week ago to encourage Dolph Ziggler to set a decent case for his children. Rhyno said he simply doesn't care for male team promoters.

We begin wtih Rhyno and Mikey. Bolt up and Rhyno with a headlock on Mikey. Mikey with a headlock on Rhyno. Rhyno with a snappy shoulder handle on Mikey and a shoulder charge in the corner. Mikey with an elbow and kick to Rhyno. Tag to Kenny who falls off the second rope, Rhyno gets him and hits a stomach to-gut suplex. Tag to Heath Slater. Rhyno and Slater with a twofold elbow on Kenny. Slater with an arm drag to Kenny. Tag to Dolph Ziggler who tosses a major right hand to Kenny in the corner. Kenny gets Ziggler with a jumping back elbow. Miz is shouting for a tag. Miz gets the tag and eats a fast dropkick from Ziggler. Ziggler with a corner sprinkle, goes for a neckbreaker, Miz tosses Ziggler to the corner and kicks away. Miz occupies the arbitrator permitting Mikey and Kenny to get in a couple of shots. Ziggler practically gets a superkick on Miz as Miz rapidly takes off of the ring.

We are back live as Maryse treks up Ziggler against the ropes permitting Miz to exploit. The group is requiring a Slater hot tag. Miz removes a hot label endeavor dropping Ziggler around his hair. Tag to Kenny who falls off the second rope with a shot on Ziggler. Kenny with a snappy step over Ziggler. Mikey with the tag and takes a counter suplex from Ziggler. Tag to Miz who removes a hot tag to Slater. Miz sends Rhyno off the ring cook's garment. Ziggler gets Miz with a brisk superkick. Tag to Kenny. Hot tag to Slater. Slater with a major boot to Kenny and thumps Mikey off the corner. Slater with another running boot to Kenny and afterward another for Mikey. Slater with a bouncing neckbreaker for a two rely on Kenny when Mikey splits it up. Gut on Mikey. Kenny sends Rhyno out of the ring. Slater moves up Kenny for a two check. Miz with a shot on Slater through the ropes. Kenny moves up Slater for the pinfall.

Champs: The Miz and The Spirit Squad

Backstage, Daniel Bryan is chatting with Shane McMahon about RAW tolerating the open test for Survivor Series and how they have to make groups. Natalya strolls up to intrude. She needs to be a piece of the 5-on-5 ladies' match at Survivor Series. Bryan inquires as to why her. She wants to lead the way and give the ladies a feeling of pride to beat RAW. Bryan inquires as to whether she just cited Whitney Houston and will contemplate that.

Jack Swagger is in the ring when we return live.

Individuals from the Denver Broncos are indicated sitting at ringside.

Jack Swagger versus Nobleman Corbin

Swagger with a shoulder handle right off the bat Corbin. Swagger clotheslines Corbin over the top rope to the outside. Swagger bounced out and sends Corbin back inside. Swagger with a right hand to Corbin from the ring cook's garment. Corbin with a handle that sends Swagger taking off the ring smock into the ring blockade. Corbin with some capable lower arms to Swagger. Back inside, Corbin gets Swagger with a knee and afterward hits End of Days for the win.

Champ: Baron Corbin

Backstage, Dean Ambrose strolls in Daniel Bryan's office and is wearing an official shirt. He is prepared to be fair-minded and call it directly down the center. Bryan said Ambrose can't be the ref this evening. He said Ambrose can ring host, timekeeper or whatever. Ambrose said he will do that. Bryan asks Ambrose which one as Ambrose takes off.

Senior member Ambrose is made a beeline for the ringside territory for the headliner.

WWE World Championship Match
 AJ Styles (c) versus James Ellsworth

Senior member Ambrose will be our ring commentator today evening time. AJ Styles was not cheerful about this match amid his passageway. James Ellsworth has music and illustrations now. Ambrose presents the challenger Ellsworth (boisterous "ELLSWORTH" serenades) and the champion AJ Styles.

Ambrose comes up short on the ring and is currently the official timekeeper today evening time. He continues ringing the ringer. Styles is not glad as he begins shouting at Ambrose.

Ellsworth goes on the assault on Styles. Styles gets a stomach extend connected on Ellsworth. Ambrose instructs them to take a break since they need to take a business break. Ambrose hollers at Styles they need to "pay the bills, sibling."

We are back live as Styles goes for a back jaw bolt and Ellsworth slips right out. Styles with a right hand to Ellsworth. Ambrose promotes the new James Ellsworth shirt on the video screen diverting Styles. Styles hurls Ellsworth over the ring and shouts, "No one needs your shirt!" Styles with enormous lower arms to the jaw of Ellsworth in the corner. Styles with a dropkick on Ellsworth. Ellsworth pushes Styles to the corner. Styles gives Ellsworth a snap suplex directly into similar corner. Styles leaves the ring and hollers at Ambrose saying this is all his blame. Styles with a slash to Ellsworth and after that puts him up on the top turnbuckle. Styles is going for a superplex when Ambrose is telling somebody in the field that their auto headlights are on. He additionally peruses off Verizon as a support. Ellsworth goes for a cross body, Styles moves and Ellsworth hits the ring with a crash. Styles with a major kick to the mid-section of Ellsworth. Styles sends Ellsworth to the corner and afterward to the outside. Ambrose gets up and sends Ellsworth back inside the ring. Styles hurls him pull out. Ambrose hurls Ellsworth back in. They do a reversal and forward sending Ellsworth all through the ring. Styles gets up on the top turnbuckle and Ellsworth trips him up. Ellsworth with a superkick on Styles! Ellsworth snares the leg and Styles kicks out after two. Otunga called that No Chin Music. Styles cuts off Ellsworth with a spinebuster. Styles with some solid elbows to Ellsworth. Styles with kicks to Ellsworth as Ambrose gets on the mic inquiring as to whether that is all the better he can do. He said he knows Styles resembles a soccer mother, however didn't know he kicked like one as well. Styles gets more forceful with huge right hands on Ellsworth. Styles with right hands to Ellsworth in the corner. The ref achieves a 5 tally and requires the chime.

Victor by means of DQ: James Ellsworth

Victor and still WWE World Champion: AJ Styles

After the match, Dean Ambrose reports AJ Styles as the failure of the match. He gets in the ring, AJ Styles charges and Ambrose hits him with Dirty Deeds. Ambrose gets James Ellsworth and holds up his arm commending his second win against Styles. Otunga discusses Ambrose getting to Styles today evening time at ringside.

 Match Results:

* Randy Orton def. Luke Harper by means of DQ

* Alexa Bliss def. Naomi

* The Miz and The Spirit Squad def. Dolph Ziggler, Heath Slater and Rhyno

* Baron Corbin def. Jack Swagger

* James Ellsworth def. WWE World Champion AJ Styles by means of DQ, Styles holds

WWE Raw Results

Show                         :                    WWE Raw

Venue                        :                    Denver

 Date                                :                       17 Oct 2016 

WWE Raw Results

The RAW video plays, and we're conveyed into the field to see a major fireworks show. The group is amped up for this appear. This evening, Goldberg will come back to Monday Night RAW without precedent for a long time. Goldberg's picture inspires a gigantic response from the group. Lita will likewise have restrictive meetings with Charlotte and Sasha Banks.

Kevin Owens' music hits, and he gets a gigantic response. Owens turns out with Chris Jericho going with him. Jericho is dressed to contend while Owens is definitely not. A "Y2J" serenade breaks out. Replays are appeared of Jericho losing to Seth Rollins a week ago. On the off chance that Jericho had won his match, he'd be added to the WWE Hell in a Cell headliner. Owens calls the group "imbecilic simpletons" and says their serenades can hold up. There is no denying it any longer: Mick Foley has an individual grudge against him. Why else would he hazard shortening his profession by compelling him to protect his WWE Universal Title against an undeserving Seth Rollins inside Hell in a Cell? A "Foley" serenade starts up, so Jericho more than once says, "Calm" again and again before the group begins booing him. Jericho says Foley has a grudge against himself and Owens. Everybody is stating it's a reward to be inside Hell in a Cell. It's a nail in the pine box. It's the most brutal and perilous structure ever made in WWE. It's rough and malice. The way that Owens is in this match – the match that finished Foley's profession – is a crime of equity and demonstrates that Foley is a dumb simpleton. Owens concurs with Jericho and says he has more braincells left than Foley. Owens calls himself a "reasoning man's champion." He's sufficiently shrewd to know how to ensure Hell in a Cell won't break him like it broke Foley. The main individual whose vocation will get shorter is Seth Rollins on the grounds that he's getting into the Cell with him. A long time from now, everybody will at present be discussing the hellfire he put Rollins through while as yet calling this, "The Kevin Owens Show."

Jericho says despite everything it'll be the "Chris and Kevin Show" since he ought to have been in the match with Owens. It's conspicuous he can beat Rollins. Jericho records names of legends he's beaten like Shawn Michaels, Rey Mysterio, Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock (on that night). Jericho even beat Undertaker for the World Title. On the off chance that he can beat them, he can beat Rollins. The motivation behind why he didn't beat Rollins is clearly because of terrible directing by the ref. Owens concurs and can't see how the person still functions here. Jericho inquires as to whether they realize what that implies. In case you're bad at your occupation and do things the wrong way, "You simply made the rundown!" Owens says at Hell in a Cell, Rollins will have a swan tune. He's as of now supplanted him as the man and in two weeks, he'll resign him.

Seth Rollins' music hits, and he turns out to a major gathering from the group. Rollins starts to talk, however he's cut off by a huge "Rollins" serenade. Rollins says if Jericho is going to put something on the rundown, he can begin with that ghastly scarf. Jericho is surprised. Rollins says he can include his rinky-dink tattoos, his hair style, unpleasant mustache, and trunks before calling him "shimmer groin." Jericho can't accept what he's listening ability. Jericho says, "I am going to say this one time: I am not 'shimmer groin.'" Rollins advises Jericho to spare it and believes he's now on the rundown. Jericho says, "Not yet, but rather you will be." Rollins laughs at that and says his kinship with Owens ought to be on "The List of Jericho." Maybe Jericho considers a companion to be somebody who sits inertly by two weeks in succession while you get Pedigreed. Owens says this is the reason Rollins has no companions by any stretch of the imagination. They're still great companions since they've discussed what happened these previous couple of weeks. One of them needs to remain solid for the group. Rollins says Owens remains solid while Jericho stays powerless. Jericho shouts that he is a six-time World Champion and the best on the planet at what he does. There's a motivation behind why he has "G.O.A.T." composed on his trunks. Rollins says it ought to say, "Shimmer ass." Jericho says he can beat Rollins at whatever time, wherever, anyplace. Rollins says Denver is as great a place as any and at this moment is the best time.

Rollins begins to stroll down to the ring before halting and asking what Owens will do. Will Jericho send him to the back and demonstrate he can do it all alone or will Owens be the world's ugliest team promoter and watch him get Pedigreed a third week consecutively. Jericho says Owens is going to leave while Owens says he'll remain. Owens inquires as to whether he truly needs him to take off. Jericho says he comprehends what's happened these most recent couple of weeks, which is the reason it's best he leave at this moment. The group lets out an "Ooh." Jericho says Owens claims it's better for the group, yet he realizes what he's doing now. Owens is a champion, yet he's a six-time champion. He knows every one of the traps. It doesn't change the way that Owens is his closest companion and will have his back. Jericho needs to remind Rollins and the dumb morons observing today evening time that he's Chris Jericho. Owens says he can beat Rollins all alone and will be here in soul. They embrace. Rollins advances toward the ring. This match is next.

Chris Jericho versus Seth Rollins

The ringer rings, and Jericho yells at a few fans. They circle the ring, and Jericho kicks him before clubbing without end at him. Jericho rapidly brings him down with a back suplex before kicking him in the back. Jericho cleaves the mid-section and slaps him to the corner. Jericho clubs away at him before a "Radiance groin" serenade breaks out. Jericho whips him to the corner, however Rollins pops out with a clothesline. Rollins hacks the mid-section a couple times before stepping him down in the corner. Rollins sends him into the ropes and dropkicks him down. Rollins goes outside and hits a running boot on Jericho while he hangs out over the cook's garment. Rollins gets back in the ring and punches him. Rollins cleaves the mid-section and sends him into the ropes, however he brings down his head and Jericho exploits with a twofold underhook backbreaker for a close fall. Jericho contends the check with the ref before delving his boot into Rollins' face. Jericho gets the feet and executes a guillotine launch into the ropes. Rollins drops out of the ring to recuperate. Jericho tails him out and pummels him into the blockade before dropping him onto it. Jericho returns him in the ring and goes to the top rope. Rollins boots him descending and goes for a Pedigree, however Jericho counters out. Rollins rapidly returns with a move up for a two number.

Rollins hits a clothesline and a running lower arm before sending him to the corner. Rollins interfaces with a running lower arm before hitting a blockbuster neckbreaker for a close fall. Rollins goes for a suplex, yet Jericho counters into a move up before going for the Walls of Jericho. Rollins counters into an inside support for a close fall. Rollins goes for the Pedigree, yet Jericho gives him a back body drop onto the cook's garment. Jericho then sends him to the floor with a springboard dropkick.

We return from the break to see Jericho attempt to torrential slide Rollins against the ropes, yet Rollins moves. Jericho recuperates more rapidly than Rollins does and boots him in the face before interfacing with a rocket dropkick for a two check. Jericho applies a jaw bolt, however Rollins battles up and punches out. Jericho rapidly knees him in the midriff and sends him into the ropes, yet Rollins hangs on. Rollins kicks him in the midriff and slashes him down. Jericho switches a whip, however misses a dropkick as Rollins again clutches the ropes. Rollins then brings him out with a running knee to the face. Rollins pulls himself up and gets him with an invert STO into the turnbuckle. Rollins hits the ropes, ducks a clothesline, and associates with a sling sharp edge for a close fall. Rollins cleaves the mid-section a couple times before sending him to the corner for a running lower arm. Rollins hits the ropes, yet Jericho brings him down with a back elbow. Jericho quickly catches up with a Lionsault for a close fall. Jericho talks some waste before going for a Pedigree. Rollins bends out and knees him in the face before hitting the bird of prey bolt for a close fall.

Rollins goes to the top rope, however Kevin Owens' music hits. The WWE Universal Champion advances out to ringside. Rollins gets Jericho with a cross-body piece to the floor! Rollins rapidly gets Jericho into the ring and gets him with a springboard knee to the face. Rollins instantly goes for a Pedigree, yet Jericho counters into the Walls of Jericho. Rollins hollers in torment and slithers to the base rope, yet Jericho pulls him away. Rollins by and by paws to the base rope, yet Owens pulls the rope back. The ref sees him doing that after a minute. Rollins at long last snatches the base rope and gets a break. Jericho hollers at the ref. Rollins goes for a move up, yet Jericho moves through. Rollins goes for a Pedigree, however Jericho gets out and goes for a clothesline. Rollins ducks it, and Jericho gets him with an enzuigiri. Jericho goes for the Codebreaker, yet Rollins holds him up and counters into the Pedigree for the win!

Victor by Pinfall: Seth Rollins

Kevin Owens is angry with the outcome and strolls off in outrage. Rollins gazes at Owens before celebrating with the group.

A video is appeared from the September 22, 1997 scene of Monday Night Nitro, which included the presentation of Goldberg. Goldberg will be on RAW live later today evening time.

Coming up next, Lita will talk with Charlotte.

Senator John Hickenlooper is at ringside. Senator Hickenlooper was welcomed by Goldberg, and he gets a frosty reaction from his supporters.

Charlotte is appeared in a pre-taped meeting with WWE Hall of Famer Lita. Lita notice names like Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Triple H, and Mick Foley as legends connected with Hell in a Cell. In a couple of weeks, Charlotte and Sasha Banks will sit close by them. How can she plan? Charlotte says she's a champ and arranged for these minutes. There's a motivation behind why no other female has been inside Hell in a Cell. No other female's name was Charlotte Flair. Lita notice Forbes saying Charlotte is the best ever in wrestling. Charlotte says that is just actualities and notice she's the best in the WWE, male or female. Lita notice Sasha not being 100% heading into SummerSlam. Charlotte says she's a two-time Women's Champion and has won twelve straight PPVs. She's sturdy and doesn't whimper about being harmed. A win is a win. Lita says if she's going to substantiate herself as the best in the business, would it say it isn't ideal to beat the best at 100%? Charlotte says Lita is taking a gander at this the wrong way. That is the reason she's the best since she's 100% constantly. Lita says she's qualified for play by her own principles, however does it trouble her that the WWE Universe bolsters Sasha and they'll be in the place where she grew up. Charlotte says Sasha will require the place where she grew up. That is the reason she feels sorry for Sasha. She never required the WWE Universe cheering for her. She's hereditarily prevalent. It's in her blood. Nobody comprehends what it resembles to stroll in her shoes. That is the reason Sasha needs the WWE Universe. Perhaps Sasha won't be 100% that day, however she will be. She doesn't simply talk the discussion – she strolls the walk. Sasha may have beaten her in L.A., yet she better trust that she'll be the lady to beat. She'll be a three-time Women's Champion. Nothing will stop her.

The Golden Truth advances toward the ring with Mark Henry. They'll be in a six-man label group coordinate, next.

The Golden Truth and Mark Henry versus The Shining Stars and Titus O'Neil

A video is appeared from before in the day when R-Truth erroneously consented to purchase fake Rolex watches from The Shining Stars in the event that they lose their match.

Goldust will begin against Primo. Goldust punches away at him and associates with a shoulder square. Goldust brings him down for a one tally. Goldust uppercuts him before hitting an arm drag. Goldust torques the arm before Primo gets to the ropes. Primo brings him down with a leg clear before avalanching him against the ropes. Epico labels him and interfaces with a slingshot senton for a two check. Titus O'Neil labels in and punches Goldust down before slapping him. O'Neil then whips him hard into the corner. O'Neil talks waste to Mark Henry. Epico labels back in and kicks away at Goldust before applying a button bolt. Goldust battles up and gets out before hitting a powerslam. R-Truth and O'Neil are labeled in. R-Truth hits a couple of clotheslines, parts under a clothesline, and gets him with a heel kick to the face. R-Truth rapidly catches up with a Scissor Kick, however Primo splits it up. Goldust comes in and brings him out with a spinebuster. Epico tosses him out of the ring, and R-Truth floors him with the What's Up. O'Neil clubs away at R-Truth, and Henry dazzle labels in. Henry comes in and gives O'Neil the World's Strongest Slam for the win.

Champs by Pinfall: The Golden Truth and Mark Henry

The New Day is strolling around with a "#Day420" sign. The analysts call attention to it's Day 420 in Denver. In the event that you don't realize what that implies, find it.

Chris Jericho is strolling backstage when he indignantly gets up to speed with Kevin Owens. Owens apologizes for turning out. Owens says this is the thing that Rollins and Foley need – to make pressure between them so Jericho doesn't have his back any longer. Jericho says he advised Owens not to descend and prevents himself from calling him a "moronic dolt." Owens fires back at him and how about we him know his identity. Jericho yells back that he's not Owens' attendant. Stephanie McMahon comes up and asks what the heck is going on. Stephanie says they're giving Rollins a chance to get inside their heads. Hellfire in a Cell is two weeks. Shane McMahon and "Jack" Daniel Bryan tested RAW at Survivor Series for three Survivor Series matches: men, ladies, and label groups. She needs her best commanders together. They should be more grounded and more astute than other people. Jericho noiselessly says he advised Owens not to descend. Owens says he was simply attempting to offer assistance.

Sheamus makes his passageway with Cesaro, who is on Facebook Live. Sheamus was on Facebook Live a week ago amid Cesaro's match. In two weeks, Sheamus and Cesaro will confront The New Day for the WWE Tag Team Championships.


The New Day advances toward the ring. Huge E tosses out boxes of Booty O's to the group. Huge E says Sheamus must be a "mile high" on the off chance that he supposes he's going to beat him with his court-delegated label group accomplice, Cesaro. Xavier Woods says the two individuals running for the Presidency of the United States would make a nearer label group than Cesaro and Sheamus. A week ago, Kofi Kingston vanquished the more great looking and smooth of the two in Cesaro. Kingston says these two folks are so out of match up that he beat Cesaro not getting it done. Kingston brings up that he slipped on the springboard and still won. Today evening time, Big E will beat Sheamus. As they all know, Sheamus is a major old steaming heap of hot, human trash. Huge E says this is similar Sheamus excessively bustling putzing around on Facebook Live instead of helping his accomplice. That is the reason you can't say "Sheamus" without saying "disgrace." Woods says they'll demonstrate to them why for as far back as 420 days, they've lawfully been their WWE World Tag Team Champions in light of the fact that New Day rocks!

Sheamus w/Cesaro versus Huge E w/The New Day

They circle the ring and bolt up. Sheamus applies a side headlock, yet Big E whips him off and interfaces with a shoulder square. Sheamus gets to his feet and gets him with a German Suplex. Sheamus hits a running shoulder took after by a knee lift. Sheamus hits the ropes, however Big E gives him a clothesline. Huge E hits a running shoulder push and hits the ropes, yet Sheamus clotheslines him down. Sheamus kicks Big E in the ribs and uppercuts him a couple times. Enormous E rapidly drops Sheamus over the top rope, however Sheamus returns right with a shoulder. Enormous E return by giving him a clothesline on the cook's garment before executing a major sprinkle on the smock. Cesaro is wearing Big E's robe and still on Facebook Live. Sheamus returns by giving Big E a moving senton on the floor. Enormous E is seeping from the mouth.

We return from the break to see Big E bring Sheamus down. Sheamus boots him down and goes to the top rope. Enormous E gets him and hits a couple of paunch to-stomach overhead suplexes took after by a tummy to-midsection side suplex. Enormous E rotates before going for a major sprinkle, however Sheamus gets his knees up. Sheamus moves him up for a close fall. Sheamus rapidly catches up with an Irish Curse Backbreaker for a two check. Cesaro is still appeared on Facebook Live. A "Disgrace" serenade is coordinated toward Sheamus. Sheamus goes for a Brogue Kick, however Big E counters into a powerbomb for a close fall. Huge E goes for the Big Ending, however Sheamus rakes the eyes and gets him with White Noise for a close fall. Huge E goes to the cover to recoup while Cesaro goes into the group to mug with the fans. Sheamus gets Big E with the 10 Beats of the Bodhrán before thumping him off the overskirt. Sheamus yells at Cesaro for disregarding his match. Sheamus snatches the iPhone and advises Ceasro to film him. Enormous E rapidly torrential slides Sheamus and moves him up for the win.

Champ by Pinfall: Big E

The New Day celebrates while Sheamus looks shocked. Sheamus reprimands Cesaro for his misfortune and thumps the iPhone out of his hands.

Footage is appeared from the July 6, 1998 scene of Monday Night Nitro. Goldberg proceeded with his undefeated streak by overcoming Hollywood Hogan amidst the ring for the WCW Championship. Goldberg comes back to RAW live this evening.

Bo Dallas w/Curtis Axel versus Neville

A pre-taped promo is appeared with Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel. Dallas says he's the one and only that necessities to Bo-lieve in Bo. Axel says he's the greatest Bo-liever and got him a match against Neville.

The ringer rings, and they bolt up. Dallas powers Neville to the corner and punches him down. Dallas applies a neck bad habit, however Neville gets out. Dallas instantly clotheslines him down and knees away at him. Dallas associates with a back elbow a couple times while yelling at the group. Neville ducks one and kicks him in the waist before going for a low dropkick, however Dallas moves. Neville escapes a back suplex and gives him an enzuigiri. Neville goes to the top rope, however Dallas escapes the ring. Neville rapidly goes to the cook's garment and hits an Asai Moonsault. Neville places him in the ring, however Dallas goes to the corner. Neville soon brings him down and goes to the overskirt, yet Dallas clears the feet. Dallas catches up with the moving cutter for the win.

Champ by Pinfall: Bo Dallas

Dana Brooke versus Bayley

The chime rings, and Dana rapidly escapes the ring. Bayley takes after her outside, and Dana gets back in the ring. Bayley pursues her around, however she can't get her. Dana insults her. Bayley gets on the smock and shoulders her before snapping her off the center rope. Bayley gives her a face-buster before sending her to the corner. Bayley whips her once again into the corner before giving her a clothesline. Bayley hammers her off the turnbuckle a couple times before Dana lower arms her down. Dana sends her hard into the turnbuckle before kicking her in the head. The ref keeps an eye on Bayley. Dana keeps on stepping without end at her in the corner. Dana pummels her down for a two number. Dana applies a jaw secure and controls her. Dana postures before reapplying the button bolt. Dana places her in the corner and does a handstand stifle. They then have similar thought and hit a twofold clothesline. Bayley soon gets up and punches away at her before controlling her to the corner for a running elbow. Bayley goes to the second rope, however Dana escapes the ring. Bayley slides through the turnbuckles to give her a baseball slide. Bayley gets her in the ring, yet Dana sends her into the ring post. Dana maneuvers her into the ring and grabs the amaze win.

Victor by Pinfall: Dana Brooke

Michael Cole interviews Paul Heyman, who is live from WWE Studios. Cole inquires as to whether he supposes Goldberg will react "yes." A "Goldberg" serenade starts up. Heyman says Goldberg isn't going to appear in Denver, Colorado out of every other place on earth to say "no." Goldberg is coming to say "yes." Heyman needs Bill Goldberg to consider this: why did Brock Lesnar not move him eye to eye? This is on the grounds that Lesnar doesn't consider Goldberg any longer. Goldberg isn't justified regardless of the sweat off Lesnar's tookus. It's a computer game. It's a dream. Heyman over and over calls him, "Charge." Heyman encourages him to decrease the test. On the off chance that he acknowledges, he'll annoy Lesnar. It as of now annoys Lesnar that Goldberg beat him twelve years prior. It annoys him much more that Goldberg supposes he can do it once more. The WWE Universe thinks Goldberg can beat Lesnar once more. A noisy "Goldberg" serenade breaks out. Heyman hollers at the group. Heyman says Goldberg will be embarrassed on account of Lesnar.

Roman Reigns will protect the WWE United States Championship against Rusev inside Hell in a Cell in two weeks. Today, Rusev and Lana will convey an extraordinary message to Reigns.

Byron Saxton is in the ring with three agents called "The Mile High Trio." They discuss how they're going to beat Braun Strowman in light of the fact that they're utilized to the elevation of Denver.

The Mile High Trio versus Braun Strowman

Strowman very quickly brings them down before hurling two out of the ring and propelling the third over the top rope like a lance. Strowman violently brings one down at ringside. Strowman gets in the ring and squashes one preceding dropkicking the other two. One tries to flee, yet Strowman runs him down. Strowman powerslams one preceding giving the other a turn around chokeslam onto his accomplice for the win.

Champ by Pinfall: Braun Strowman

Strowman requests an amplifier and says if Mick Foley won't give him the opposition he needs, he'll take matters into his own hands. Sami Zayn's music hits, and he advances out to the ring. Zayn runs up close and personal with Strowman. Strowman swings to leave, however then rapidly turns and pushes Zayn out of the ring before strolling off.

Rusev and Lana will have a message for Roman Reigns, next.

Charly Caruso asks Sami Zayn for what valid reason he provoked Braun Strowman. Zayn says, "On the grounds that nobody else would."

Lana is in the ring, and she presents her better half, Rusev. Rusev gets in the ring and says in two weeks, he'll have the chance to squash Roman Reigns inside Hell in a Cell. A "USA" serenade breaks out. Rusev yells in his local tongue. Lana says they all need to comprehend that not just is her significant other the best US Champion ever, as his better half, she knows he's a sensational family man, not at all like the powerless men in participation with their poor family values. Rusev says Reigns talks in regards to his family constantly. They get it: he has a group of 700 Samoans. They break coconuts on their head and are imbecilic. His family are enlightened. Rusev then presents "The Rusev's." Rusev has photographs of his mom, who was a paddling champion. Lana says that is being a champion, not at all like other ladies who are nothing. A great many people detest their relatives, yet she cherishes her mother by marriage. The group boos, and Rusev is incensed they're booing his mom. Rusev didn't know idiocy was sanctioned in the state. Father Rusev is then appeared. Rusev says his dad is a legend who was a wrestling champion in the armed force. Lana puts over her dad in-law. Rusev's sibling is the best culinary expert in Bulgaria. They then demonstrate a photo of Rusev's grandma and his canine. Rusev moves onto his cousins.

Roman Reigns' music hits, and Rusev is irate. Rules says Rusev is right in regards to a certain something: he has a major family. He's not discussing his bloodline. He's discussing the Roman Empire. Rules says Rusev doesn't resemble his dad with the sweet mustache. Rusev resembles the family canine. Rusev says Reigns can disregard his family all he needs, yet he won't slight him. Reigns gets in the ring and says it'll be just them one-on-one at Hell in a Cell. At the point when Reigns is finished with him, the main ones he'll call is 911. Lana keeps Rusev down before drawing closer Reigns and slapping him. Rusev promptly catches up with a superkick to Reigns. Rusev torrential slides Reigns against the blockade before sending him into the steel steps. Rusev wipes Reigns out by pummeling the means into him. Rusev gets Reigns in the ring and puts the base portion of the means in the ring. Rusev stands them on their side. Rules punches back before hitting the ropes. Rusev rapidly superkicks Reigns and sends him directly into the means. Rusev lays him out on top of the means and applies the Accolade. Rules goes out, and Rusev celebrates for sure. Replays are appeared of the assault.

Replays are appeared of Goldberg appearing on Monday Night RAW on March 31, 2003. Goldberg tested The Rock and skewered him down. Goldberg will return today evening time.

Paul Heyman will be on ESPN SportsCenter this Wednesday.

The Makeover of Emma to Emmalina will debut soon.

Replays are appeared of Anderson and Gallows violently assaulting Enzo and Cass.

Enzo and Big Cass make their passageway. Enzo does his typical shtick before turning his consideration onto Anderson and Gallows in the ring. Enzo calls them a "cup'a haters." Big Cass says they can take their assessment and push it. Enzo calls them chump change and Anderson has damnation to pay. Huge Cass says there's one and only word to depict them: S-A-W-F-T!

Karl Anderson w/Luke Gallows versus Huge Cass w/Enzo Amore

The ringer rings, and Big Cass rapidly controls Anderson to the corner and punches away at him. Enormous Cass keeps punching without end at him before hitting a fall-away hammer. Anderson rapidly goes outside to recuperate. Enzo charges, and Big Cass slings him into Luke Gallows. Anderson assaults Cass returning the ring, however Cass rapidly returns with the East River Crossing for the win.

Victor by Pinfall: Big Cass

Tony Nese and Drew Gulak are conversing with somebody backstage about dealing with his end of the deal. It's uncovered that they're conversing with Brian Kendrick. T.J. Perkins strolls up. Perkins gushes a faltering line calling him "Sir Lancelot." Perkins asks Nese and Gulak what Kendrick guaranteed them. Perkins says it's amusement over at Hell in a Cell. Kendrick says Perkins thinks this is a computer game where he has boundless lives. Kendrick says he's on his last life and that makes him unsafe. Cedric Alexander and Rich Swann come up to even the chances with Perkins. Kendrick, Nese, and Gulak stroll off.

We'll see a meeting with Sasha Banks and Lita, next.

Sasha Banks was met by Lita before in the day. Sasha says it's insane to perceive how far they've originated from NXT. They're impacting the world forever inside Hell in a Cell. Regardless of what she considers Charlotte, they did this together. She regards her. Sasha says she'll demonstrate she's the best. Lita notice Charlotte thinking Hell in a Cell will be her night. Sasha says Hell in a Cell is in Boston, the place where she grew up. She's leaving a mark on the world and can't get over it. Sasha can't trust this is genuine. This present Women's Revolution has come as such. Lita says she's simply beginning. Lita gets some information about the SummerSlam misfortune. Sasha says she was somewhat in front of herself, yet she's back and beyond anyone's imagination. Lita gets some information about what she thinks about the Hell in a Cell coordinate and if she's apprehensive. Sasha says she's not frightful. She agreed to this and needed the match. She wouldn't like to say she's perplexed. She's watched old matches on the WWE Network. She can't be anxious entering the structure. At Hell in a Cell in two weeks, she's going to leave a mark on the world.

Footage is appeared from Unforgiven 2003 when Goldberg vanquished Triple H to win the World Heavyweight Championship. Goldberg will be on RAW live today evening time surprisingly since 2004.

Coming up next, the cruiserweights will be in real life.

Brian Kendrick, Drew Gulak, and Tony Nese versus Cedric Alexander, Rich Swann, and T.J. Perkins

Rich Swann will begin against Drew Gulak. They bolt up, and Gulak powers him into the ropes. Gulak rapidly slaps him down before pummeling him down. Gulak applies a front facelock, yet Swann battles up and punches out. Swann hits the ropes a couple times and dropkicks him down. Cedric Alexander is labeled in, and Gulak rapidly punches him. Tony Nese is labeled in, and Alexander dropkicks him down. Alexander body hammers him and labels in T.J. Perkins. Perkins goes for a tornado DDT, yet Nese counters into a suplex for a two check. Kendrick labels in, however Perkins rapidly gets him in a knee bar. Kendrick promptly gets to the base rope and escapes the ring.

We return from the break to see Gulak knee Alexander in the midriff. Alexander returns with a handspring enzuigiri. Kendrick labels in and thumps Perkins off the cook's garment before Alexander gives him a back body drop. Nese and Swann are labeled in. Swann clotheslines him twice before running into a boot. Swann rapidly returns by jumping up to the top rope and giving him a hurricanrana. Gulak separates the stick. Alexander takes out Gulak, and Kendrick takes him out. Perkins then hits Gulak with a Wrecking Ball Dropkick. Nese pulls Swann off the top rope and hits a 450 Splash. Kendrick labels in, and he applies the Captain's Hook. Perkins tries to get in the ring, however Gulak holds his foot. Swann taps out.

Champs by Submission: Brian Kendrick, Drew Gulak and Tony Nese

Mick Foley and Stephanie McMahon are talking backstage. They backtrack and forward complimenting each other before pondering what they're going to accomplish for one week from now's RAW. Foley says they'll have Kevin Owens versus Chris Jericho versus Seth Rollins so they can in any case do the triple danger, simply no Hell in a Cell.

Footage is appeared of Goldberg versus Brock Lesnar in the WWE 2K17 computer game. Coming up next, Goldberg makes his arrival to WWE following a twelve year nonattendance.

The New Day will go up against Sheamus and Cesaro one week from now in a non-title coordinate before Hell in a Cell. We'll likewise observe a Triple Threat Main Event with Kevin Owens going up against Seth Rollins and Chris Jericho.

Michael Cole is in the ring. Cole discusses Goldberg's appearance on ESPN SportsCenter, where he specified he'd jump at the chance to confront Brock Lesnar one final time. We then observe footage of Paul Heyman issuing the test to Goldberg for the benefit of Brock Lesnar a week ago on RAW. Cole respects "the best champion in WCW history," Goldberg. Goldberg is seen strolling backstage while WWE geniuses and stagehands applaud him. The group is boisterously droning his name.

The flashes illuminate, and Goldberg exits to remain amidst them. Goldberg breathes out smoke and the pyro goes off. The group is noisily droning his name while he clench hand knocks a child and gives another an embrace. Goldberg gets in the ring, and the sound removes since he noisily reviles due to being so amped up. Goldberg remains in the ring, and the field is deafeningly droning his name. Goldberg holds his arm up and bows down. Goldberg looks totally moved by this response and gets on the turnbuckle to posture, which is boisterously cheered. An "Oh my goodness" serenade starts up. Goldberg welcomes the Governor of Colorado. A "This is marvelous" serenade breaks out. Goldberg expresses gratitude toward them and says, "It's been quite a while, and you kept in mind!" Goldberg at the end of the day postures for them, as the serenades proceed.

Cole says we've heard the remarks on ESPN and Heyman's difficulties. Cole gives him the mouthpiece.

Goldberg says, "Twelve years, women and men of their word. You never say never, eh? I never thought I'd be in this ring again, so thank you for the modest return. What makes it so uncommon is that my significant other and my child are here to see me live interestingly." Goldberg's family is appeared at ringside. "Presently back in January, I got a telephone call from 2K and WWE, and I got the chance to travel all around the globe to advance 2K WWE 17. Presently, as I said, it's been twelve years, there's a great deal of things I've missed around here. The greatest thing that I miss – other than kicking ass – is being a superhero for the children all around the globe. These days, there ain't sufficient of us. So circumventing the world advancing the computer game gave me that open door. I could go to Germany, I could go to Toronto, and I could go up to the children and I could shake their hands. I could recognize easily that I was Goldberg." Another boisterous "Goldberg" serenade breaks out. "It gave me… Ok, much obliged. It gave me the chance to be that superhero once more, however sadly incidentally, I made a little dramatization back here in WWE. What that did was it made me think. I considered, and I surmise that perhaps it's better taken off alone. Possibly I keep it in the computer game." The group boos and begins a "NO" serenade.

"Be that as it may, then, Brock Lesnar tested me to a battle, yet he didn't have the balls to do it without anyone else's help. He let Paul Heyman, his fat little numbskull, do it for him. So that made them think, Simon, what might you do?" A "YES" serenade breaks out. Goldberg grins and proceeds on. "Furthermore, I pondered internally perhaps… perhaps I have one more ass kicking left in me. I contemplated internally, 'Perhaps I have one rebel skewer left in me.' Then I pondered internally, 'Perhaps I have one final obliterating jackhammer left in me.' So, Brock Lesnar, does that imply that you're next… as well as above all it implies Brock Lesnar, YOU'RE LAST!" Goldberg hurls the mouthpiece down and strolls off to loud praise from the group. Goldberg takes a kid out from the group and lifts him up. Goldberg returns him and has his child come over the blockade. Goldberg puts him on his shoulder and stances with his child. His better half is seen keeping down tears.

Brock Lesnar will be on RAW one week from now in Minneapolis. Goldberg keeps on shaking hands with fans and commend his triumphant return. Goldberg postures at the highest point of the incline to uproarious cheers and "Goldberg" serenades, as the show goes off the air.

Match Results

* Seth Rollins def. Chris Jericho

* The Golden Truth and Mark Henry def. The Shining Stars and Titus O'Neil

* Big E def. Sheamus

* Bo Dallas def. Neville

* Dana Brooke def. Bayley

* Braun Strowman def. The Mile High Trio

* Big Cass def. Karl Anderson

* Brian Kendrick, Drew Gulak, and Tony Nese def. Cedric Alexander, Rich Swann, and T.J. Perkins by means of Submission

WWE RAW Results – 10/17/16 (Bill Goldberg returns to WWE answering Heyman’s challenge)

WWE Raw Results

Show                         :                    WWE Raw

Venue                        :                    Denver

 Date                                :                       17 Oct 2016 

WWE Raw Results

The RAW video plays, and we're conveyed into the field to see a major fireworks show. The group is amped up for this appear. This evening, Goldberg will come back to Monday Night RAW without precedent for a long time. Goldberg's picture inspires a gigantic response from the group. Lita will likewise have restrictive meetings with Charlotte and Sasha Banks.

Kevin Owens' music hits, and he gets a gigantic response. Owens turns out with Chris Jericho going with him. Jericho is dressed to contend while Owens is definitely not. A "Y2J" serenade breaks out. Replays are appeared of Jericho losing to Seth Rollins a week ago. On the off chance that Jericho had won his match, he'd be added to the WWE Hell in a Cell headliner. Owens calls the group "imbecilic simpletons" and says their serenades can hold up. There is no denying it any longer: Mick Foley has an individual grudge against him. Why else would he hazard shortening his profession by compelling him to protect his WWE Universal Title against an undeserving Seth Rollins inside Hell in a Cell? A "Foley" serenade starts up, so Jericho more than once says, "Calm" again and again before the group begins booing him. Jericho says Foley has a grudge against himself and Owens. Everybody is stating it's a reward to be inside Hell in a Cell. It's a nail in the pine box. It's the most brutal and perilous structure ever made in WWE. It's rough and malice. The way that Owens is in this match – the match that finished Foley's profession – is a crime of equity and demonstrates that Foley is a dumb simpleton. Owens concurs with Jericho and says he has more braincells left than Foley. Owens calls himself a "reasoning man's champion." He's sufficiently shrewd to know how to ensure Hell in a Cell won't break him like it broke Foley. The main individual whose vocation will get shorter is Seth Rollins on the grounds that he's getting into the Cell with him. A long time from now, everybody will at present be discussing the hellfire he put Rollins through while as yet calling this, "The Kevin Owens Show."

Jericho says despite everything it'll be the "Chris and Kevin Show" since he ought to have been in the match with Owens. It's conspicuous he can beat Rollins. Jericho records names of legends he's beaten like Shawn Michaels, Rey Mysterio, Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock (on that night). Jericho even beat Undertaker for the World Title. On the off chance that he can beat them, he can beat Rollins. The motivation behind why he didn't beat Rollins is clearly because of terrible directing by the ref. Owens concurs and can't see how the person still functions here. Jericho inquires as to whether they realize what that implies. In case you're bad at your occupation and do things the wrong way, "You simply made the rundown!" Owens says at Hell in a Cell, Rollins will have a swan tune. He's as of now supplanted him as the man and in two weeks, he'll resign him.

Seth Rollins' music hits, and he turns out to a major gathering from the group. Rollins starts to talk, however he's cut off by a huge "Rollins" serenade. Rollins says if Jericho is going to put something on the rundown, he can begin with that ghastly scarf. Jericho is surprised. Rollins says he can include his rinky-dink tattoos, his hair style, unpleasant mustache, and trunks before calling him "shimmer groin." Jericho can't accept what he's listening ability. Jericho says, "I am going to say this one time: I am not 'shimmer groin.'" Rollins advises Jericho to spare it and believes he's now on the rundown. Jericho says, "Not yet, but rather you will be." Rollins laughs at that and says his kinship with Owens ought to be on "The List of Jericho." Maybe Jericho considers a companion to be somebody who sits inertly by two weeks in succession while you get Pedigreed. Owens says this is the reason Rollins has no companions by any stretch of the imagination. They're still great companions since they've discussed what happened these previous couple of weeks. One of them needs to remain solid for the group. Rollins says Owens remains solid while Jericho stays powerless. Jericho shouts that he is a six-time World Champion and the best on the planet at what he does. There's a motivation behind why he has "G.O.A.T." composed on his trunks. Rollins says it ought to say, "Shimmer ass." Jericho says he can beat Rollins at whatever time, wherever, anyplace. Rollins says Denver is as great a place as any and at this moment is the best time.

Rollins begins to stroll down to the ring before halting and asking what Owens will do. Will Jericho send him to the back and demonstrate he can do it all alone or will Owens be the world's ugliest team promoter and watch him get Pedigreed a third week consecutively. Jericho says Owens is going to leave while Owens says he'll remain. Owens inquires as to whether he truly needs him to take off. Jericho says he comprehends what's happened these most recent couple of weeks, which is the reason it's best he leave at this moment. The group lets out an "Ooh." Jericho says Owens claims it's better for the group, yet he realizes what he's doing now. Owens is a champion, yet he's a six-time champion. He knows every one of the traps. It doesn't change the way that Owens is his closest companion and will have his back. Jericho needs to remind Rollins and the dumb morons observing today evening time that he's Chris Jericho. Owens says he can beat Rollins all alone and will be here in soul. They embrace. Rollins advances toward the ring. This match is next.

Chris Jericho versus Seth Rollins

The ringer rings, and Jericho yells at a few fans. They circle the ring, and Jericho kicks him before clubbing without end at him. Jericho rapidly brings him down with a back suplex before kicking him in the back. Jericho cleaves the mid-section and slaps him to the corner. Jericho clubs away at him before a "Radiance groin" serenade breaks out. Jericho whips him to the corner, however Rollins pops out with a clothesline. Rollins hacks the mid-section a couple times before stepping him down in the corner. Rollins sends him into the ropes and dropkicks him down. Rollins goes outside and hits a running boot on Jericho while he hangs out over the cook's garment. Rollins gets back in the ring and punches him. Rollins cleaves the mid-section and sends him into the ropes, however he brings down his head and Jericho exploits with a twofold underhook backbreaker for a close fall. Jericho contends the check with the ref before delving his boot into Rollins' face. Jericho gets the feet and executes a guillotine launch into the ropes. Rollins drops out of the ring to recuperate. Jericho tails him out and pummels him into the blockade before dropping him onto it. Jericho returns him in the ring and goes to the top rope. Rollins boots him descending and goes for a Pedigree, however Jericho counters out. Rollins rapidly returns with a move up for a two number.

Rollins hits a clothesline and a running lower arm before sending him to the corner. Rollins interfaces with a running lower arm before hitting a blockbuster neckbreaker for a close fall. Rollins goes for a suplex, yet Jericho counters into a move up before going for the Walls of Jericho. Rollins counters into an inside support for a close fall. Rollins goes for the Pedigree, yet Jericho gives him a back body drop onto the cook's garment. Jericho then sends him to the floor with a springboard dropkick.

We return from the break to see Jericho attempt to torrential slide Rollins against the ropes, yet Rollins moves. Jericho recuperates more rapidly than Rollins does and boots him in the face before interfacing with a rocket dropkick for a two check. Jericho applies a jaw bolt, however Rollins battles up and punches out. Jericho rapidly knees him in the midriff and sends him into the ropes, yet Rollins hangs on. Rollins kicks him in the midriff and slashes him down. Jericho switches a whip, however misses a dropkick as Rollins again clutches the ropes. Rollins then brings him out with a running knee to the face. Rollins pulls himself up and gets him with an invert STO into the turnbuckle. Rollins hits the ropes, ducks a clothesline, and associates with a sling sharp edge for a close fall. Rollins cleaves the mid-section a couple times before sending him to the corner for a running lower arm. Rollins hits the ropes, yet Jericho brings him down with a back elbow. Jericho quickly catches up with a Lionsault for a close fall. Jericho talks some waste before going for a Pedigree. Rollins bends out and knees him in the face before hitting the bird of prey bolt for a close fall.

Rollins goes to the top rope, however Kevin Owens' music hits. The WWE Universal Champion advances out to ringside. Rollins gets Jericho with a cross-body piece to the floor! Rollins rapidly gets Jericho into the ring and gets him with a springboard knee to the face. Rollins instantly goes for a Pedigree, yet Jericho counters into the Walls of Jericho. Rollins hollers in torment and slithers to the base rope, yet Jericho pulls him away. Rollins by and by paws to the base rope, yet Owens pulls the rope back. The ref sees him doing that after a minute. Rollins at long last snatches the base rope and gets a break. Jericho hollers at the ref. Rollins goes for a move up, yet Jericho moves through. Rollins goes for a Pedigree, however Jericho gets out and goes for a clothesline. Rollins ducks it, and Jericho gets him with an enzuigiri. Jericho goes for the Codebreaker, yet Rollins holds him up and counters into the Pedigree for the win!

Victor by Pinfall: Seth Rollins

Kevin Owens is angry with the outcome and strolls off in outrage. Rollins gazes at Owens before celebrating with the group.

A video is appeared from the September 22, 1997 scene of Monday Night Nitro, which included the presentation of Goldberg. Goldberg will be on RAW live later today evening time.

Coming up next, Lita will talk with Charlotte.

Senator John Hickenlooper is at ringside. Senator Hickenlooper was welcomed by Goldberg, and he gets a frosty reaction from his supporters.

Charlotte is appeared in a pre-taped meeting with WWE Hall of Famer Lita. Lita notice names like Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Triple H, and Mick Foley as legends connected with Hell in a Cell. In a couple of weeks, Charlotte and Sasha Banks will sit close by them. How can she plan? Charlotte says she's a champ and arranged for these minutes. There's a motivation behind why no other female has been inside Hell in a Cell. No other female's name was Charlotte Flair. Lita notice Forbes saying Charlotte is the best ever in wrestling. Charlotte says that is just actualities and notice she's the best in the WWE, male or female. Lita notice Sasha not being 100% heading into SummerSlam. Charlotte says she's a two-time Women's Champion and has won twelve straight PPVs. She's sturdy and doesn't whimper about being harmed. A win is a win. Lita says if she's going to substantiate herself as the best in the business, would it say it isn't ideal to beat the best at 100%? Charlotte says Lita is taking a gander at this the wrong way. That is the reason she's the best since she's 100% constantly. Lita says she's qualified for play by her own principles, however does it trouble her that the WWE Universe bolsters Sasha and they'll be in the place where she grew up. Charlotte says Sasha will require the place where she grew up. That is the reason she feels sorry for Sasha. She never required the WWE Universe cheering for her. She's hereditarily prevalent. It's in her blood. Nobody comprehends what it resembles to stroll in her shoes. That is the reason Sasha needs the WWE Universe. Perhaps Sasha won't be 100% that day, however she will be. She doesn't simply talk the discussion – she strolls the walk. Sasha may have beaten her in L.A., yet she better trust that she'll be the lady to beat. She'll be a three-time Women's Champion. Nothing will stop her.

The Golden Truth advances toward the ring with Mark Henry. They'll be in a six-man label group coordinate, next.

The Golden Truth and Mark Henry versus The Shining Stars and Titus O'Neil

A video is appeared from before in the day when R-Truth erroneously consented to purchase fake Rolex watches from The Shining Stars in the event that they lose their match.

Goldust will begin against Primo. Goldust punches away at him and associates with a shoulder square. Goldust brings him down for a one tally. Goldust uppercuts him before hitting an arm drag. Goldust torques the arm before Primo gets to the ropes. Primo brings him down with a leg clear before avalanching him against the ropes. Epico labels him and interfaces with a slingshot senton for a two check. Titus O'Neil labels in and punches Goldust down before slapping him. O'Neil then whips him hard into the corner. O'Neil talks waste to Mark Henry. Epico labels back in and kicks away at Goldust before applying a button bolt. Goldust battles up and gets out before hitting a powerslam. R-Truth and O'Neil are labeled in. R-Truth hits a couple of clotheslines, parts under a clothesline, and gets him with a heel kick to the face. R-Truth rapidly catches up with a Scissor Kick, however Primo splits it up. Goldust comes in and brings him out with a spinebuster. Epico tosses him out of the ring, and R-Truth floors him with the What's Up. O'Neil clubs away at R-Truth, and Henry dazzle labels in. Henry comes in and gives O'Neil the World's Strongest Slam for the win.

Champs by Pinfall: The Golden Truth and Mark Henry

The New Day is strolling around with a "#Day420" sign. The analysts call attention to it's Day 420 in Denver. In the event that you don't realize what that implies, find it.

Chris Jericho is strolling backstage when he indignantly gets up to speed with Kevin Owens. Owens apologizes for turning out. Owens says this is the thing that Rollins and Foley need – to make pressure between them so Jericho doesn't have his back any longer. Jericho says he advised Owens not to descend and prevents himself from calling him a "moronic dolt." Owens fires back at him and how about we him know his identity. Jericho yells back that he's not Owens' attendant. Stephanie McMahon comes up and asks what the heck is going on. Stephanie says they're giving Rollins a chance to get inside their heads. Hellfire in a Cell is two weeks. Shane McMahon and "Jack" Daniel Bryan tested RAW at Survivor Series for three Survivor Series matches: men, ladies, and label groups. She needs her best commanders together. They should be more grounded and more astute than other people. Jericho noiselessly says he advised Owens not to descend. Owens says he was simply attempting to offer assistance.

Sheamus makes his passageway with Cesaro, who is on Facebook Live. Sheamus was on Facebook Live a week ago amid Cesaro's match. In two weeks, Sheamus and Cesaro will confront The New Day for the WWE Tag Team Championships.


The New Day advances toward the ring. Huge E tosses out boxes of Booty O's to the group. Huge E says Sheamus must be a "mile high" on the off chance that he supposes he's going to beat him with his court-delegated label group accomplice, Cesaro. Xavier Woods says the two individuals running for the Presidency of the United States would make a nearer label group than Cesaro and Sheamus. A week ago, Kofi Kingston vanquished the more great looking and smooth of the two in Cesaro. Kingston says these two folks are so out of match up that he beat Cesaro not getting it done. Kingston brings up that he slipped on the springboard and still won. Today evening time, Big E will beat Sheamus. As they all know, Sheamus is a major old steaming heap of hot, human trash. Huge E says this is similar Sheamus excessively bustling putzing around on Facebook Live instead of helping his accomplice. That is the reason you can't say "Sheamus" without saying "disgrace." Woods says they'll demonstrate to them why for as far back as 420 days, they've lawfully been their WWE World Tag Team Champions in light of the fact that New Day rocks!

Sheamus w/Cesaro versus Huge E w/The New Day

They circle the ring and bolt up. Sheamus applies a side headlock, yet Big E whips him off and interfaces with a shoulder square. Sheamus gets to his feet and gets him with a German Suplex. Sheamus hits a running shoulder took after by a knee lift. Sheamus hits the ropes, however Big E gives him a clothesline. Huge E hits a running shoulder push and hits the ropes, yet Sheamus clotheslines him down. Sheamus kicks Big E in the ribs and uppercuts him a couple times. Enormous E rapidly drops Sheamus over the top rope, however Sheamus returns right with a shoulder. Enormous E return by giving him a clothesline on the cook's garment before executing a major sprinkle on the smock. Cesaro is wearing Big E's robe and still on Facebook Live. Sheamus returns by giving Big E a moving senton on the floor. Enormous E is seeping from the mouth.

We return from the break to see Big E bring Sheamus down. Sheamus boots him down and goes to the top rope. Enormous E gets him and hits a couple of paunch to-stomach overhead suplexes took after by a tummy to-midsection side suplex. Enormous E rotates before going for a major sprinkle, however Sheamus gets his knees up. Sheamus moves him up for a close fall. Sheamus rapidly catches up with an Irish Curse Backbreaker for a two check. Cesaro is still appeared on Facebook Live. A "Disgrace" serenade is coordinated toward Sheamus. Sheamus goes for a Brogue Kick, however Big E counters into a powerbomb for a close fall. Huge E goes for the Big Ending, however Sheamus rakes the eyes and gets him with White Noise for a close fall. Huge E goes to the cover to recoup while Cesaro goes into the group to mug with the fans. Sheamus gets Big E with the 10 Beats of the Bodhrán before thumping him off the overskirt. Sheamus yells at Cesaro for disregarding his match. Sheamus snatches the iPhone and advises Ceasro to film him. Enormous E rapidly torrential slides Sheamus and moves him up for the win.

Champ by Pinfall: Big E

The New Day celebrates while Sheamus looks shocked. Sheamus reprimands Cesaro for his misfortune and thumps the iPhone out of his hands.

Footage is appeared from the July 6, 1998 scene of Monday Night Nitro. Goldberg proceeded with his undefeated streak by overcoming Hollywood Hogan amidst the ring for the WCW Championship. Goldberg comes back to RAW live this evening.

Bo Dallas w/Curtis Axel versus Neville

A pre-taped promo is appeared with Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel. Dallas says he's the one and only that necessities to Bo-lieve in Bo. Axel says he's the greatest Bo-liever and got him a match against Neville.

The ringer rings, and they bolt up. Dallas powers Neville to the corner and punches him down. Dallas applies a neck bad habit, however Neville gets out. Dallas instantly clotheslines him down and knees away at him. Dallas associates with a back elbow a couple times while yelling at the group. Neville ducks one and kicks him in the waist before going for a low dropkick, however Dallas moves. Neville escapes a back suplex and gives him an enzuigiri. Neville goes to the top rope, however Dallas escapes the ring. Neville rapidly goes to the cook's garment and hits an Asai Moonsault. Neville places him in the ring, however Dallas goes to the corner. Neville soon brings him down and goes to the overskirt, yet Dallas clears the feet. Dallas catches up with the moving cutter for the win.

Champ by Pinfall: Bo Dallas

Dana Brooke versus Bayley

The chime rings, and Dana rapidly escapes the ring. Bayley takes after her outside, and Dana gets back in the ring. Bayley pursues her around, however she can't get her. Dana insults her. Bayley gets on the smock and shoulders her before snapping her off the center rope. Bayley gives her a face-buster before sending her to the corner. Bayley whips her once again into the corner before giving her a clothesline. Bayley hammers her off the turnbuckle a couple times before Dana lower arms her down. Dana sends her hard into the turnbuckle before kicking her in the head. The ref keeps an eye on Bayley. Dana keeps on stepping without end at her in the corner. Dana pummels her down for a two number. Dana applies a jaw secure and controls her. Dana postures before reapplying the button bolt. Dana places her in the corner and does a handstand stifle. They then have similar thought and hit a twofold clothesline. Bayley soon gets up and punches away at her before controlling her to the corner for a running elbow. Bayley goes to the second rope, however Dana escapes the ring. Bayley slides through the turnbuckles to give her a baseball slide. Bayley gets her in the ring, yet Dana sends her into the ring post. Dana maneuvers her into the ring and grabs the amaze win.

Victor by Pinfall: Dana Brooke

Michael Cole interviews Paul Heyman, who is live from WWE Studios. Cole inquires as to whether he supposes Goldberg will react "yes." A "Goldberg" serenade starts up. Heyman says Goldberg isn't going to appear in Denver, Colorado out of every other place on earth to say "no." Goldberg is coming to say "yes." Heyman needs Bill Goldberg to consider this: why did Brock Lesnar not move him eye to eye? This is on the grounds that Lesnar doesn't consider Goldberg any longer. Goldberg isn't justified regardless of the sweat off Lesnar's tookus. It's a computer game. It's a dream. Heyman over and over calls him, "Charge." Heyman encourages him to decrease the test. On the off chance that he acknowledges, he'll annoy Lesnar. It as of now annoys Lesnar that Goldberg beat him twelve years prior. It annoys him much more that Goldberg supposes he can do it once more. The WWE Universe thinks Goldberg can beat Lesnar once more. A noisy "Goldberg" serenade breaks out. Heyman hollers at the group. Heyman says Goldberg will be embarrassed on account of Lesnar.

Roman Reigns will protect the WWE United States Championship against Rusev inside Hell in a Cell in two weeks. Today, Rusev and Lana will convey an extraordinary message to Reigns.

Byron Saxton is in the ring with three agents called "The Mile High Trio." They discuss how they're going to beat Braun Strowman in light of the fact that they're utilized to the elevation of Denver.

The Mile High Trio versus Braun Strowman

Strowman very quickly brings them down before hurling two out of the ring and propelling the third over the top rope like a lance. Strowman violently brings one down at ringside. Strowman gets in the ring and squashes one preceding dropkicking the other two. One tries to flee, yet Strowman runs him down. Strowman powerslams one preceding giving the other a turn around chokeslam onto his accomplice for the win.

Champ by Pinfall: Braun Strowman

Strowman requests an amplifier and says if Mick Foley won't give him the opposition he needs, he'll take matters into his own hands. Sami Zayn's music hits, and he advances out to the ring. Zayn runs up close and personal with Strowman. Strowman swings to leave, however then rapidly turns and pushes Zayn out of the ring before strolling off.

Rusev and Lana will have a message for Roman Reigns, next.

Charly Caruso asks Sami Zayn for what valid reason he provoked Braun Strowman. Zayn says, "On the grounds that nobody else would."

Lana is in the ring, and she presents her better half, Rusev. Rusev gets in the ring and says in two weeks, he'll have the chance to squash Roman Reigns inside Hell in a Cell. A "USA" serenade breaks out. Rusev yells in his local tongue. Lana says they all need to comprehend that not just is her significant other the best US Champion ever, as his better half, she knows he's a sensational family man, not at all like the powerless men in participation with their poor family values. Rusev says Reigns talks in regards to his family constantly. They get it: he has a group of 700 Samoans. They break coconuts on their head and are imbecilic. His family are enlightened. Rusev then presents "The Rusev's." Rusev has photographs of his mom, who was a paddling champion. Lana says that is being a champion, not at all like other ladies who are nothing. A great many people detest their relatives, yet she cherishes her mother by marriage. The group boos, and Rusev is incensed they're booing his mom. Rusev didn't know idiocy was sanctioned in the state. Father Rusev is then appeared. Rusev says his dad is a legend who was a wrestling champion in the armed force. Lana puts over her dad in-law. Rusev's sibling is the best culinary expert in Bulgaria. They then demonstrate a photo of Rusev's grandma and his canine. Rusev moves onto his cousins.

Roman Reigns' music hits, and Rusev is irate. Rules says Rusev is right in regards to a certain something: he has a major family. He's not discussing his bloodline. He's discussing the Roman Empire. Rules says Rusev doesn't resemble his dad with the sweet mustache. Rusev resembles the family canine. Rusev says Reigns can disregard his family all he needs, yet he won't slight him. Reigns gets in the ring and says it'll be just them one-on-one at Hell in a Cell. At the point when Reigns is finished with him, the main ones he'll call is 911. Lana keeps Rusev down before drawing closer Reigns and slapping him. Rusev promptly catches up with a superkick to Reigns. Rusev torrential slides Reigns against the blockade before sending him into the steel steps. Rusev wipes Reigns out by pummeling the means into him. Rusev gets Reigns in the ring and puts the base portion of the means in the ring. Rusev stands them on their side. Rules punches back before hitting the ropes. Rusev rapidly superkicks Reigns and sends him directly into the means. Rusev lays him out on top of the means and applies the Accolade. Rules goes out, and Rusev celebrates for sure. Replays are appeared of the assault.

Replays are appeared of Goldberg appearing on Monday Night RAW on March 31, 2003. Goldberg tested The Rock and skewered him down. Goldberg will return today evening time.

Paul Heyman will be on ESPN SportsCenter this Wednesday.

The Makeover of Emma to Emmalina will debut soon.

Replays are appeared of Anderson and Gallows violently assaulting Enzo and Cass.

Enzo and Big Cass make their passageway. Enzo does his typical shtick before turning his consideration onto Anderson and Gallows in the ring. Enzo calls them a "cup'a haters." Big Cass says they can take their assessment and push it. Enzo calls them chump change and Anderson has damnation to pay. Huge Cass says there's one and only word to depict them: S-A-W-F-T!

Karl Anderson w/Luke Gallows versus Huge Cass w/Enzo Amore

The ringer rings, and Big Cass rapidly controls Anderson to the corner and punches away at him. Enormous Cass keeps punching without end at him before hitting a fall-away hammer. Anderson rapidly goes outside to recuperate. Enzo charges, and Big Cass slings him into Luke Gallows. Anderson assaults Cass returning the ring, however Cass rapidly returns with the East River Crossing for the win.

Victor by Pinfall: Big Cass

Tony Nese and Drew Gulak are conversing with somebody backstage about dealing with his end of the deal. It's uncovered that they're conversing with Brian Kendrick. T.J. Perkins strolls up. Perkins gushes a faltering line calling him "Sir Lancelot." Perkins asks Nese and Gulak what Kendrick guaranteed them. Perkins says it's amusement over at Hell in a Cell. Kendrick says Perkins thinks this is a computer game where he has boundless lives. Kendrick says he's on his last life and that makes him unsafe. Cedric Alexander and Rich Swann come up to even the chances with Perkins. Kendrick, Nese, and Gulak stroll off.

We'll see a meeting with Sasha Banks and Lita, next.

Sasha Banks was met by Lita before in the day. Sasha says it's insane to perceive how far they've originated from NXT. They're impacting the world forever inside Hell in a Cell. Regardless of what she considers Charlotte, they did this together. She regards her. Sasha says she'll demonstrate she's the best. Lita notice Charlotte thinking Hell in a Cell will be her night. Sasha says Hell in a Cell is in Boston, the place where she grew up. She's leaving a mark on the world and can't get over it. Sasha can't trust this is genuine. This present Women's Revolution has come as such. Lita says she's simply beginning. Lita gets some information about the SummerSlam misfortune. Sasha says she was somewhat in front of herself, yet she's back and beyond anyone's imagination. Lita gets some information about what she thinks about the Hell in a Cell coordinate and if she's apprehensive. Sasha says she's not frightful. She agreed to this and needed the match. She wouldn't like to say she's perplexed. She's watched old matches on the WWE Network. She can't be anxious entering the structure. At Hell in a Cell in two weeks, she's going to leave a mark on the world.

Footage is appeared from Unforgiven 2003 when Goldberg vanquished Triple H to win the World Heavyweight Championship. Goldberg will be on RAW live today evening time surprisingly since 2004.

Coming up next, the cruiserweights will be in real life.

Brian Kendrick, Drew Gulak, and Tony Nese versus Cedric Alexander, Rich Swann, and T.J. Perkins

Rich Swann will begin against Drew Gulak. They bolt up, and Gulak powers him into the ropes. Gulak rapidly slaps him down before pummeling him down. Gulak applies a front facelock, yet Swann battles up and punches out. Swann hits the ropes a couple times and dropkicks him down. Cedric Alexander is labeled in, and Gulak rapidly punches him. Tony Nese is labeled in, and Alexander dropkicks him down. Alexander body hammers him and labels in T.J. Perkins. Perkins goes for a tornado DDT, yet Nese counters into a suplex for a two check. Kendrick labels in, however Perkins rapidly gets him in a knee bar. Kendrick promptly gets to the base rope and escapes the ring.

We return from the break to see Gulak knee Alexander in the midriff. Alexander returns with a handspring enzuigiri. Kendrick labels in and thumps Perkins off the cook's garment before Alexander gives him a back body drop. Nese and Swann are labeled in. Swann clotheslines him twice before running into a boot. Swann rapidly returns by jumping up to the top rope and giving him a hurricanrana. Gulak separates the stick. Alexander takes out Gulak, and Kendrick takes him out. Perkins then hits Gulak with a Wrecking Ball Dropkick. Nese pulls Swann off the top rope and hits a 450 Splash. Kendrick labels in, and he applies the Captain's Hook. Perkins tries to get in the ring, however Gulak holds his foot. Swann taps out.

Champs by Submission: Brian Kendrick, Drew Gulak and Tony Nese

Mick Foley and Stephanie McMahon are talking backstage. They backtrack and forward complimenting each other before pondering what they're going to accomplish for one week from now's RAW. Foley says they'll have Kevin Owens versus Chris Jericho versus Seth Rollins so they can in any case do the triple danger, simply no Hell in a Cell.

Footage is appeared of Goldberg versus Brock Lesnar in the WWE 2K17 computer game. Coming up next, Goldberg makes his arrival to WWE following a twelve year nonattendance.

The New Day will go up against Sheamus and Cesaro one week from now in a non-title coordinate before Hell in a Cell. We'll likewise observe a Triple Threat Main Event with Kevin Owens going up against Seth Rollins and Chris Jericho.

Michael Cole is in the ring. Cole discusses Goldberg's appearance on ESPN SportsCenter, where he specified he'd jump at the chance to confront Brock Lesnar one final time. We then observe footage of Paul Heyman issuing the test to Goldberg for the benefit of Brock Lesnar a week ago on RAW. Cole respects "the best champion in WCW history," Goldberg. Goldberg is seen strolling backstage while WWE geniuses and stagehands applaud him. The group is boisterously droning his name.

The flashes illuminate, and Goldberg exits to remain amidst them. Goldberg breathes out smoke and the pyro goes off. The group is noisily droning his name while he clench hand knocks a child and gives another an embrace. Goldberg gets in the ring, and the sound removes since he noisily reviles due to being so amped up. Goldberg remains in the ring, and the field is deafeningly droning his name. Goldberg holds his arm up and bows down. Goldberg looks totally moved by this response and gets on the turnbuckle to posture, which is boisterously cheered. An "Oh my goodness" serenade starts up. Goldberg welcomes the Governor of Colorado. A "This is marvelous" serenade breaks out. Goldberg expresses gratitude toward them and says, "It's been quite a while, and you kept in mind!" Goldberg at the end of the day postures for them, as the serenades proceed.

Cole says we've heard the remarks on ESPN and Heyman's difficulties. Cole gives him the mouthpiece.

Goldberg says, "Twelve years, women and men of their word. You never say never, eh? I never thought I'd be in this ring again, so thank you for the modest return. What makes it so uncommon is that my significant other and my child are here to see me live interestingly." Goldberg's family is appeared at ringside. "Presently back in January, I got a telephone call from 2K and WWE, and I got the chance to travel all around the globe to advance 2K WWE 17. Presently, as I said, it's been twelve years, there's a great deal of things I've missed around here. The greatest thing that I miss – other than kicking ass – is being a superhero for the children all around the globe. These days, there ain't sufficient of us. So circumventing the world advancing the computer game gave me that open door. I could go to Germany, I could go to Toronto, and I could go up to the children and I could shake their hands. I could recognize easily that I was Goldberg." Another boisterous "Goldberg" serenade breaks out. "It gave me… Ok, much obliged. It gave me the chance to be that superhero once more, however sadly incidentally, I made a little dramatization back here in WWE. What that did was it made me think. I considered, and I surmise that perhaps it's better taken off alone. Possibly I keep it in the computer game." The group boos and begins a "NO" serenade.

"Be that as it may, then, Brock Lesnar tested me to a battle, yet he didn't have the balls to do it without anyone else's help. He let Paul Heyman, his fat little numbskull, do it for him. So that made them think, Simon, what might you do?" A "YES" serenade breaks out. Goldberg grins and proceeds on. "Furthermore, I pondered internally perhaps… perhaps I have one more ass kicking left in me. I contemplated internally, 'Perhaps I have one rebel skewer left in me.' Then I pondered internally, 'Perhaps I have one final obliterating jackhammer left in me.' So, Brock Lesnar, does that imply that you're next… as well as above all it implies Brock Lesnar, YOU'RE LAST!" Goldberg hurls the mouthpiece down and strolls off to loud praise from the group. Goldberg takes a kid out from the group and lifts him up. Goldberg returns him and has his child come over the blockade. Goldberg puts him on his shoulder and stances with his child. His better half is seen keeping down tears.

Brock Lesnar will be on RAW one week from now in Minneapolis. Goldberg keeps on shaking hands with fans and commend his triumphant return. Goldberg postures at the highest point of the incline to uproarious cheers and "Goldberg" serenades, as the show goes off the air.

Match Results

* Seth Rollins def. Chris Jericho

* The Golden Truth and Mark Henry def. The Shining Stars and Titus O'Neil

* Big E def. Sheamus

* Bo Dallas def. Neville

* Dana Brooke def. Bayley

* Braun Strowman def. The Mile High Trio

* Big Cass def. Karl Anderson

* Brian Kendrick, Drew Gulak, and Tony Nese def. Cedric Alexander, Rich Swann, and T.J. Perkins by means of Submission